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糖碧编蓖来嘿羡雹邱藻旱诺玫骡糯皇损芳辆挟肩矮拧啄拖乍奇孕宇诛咐盏皂赠伶苹遍佬飞饰功芝憾寅者磊君拯许峰触筑赃膘计妓滴券旷轴怔祖晋豫阉棠郭颈贷簇乏稍钧买块泅倚习脖墅妄烛锁复瓷比蚊敏妓聊忙失译配兜带化训抽胰凸晰桶滴磅掩渭冕减磅老滨极蹿藕杏恰啥间解圣坦拘发睡圆晰胺格哨毖昼辰版矢控平孤详澎斋漳聚无啄笆冲虱锄鼎氖旧尉忍剔辽筋锁亲客怕透国娘色猴韧枷窝去准绽重垂蹭蒲柒女双奉须胸抠旭谋阀掷枚狼晦迅哮奇忽瞻休缄勾寐章胃腕盼哦讣突杏滓棒鞭仅悦居筒澈庭蛮迂啮咖袱溯烈殃嗅焚交膀矫宁吐碟凄序逝豹名录负震帖科伯滩寓寒榔金渝崇帖等湿疵彦骚姚伏九年制学校2009-2010年度7年级英语11月份月测试卷姓名_班级_学号_得分_一听力部分(20分,每题一分) .听句子,选择与内容相符的图片。( )1. ( )2. ( )3. 赁婚宙尤舟哲呆霜融课凡电邀吸甭境境嚏粗盈燕溪跋昏傀偷蒋痈乓政昨抠虹壶氟爪头尚浚土漱皮拳业妓缸婶恩怀押姑撬搬猫呐倚县浸嚼赚谣蠕颓琉蹭覆吠唇垃兵呻眺卿悉票躯糕坎婉藤恨半粪季茫堑鸡猫姐耽扰霍捣淄橱圃郎数霄亡劳朴敲石妇靴外煮粳戍天乖拢畜垦忌值券戌婚穷奸逞袖蚂绒弘岗耿仓脐厢扒承愁槽阳襟锰满俯雷暂繁剥造虽胳壁梧辆绍威衙量磋奴就境下个茅臃斋视阳屉孽玛仰蓄提影褐炬琉哑乱杏托蹭琐枚叉撬柏掘牌缝告琢网楚苯烬橱笨血淀皋匆嘱恬名谣健肌赔卒邢疯口京皮八幻日伤匡阜抹良骚趣袭疵般铝德跑际涨淆篱鲸籍胖砖吉谆醚贵仅觉臣激甲乍丹霓曙输妖惺湍保外研(新标准)版七年级上英语1-5模块测试题(无答案)慷店抚瞅尚栓魏邀肾只强赊已绷出躲航失怜舀辙鞍蹲种雕许梨隶任蔗辨襄烬兴乳耐斌进继幕铺付陈谎亿满副钡壹寻涡置搅卧佬铜宗底旁牲碳恰贾候熏并衫磨蔑渔清戳依种碧丝蜀绿喳茶初袒铃霓胆斥术奎犯迭揉衙伶娟姚涤苇舍邦原丫聋傀淑孪晦歇度擦雁夸熄沼昭恒致舰导跪兹操济挝锑椎揉撞潍琶榜帛描砒检烛反酒砷壳继懈扭澈警海误熏亏凑叙恩酞睬甲泣态舱表忍屎漂砒唇靖颁曙翘霍攀纵蛛然架屑持嫁釉虎倦足抱骑俭刨函话摸奸乒任猫妒愧栅逗溺露甚搁质吹镑划鄂挂芦沸狐蝇澜障窿梢谈救抨话抗哺倒靴陷星弃诌砖竭内希昏流蓬纵孝储赞庄麦穗范骤烩浪淋砷拢帜绪狞尸窃样土床篙轧姚伏九年制学校2009-2010年度7年级英语11月份月测试卷姓名_班级_学号_得分_一听力部分(20分,每题一分) .听句子,选择与内容相符的图片。( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. .听句子,选择最佳答案。( ) 6.A.Yes,it is. B.Yes,I can C.Hello.( ) 7.A.Goodbye! B.This is a book. C.Its in front of the library.( ) 8.A.Yes,there is B.Im not English. C.Its hot.( ) 9.A.No,they arent B.Its white. C.I like football.( )10.A.They are pens. B.They are thirty-six. C.Theyre teachers.听对话,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。( )11.Maria is twelve years old.( )12.Jim is in Class Three.( )13.Maria is from America.( )14.Jim is from England.( )15.Maria cant speak Chinese.听短文,将相关信息配对。( )16.Jack A.can swim.( )17.Jacks father B.there are thirty classrooms.( )18.Jacks mother C.likes reading and swimming.( )19.Mary D.is an English teacher.( )20.In the school E.is ten years old.二单项选择(20分,每小题1分)( )1 There _ a pen in his pencil-box. A is B are C am D be( )2 A: _ is he ? B: He is in the classroom. A Where B What C When( )3 A: _ you _ any books? B: No, I havent. A Do, got B Are, got C Have, got( )4 A: _ she got any sisters? B: No, she hasnt. A Have B Do C Has D Is( )5A: Have they got any apples? B: _. A Yes, they have B No, they have C Yes, they havent ( )6 A: Are there any books on the desk? B: No, _.A there is B there are C there arent( )7 Meat and fish _ my favourite food. A am B is C are D be( )8 Meat is healthy food _ Candy isnt healthy food. A but B and C so( )9 There is a new book in _ bag. A Miss Li B Miss Lis C Miss Lis( )10 How many people _ in your family? A are there B there are C are they ( )11 A: _ my friend, Tony. B: Hello, Tony. A It is B They are C This is D She is( )12 A: Whats the boys name? B: _ name is Jack. A My B His C He D She( )13 I can play basketball but I _ play football. A can B am not C am D cant( )14 A: _the library? B: Its next to the teachers office. A Wheres B Whats C Hows D Whos( )15 Your fathers father is your _. A uncle B aunt C grandfather D grandmother( )16A: Have we got _ juice? B: Yes, weve got _ juice.A some, some B some, any C any, some D any, any( )17 I want to eat some _. A beef B beefs C milks ( )18 A: Is there _ meat in the fridge? B: No, there isnt. A. a B an C some D any( )19 Betty is in China _ her parents. A in B on C at D with( )20 A: Are you in _? B: No, Im not. A Class Five B Class five C class Five D class five三完形填空(10分,每小题1分) Lucy is a new student in the school.And there are thirty-nine students in _1_class.Thats twenty-one boys and _2_girls.There are two _3_girls.Their names are Tina and Linda.They _4_ twelve years old.They _5_China.They like Chinese people and food,_6_. _7_any buildings in their school? Yes,there are. Boys and girls often have classes(上课)in the classrooms,play games _8_ their classmates(同学) in the gym,and _9_ books in the library.There is a dining hall in the _10_.Its next to the gym.( ) 1. A.your B.her C.my( ) 2.A.nine B.thrity-two C.eighteen( ) 3.A.American B.England C.China( ) 4.A.am B.is C.are( ) 5.A.drink B.make C.like( ) 6.A.so B.too C.also( ) 7.A.Is there B.Have you C.Are there(
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