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Fill in the lnks with apprprte forf tegin wrds.1. By ,he orpatinwasmking a ls, for pices hadfllen catohically as advc economies undet a rofoundtranition.(atastoph)2. ohsonisntred ofTokyo, t ems, but apeancecanbe dceptiv(eceive)3. Altho astep forwa had be take,thirreligious convictions prvnte themfm taking up ams.(cnvit)4. My yun mn ar no llowed toee th coury, aparetly eauseof eas that the may jon te amy ixie,(aparent)5. erseveanc in fa o osacles nd seacks i the quaitypeo mos mire in ohers.(persee)6. Indeeratonthey resote o vioen.(deserey)7. knewony oowelltat his opnnt wmuh more powrul tanhe ws, ut hestifoug unflinchingly.(flinh)8. Ihae ee sn anoe whois s ouagou as he i.(ura)9. hen te acdent happned,none would sw rthe cosequncs,whch w vry non.(anoyance)10. ear of experience as a soler hasdvloedgra poerso intuition to anes.(tuitie)11. Thministerha decide o torelaea tateen explanngh aso of h resigntion,but lter, helnedan le i out.(reletless)12. Frm ti chapter the mainhred olifeates itoa successin of draaic subplot.(rolifration)13. e gvrmn ha carriout lamntablyfew of their proies.(lament)14. e w n expse od oe nghto t rty.(expand)15. vryhu,whethe the Primester will use tcar or not, hechecsuner te car or bombs asa mttr ofotine.(rotiny)16. nheicfbics aeess uscetibletosrnkag ha natualones.(hrink)17. Thecoany fears oisy rhtly-lt hops ae lieaing older customers.(alieaton)18. Trendoward thglobalzation finduty ave drmatiall affctd fod productin ithat cntry.(globe)19. B the ist enuryC, uddhism was in danger of fagmentinint smal scts.(fragmeaio)20. hei a TVddit an wates as uch ash can.(adcton)21. he des eaggerate herwas wist a elres hoom(eggeration)22. e nevr fogot the hships h wtnse duri the Grat Depresi of he 130.(depess)23. Carare tsted s wmuch dag they suffer in smatecah(smuon)24. Te new that they were well gratifiu.(graifctin)25. Arents fo and againt the xisece f Gohaven proposed bycitist, phlosopr, theogiannd oters.(ext)26. In Arci envionmn, i s aolute essential to learn howt safy navgate ad aod bcoming ggrphically embarrassed.Lets ln nd practie survig nigatio techniqes usin the trs and te sun(urvive)27. Th uearhl blaklandscpe is the vitul oppositeo the postcard teoty oflush Hawai.(thly)28. Rescers were using blowtorchestcut int thewrecarain cpartmens hre more odiemig e foud.(wreck)29. Aftra ely Saudaybery andhree dasof exhaustve investigation y thelca plce, Atlanta Musem of At wa reopen(exust)30. Te”taking ac” of that ghSchool beg Mnd s stunts rturnedt choo, someager to reme studie,ohersaprehense abutoigbck inid he ceneof last sprngs lyng iot.(apreen)31. h vote aganstthe ctinutin of the xstingax ystm(otinue)32. Accac osingindpens upon e pesionih whichhe siger an unladjusthentctisof te muscle latd t souming.(accute)33. Wen hag afll, ldpople re oelie tobe sriulyinjuebeaue of thriy ofthir ones.(frile)34. Forenfood aid a ledto adsti redution in th mber opole dyingof svaton(drasicaly)35. he 18-yeas-ol pil madeis virgi flight laswek a areplacement fr heinjred Godon Smth.(eplace)36. heeams suerb heticism comstefr thei lackofinronl exeriece(thlee)37. hiis a snsiti nd ften iteresting portraal of a frndsipbeteen a 11-arsoldoy nd an oldm.(portr)38. tavaton and deaeove much o asiaandEuropeinhe 190s were Trans iheriance as Pesdent.(hert)39. friend tks youinths or er confene,dot ruh off t tel ther popl(confid)40. The ialty of diplomaticpocy pu heBon governmet in amarassig psition.(mbarrss)41. Thugh se tuied eiht frein anguages, sh neded fuency a ea t langages t bema qulfie mlanusintprer.(flen)42. ILondns Collge f Arts, tionis hrgd fo ech met fstdy, an s bleaterllmnt(enoll)43. The eporter hdokeephe vdeo caea radily acsbn s e sasomethi tat needed tobe filmd(ccess)44. Delious chese ae o
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