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Time is money. 一寸光阴一寸金。七年级上册 Unit 2 Reading 1学案主备:张寒琴 审核: 张艳圆 日期: 2016-9-8学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【板块要点】一、教学目标1. 简单介绍足球的发展历史和世界杯。2. 让学生运用所学的知识介绍自己喜爱的足球运动员。3. 通过图片向学生介绍一名叫Li Hua的足球运动员。教学重点、难点: 1. 通过文章分析阅读填写信息表格,复述文章。 2. 对文章段落进行概括。二、词汇、短语 1.walking (n.) 散步,步行 - walk (v.);go walking/swimming2.player (n.) 运动员 - play (v.);play football/volleyball/basketball3.来源:学make sb. happy/unhappy 使某人快乐/不快乐make sb. look smart 使某人看上去时髦make an excellent student 成为优秀的学生4.look strong 看上去强壮look at the blackboard 看黑板look like a kite 看上去像只风筝三、句型、要点1. be a new member of = be in 2. come from = be from3. enjoy doing = like/love doing 4. want(v.) / would like;would like sth./want sth.want to do sth. / would like to do sth.want sb. to do sth. / would like sb. to do sth.5. I hope his dream comes true.(1) hope + 从句(2) hope to do sth.注意: 英语中没hope sb. to do sth. 的用法.七年级上册 Unit 2 Reading 1学案主备:张寒琴 审核: 张艳圆 日期: 2016-9-8学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【课前导学】1.Words and phrases. 2. Preparation for class activities. 【课堂学习】Step 1. One-minute talk.Step 2.Welcome to the unit (一般10分钟内)Step 3. Pre-reading Skimming / Scanning (1-2 questions )Step 4.While-reading 体现多种形式“读” (Group work)(1) Paragraphs and main ideas(2) Different paragraphs,different tasks (设置细节理解题、段意概括、词义猜测题)(3) Comprehension exercises (任务型阅读,短文首字母,课文复述)Step 5. Post-reading (提升目标要求) Discussion (make a report/ make up a dialogue等)【课后拓展】一根据句意和中文提示写出单词。1. Do you like _ (散步) every day?2. We like playing _ (排球).3. Sandy is good at playing _ (网球).4. How many _ (次) do you do it every day?5. Whats in the _ (碗)?6. Now many people like _ (运动) in the morning.7. My new school is _ (确实) nice.8. Whats your _ (最喜欢的) lesson?9. They go _ (游泳) every afternoon.10. Lets go and _ (踢) football.11.I am a _(成员) of the school football club.12.Tony is the star _(运动员) in our team.13.What do you learn in the _(俱乐部)?14.I will be _(有空的)at three this afternoon.15.I _(喜欢)playing football. 16. One of my _ is swimming. (业余爱好) 17. -Your father will buy an iPhone5 for you. -Oh, _? (真的吗) 18. _ (绘画) is my hobby. Do you like it? En.12999.com19. There are two basketball_ (俱乐部) in Nanjing.20. We usually have _fn talking with each other.二用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Simon_ (not play)football after school on weekdays.2. Andy _ (watch) TV every evening.3. There _ (be) a lot of students and teachers in our school.4. Hi, Mike! What about _ (go) to the park?5. Can you tell me how _ (take) care of my little cat?6. I want_ (play) badminton with him.7. He enjoys_ (run) with his father in the morning.8. Lucy often tells me _ (listen) to the teacher carefully.9. Mary _ (not do) well in maths. Shes good at English.10. Tom _(study) hard and he is a top student.三.句型转换。1. Sometimes Tom does homework at school .(否定句)Sometimes Tom homework at school .2. Jack watches TV every day. (划线提问)_ _ Jack _ every day? 3. Simon is from America. (同义句)Simon _ from America. 新 课 标 第 一 网4. Which book do you like best? (同义句)Which is _ _ book?5. Does he play tennis well?(同义句)Is he _ _ _ tennis?四完成下列句子1 .- 你一周去散步几次?-三次。 - _ _ _ do you _ _ a week ? - _ _.2 .-他网球打得好吗?-是的。 -_ he _ _ _ _? -Yes, he _.3. -他通常在哪里游泳?-在游泳池。 -_ does he usually _? -_ the _ pool.4. -我最喜欢的体育运动是打排球。-你呢? -_ _ _ is _ _. -_ _ _?5. -她隔多久步行回家一次?-一周一次。 -_ _ does she _ _? -_ a week.五完形填空 My name is Tony. I am a _1_ fan. I like basketball, football , table tennis badminton and swimming. I am good at 2 basketball. Yi JianLian is my favourite _3_player. I am in our school basketball team. _4_I go shopping . I always buy newspapers _5_sports and I often _6_sports news on TV. My school is very big and 7 . There is a football field, five basketball courts . a badminton court and a swimming pool in my school . I usually play basketball with my _8_ afterschool , and I want _9_a basketball player when I grow up . I often watch basketball and football matches on TV ,I dont want to miss _10_match.( )1. A. shoppingB. sportsC. vegetablesD. food ( )2. A. buyingB. flyingC. makingD. playing( )3. A. basketballB. footballC. table tennisD. badminton(
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