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山西省晋中市和诚中学2019-2020学年高二英语下学期周练一说明:1. 本试卷满分100分,考试时间70分钟。2. 请将答案按序条理整洁写在一张纸上,完成后拍视频发回。第一节: 单项选择填空 (共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)1. How do you like the book ?Its quite different from _ that I read last month .A. the one B. what C. which D. that2. I , _ your friend , will try my best to help you out .A. who is B. who am C. who are D. that is3. Please put the book _ he can easily find it .A. in which B. to which C. where D. whenever4. _ doesnt wear a mask will be punished by law when going out .A. those B. whomever C. whom D. whoever5. Mr. Green never forgot the days _ he spent with his students .A. B. on which C. during which D. in which6. He has left for Wu Han ,_ a meeting is to be held .A. when B. where C. as D. which7. Please pass me the dictionary _ cover is black .A. which B. its C. whose D. of which8. That is Mr. Li ,_ I think has something important to tell us .A. B. whom C. that D. who9. The elderly gentleman has two sons , _ are well-known lawyers .A. both of whom B. both of who C. both of them D. both of that10. Dont do such things _you are not sure about .A. than B. as C. which D. that第二节:语法填空 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。In America, hitching a ride(搭便车) is very common. Many people there love hitching a ride during 11._(they)trips. I also once hitched a ride when I was traveling in America.I 12._(drive) on the road when my car stopped. I was going to a town which was farther than I had expected. My tank(油箱) became empty 13._I got there. Standing there,I didnt know what to do. I just knew that I needed help. But I could see nobody around. Who could I turn 14._?Then I thought of scenes that I had seen in Hollywood 15._(movie)I remembered that people in America loved hitching a ride. I told myself that I could do that,too. So when a car was coming,I tried to hitch a ride. To my joy,the car really stopped in front of me. The driver was 16._ old man. After 17. _(know) my problem,he said he could help me out. He took me to the 18._(near) gas station. But then he left as he had something important to do. I couldnt walk all the way back to my car. Therefore,I tried to hitch a ride again and I 19._(help) out once again. I was20._(great) moved.第三节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When I was 18 months old, I lost my hearing partly. Ive lived for 17 years as a person with a hearing aid. However, it has been a long journey to get to _21_ I am today. I spent the first few years of my childhood in a school for _22_ children. I did so well that the teachers decided to give me a new _23_: several classes a day in a regular elementary school. I didnt really _24_ I had a hearing problem until I went to that school and saw all these kids _25_ hearing aids. It was the first time I felt _26_ of my hearing problem because I wasnt like everyone else. Whenever a classmate in the new school asked me about the thing in my _27_, I would get upset and run away. My mother realized that I was having difficulty _28_ this to the other kids and decided to do something about it. She _29_ my classmates about the hearing problem. I know that this helped kids understand me so I started to make _30_But when I started middle school, I felt _31_ ashamed. I really felt that my classmates thought I was stupid. I didnt _32_ feeling different from them. Im going to _33_ James Madison University in the fall, which is an exciting thing for me. Ill have a _34_ to be in an environment where I dont know anyone. I like to _35_ my hair down so that it covers my hearing aid. I know that people will _36_ me like any other person and not judge me _37_ they talk to me. And I have much more confidence than before. I dont have any _38_ in talking about my hearing problem, and _39_, I would rather have people ask me questions than talk about it behind my _40_. 21A. whereBwhatChowDwhich22A. normalBdeafCcleverDslow23A. suggestionBchallengeCcourseDpraise24A. doubtBrecognizeCexpectDknow25A. withoutBonCwithDin26A. astonishedBashamed CanxiousDafraid27A. lifeBstudyCearDmind28A. describingBshowing CdisplayingDexplaining29A. talked toBdealt with Cannounced toDargued with30A. progressBfriendsCtroubleDdifferences31A. betterBlessCmoreDworse32A. considerBavoidCadmitDlike 33A. attendBleaveCjoinDfinish34A. planBchanceCdesireDlimit35A. cutBpullCwearDprolong36A. greetB
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