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2022年考博英语-南京师范大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题He put a special( )for an extra days holidays so that he could attend his daughters wedding.问题1选项A.requestB.inquiryC.enquiryD.proposal【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。request“请求,需要”;inquiry“探究,调查”;enquiry“询问,询盘”;proposal“提议,建议”。句意:他提出要请一天假以便能够参加他 女儿的婚礼。request for“要求,对有请求”,只有A项符合句意。2. 单选题Many of the scientists and engineers are judged( )how great their achievements are.问题1选项A.in spite ofB.in ways ofC.in favor ofD.in terms of【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。in spite of尽管;in favor of有利于,支持;in terms of 依据,按照,在方面。许多科学家和工程师从他们所取得的成就来被评价,只有D项符合题意。3. 单选题The manager thinks it advisable that some adjustment( ) without delay.问题1选项A.are madeB.madeC.be madeD.will be made【答案】C【解析】考查虚拟语气。在以it为形式宾语的复合宾语从句中有advisable时用虚拟语气,其形式为:(shoulD.+动词原形,should可省略。故C项正确。句意:经理认为一些调整应该马上进行,刻不容缓。4. 单选题The presidents compassion for the neighboring refugees caused him to admit a very large number of them into his country.问题1选项A.friendshipB.pityC.respectD.hostility【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。由后半句的结果“许多邻国难民都来到这个国家”可推知前面的原因应该是总统对邻国难民的同情。compassion 同情,怜悯;friendship友谊;pity怜悯,同情;respect尊重;hostility敌意。故B项正确。5. 单选题Much of the news provided by this newspaper is ( ) not foreign.问题1选项A.domesticB.devilishC.unusualD.civilian【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。domestic“国内的”;devilish“邪恶的,精力旺盛的”;unusual“不寻常的”;civilian“民用的”。句意:这家报纸提供的新闻都是( )的而不是外国的。由not foreign可推知这家报纸提供的消息大部分是国内的,故A项符合题意。6. 填空题Life is full of dangers and surprise. Your house may burn down. You may fall out of the window and break your neck. Mice and beetles may eat your floor so that you drop in to the flat below for an uninvited cup of tea. 1.( ).You cannot always prevent disasters, but you can insure against them. Most forms of insurance are voluntary-it is up to you whether you take out a policy or not. But some forms are compulsory. 2.( ).The “parties” to an agreement, or contract, are the individuals or groups concerned. With third-party motor insurance, the three parties are (i) you yourself, (ii) your insurance company, and (iii) anybody else-for example, the man whose Jaguar has just smashed up your Mini. Third -party insurance does not cover fire, theft or anything else. It is intended only to protect road users from each other.3.( ).Another form of compulsory insurance is National Insurance. Everybody over 16 earning money on a regular basis must pay a sum each week to the state. These weekly contributions cover part of the cost of the National Health Service and the other social service benefits, e.g. unemployment benefits, sickness benefits, old-age pensions, industrial injury benefits and so on. You must be able to prove you have paid your contributions, so you must have a card (kept by your employer unless you are self-employeD.onto which stamps are stuck every week. Of course, you can take out private health insurance as well if you wish, but you must still pay your state contributions.There are, of course, many insurance companies in Britain, both large and small. But there is also a rather special organization called Lloyds, which started as a coffee-house in late 17lh century. Lloyds is a society of around six thousand members-all of them underwriters-and is administered by a committee controlled by Act of Parliament. 4. ( ). You have to go to an insurance broker who will then contact a member of Lloyds for you. If you want to insure something expensive-like a fleet of Jumbo jets, for example-your broker will probably have to contact a syndicate of underwriters because the risks would be too high for one man to cover.Lloyds will probably insure you against any risk at all-provided you are prepared to pay the premiums. 5.( ). Maybe clowns insure their noses. You never know-anything may happen.【答案】1.G2.C3.E4.D5.A【解析】1.第一段列举了一些可能发生的危险的例子,比如房子烧毁,地板被老鼠和甲虫吃掉等。此空作为第一段的最后一句,G项“一切都有可能发生,”与第一句呼应。2.由But some forms are compulsory. 但有些形式的保险是强制性的。可知接下来的内容会讲到强制性的保险。而C项正好是一个强制性保险的例子。故C项正确。3.由空前的“It is intended only to protect road users from each other. 第三方保险只是为了保护道路使用者免受他人的伤害。”可知这种保险有局限性,E项中的comprehensive与原文中的only很自然地形成对比。故E项正确。句意:如果你想为可能发生在你或你的车身上的所有其他可怕的事情投保,你可以买一份综合保险。4.上文提到Lloyds是一个6000人组成的团体,并且受委员会管制。故空格处如果填D项“Lloyds不是一般意义上的保险公司,而是一个保险市场,你不能直接和它做生意。”能与上下文自然地衔接。5.空前提到“只要你缴纳保险费,Lloyds会保护你的一切危险。”接下来空格后举例“小丑可能会为他的鼻子买保险”。而A项“钢琴家会为他们的手买保险”正好与下文的例子构成并列关系,并且是对上文的论证。故A项正确。7. 单选题It is more important to( ) the way for childrens desire to know than to put them on a diet( )of facts they are not ready to assimilate.问题1选项A.tackleB.submitC.shieldD.pave【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。tackle“应付,处理”;submit“使服从,主张”;shield“遮蔽,包庇”;pave“铺砌,铺路”。pave the way for为做好准备,为铺平道路。句意:对于孩子们来说,更重要的为他们想要了解的东西铺平道路,而不是让他们去接受那些他们还没有准备好去吸收的事实。8. 单选题She made two copies of this poem and posted them( ) to different publishers.
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