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Phrases of Unit1-10, NHE2Phrases of Unit1,NHE21. 进城 go downtown2. 去看电影 go to the movies3. 坐小气车 by car 4. 想用小车 want to use the car5. 喜欢打字/滑雪like to type/ski 6. 下十五子棋play backgammon 7. 十五子棋盘backgammon board 8. 踢美式足球play football 9. 踢英式足球 play soccer 10. 打乒乓球 play table tennis11. 弹钢琴 play the piano12. 想漆房子 want to paint the house13. 敲鼓 play the drums14. 去看戏 go the theater15. 英式足球比赛a soccer match 16. 骑轻骑/摩托/自行车 by scooter/motorcycle/taxi/ 17. 坐小车/火车/出租车/校车 by school bus/train/bicycle 18. 在早上/下午/晚上 in the morning/afternoon/evening 19. 在中午/半夜/晚上 at noon/midnight/night 20. 去睡觉 go to sleep21. 有一个汽车修理场 have a service station 22. 每天在修理场工作 work at he station every day 23. 在那儿工作work there 24. 坐在这儿 sit here 25. 和人们说话 talk to people 26. 给他们加油 give them gas 27. 我和唐 Don and I28. 别的什么 what else 29. 你最喜欢的度假胜地 your favorite vacation spot 30. 听音乐listen to music 31. 吃丰盛的食物 eat great food32. 听起来不错. Sounds great.33. 装修房子 fix up the house34. 迟睡sleep late35. 露营和远足 camp and hike36. 看演出和参观博物馆 see shows and museums 37. 骑马 ride horses38. 打高尔夫球 play golf39. 去游泳池/动物园go to the pool/zoo 40. 外出度假 go away on vacation 41. 去纽约 go to New York42. 去海滨 (go) to the beach 43. 祝假期愉快. Enjoy your vacation .44. 今年this year 45. 喜欢和我的裙子相配的鞋子like my skirt with these shoes 46. 穿一件紫色衬衫工作 work in a purple skirt 47. 去做礼拜 go to church Phrases of Unit2, NHE21. 一位网球运动员 a tennis player2. 一位卡车驾驶员 a truck driver3. 开出租车/汽车/卡车 drive a taxi/bus/truck 4. 送比萨饼/邮件 deliver pizza / mail 5. 一个报童 a newspaper boy6. 送报 deliver newspapers7. 招待人进餐 wait on tables 8. 写书 write books9. 靠做谋生 do sth for a living 10. 学一首歌 study a song11. 步行去工作 walk to work12. 工作十小时 work ten hours13. 打牌play cards14. 喜欢赛车 like sports cars15. 我饿 / 很饿. Im hungry/starving .16. 买点心 get a snack17. 我来买单. Ill pay .18. 一个草莓冰激林蛋筒 a strawberry ice cream cone19. 想要带走的 want take-out20. 橘子汁 orange juice21. 热狗a hot dog22. 烤奶酪 grilled cheese23. 我也是. Me ,too .24. 一点儿 a little25. 喝杯果汁 have a glass of juice26. 一块金枪鱼三明治a tuna sandwich 27. 敢拦一只熊dare to stop a grizzly bear 28. 见到另一只大灰熊 meet another grizzly bear Phrases of Unit3, NHE21. 在周六晚上举重 lift weights on Saturday night 2. 拥有这个俱乐部 own this club3. 总是起得早always get up early 4. 从不睡得迟never go to bed late 5. 在节食 be on a diet6. 吃顿丰盛的早饭have a good breakfast7. 吃早饭 have breakfast8. 早饭吃鸡蛋/喝牛奶 have eggs/ milk for breakfast9. 从学校步行/开车回家 walk/drive home from school10. 经常吃菠萝often have pineapple11. 放学后踢足球play football after school 12. 真不敢相信 come on 13. 我在开玩笑. Im joking . 14. 坐在桌边吃 eat at the table 15. 通常努力学习(工作) usually work hard 16. 看上去漂亮look pretty 17. 谈得太多 talk too much 18. 睡一下午的觉sleep all afternoon 19. 抽只烟 have a cigarette20. 从不喝酒never drink 21. 与某人外出 go out with sb22. 一个,另一个 onethe other23. 在家帮做家务 help in he house24. 整理床铺 make the bed25. 晚饭后跑一小时的步 run for an hour after dinner26. 去浴室淋浴 o to the bathroom and take a shower 27. 刮脸 shave ones face28. 梳头 comb ones hair29. 穿衣服 get dressed30. 脱睡衣 take off the pajamas31. 穿内衣 put on underwear32. 去蒙市几天go to Montreal for a few days33. 讨厌买票 hate buying tickets34. 去蒙市 leave for Montreal35. 问他下班火车何时离开 ask him when the next train leave 36. 到达 rrive at / in 37. 问他火车是否直接去蒙市 ask him if the train go directly to Montreal 38. 换火车 change trains 39. 问他它多少钱ask him how much it costs 40. 一张单程/双程票 a one-way/round-trip ticket 41. 为某人做一切 do everything for sb 42. 有益 be helpful43. 打开信 open the mail44. 说西班牙语 speak Spanish45. 谱曲 write music46. 请他以后给我回电话 ask him to call me back later 47. 给某人捎口信 give sb a message 48. 那条线很忙 . That line is busy. 49. 你能不挂断么?Will you hold ? 50. 地区代码 area code51. Pam在家么? Is Pam home ? 52. 留个口信 leave sb a message53. 叫他打电话给我have him to call me 54. Max的电话号码 the number for Max 55. 那不在我的地区代码中. Thats out of my area code .56. 得到Riverside的号码 get a number in Riverside 57. 先拨1 dial “1” first 58. 坐车去那个村take the bus to the village Phrases of Unit 4, NHE21.出来 come on2.用卫生间 use the bathroom3.在那儿 in there4.对着镜子笑 smile into the mirror5.晚饭前 befor
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