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七年级上册英语期中测试试卷听力部分听句子,选出与其意思相符的图片.($分)1.ABABBB)2.A)5 .CCCCBCB. A book .B. JimC. A pen.C. Bob听对话,选择最佳答案。(5分)()6 .What is it?A.A pen cil.()7. These rulers areAJim brother()8.The girl lost her.A key.B.ID card.C.watch.()9.Mr. Li is in theA.room.B.classroom.C.library.()10.What color is Ginas schoolbag?A.Red.B.Purple.C.Yellow听短文,完成下面的表格。(10分)T he last name of Alice(11)The name of Alices(12)JackThe name of Alices(13)HelenThe color of Toms jacket(14)The age(年龄)of Tom(15)笔试部分单项选择(15分))16 Hello! Whatthis?A. areB. isC. it)17 . What s this in En glish ?ItID card.A. aB. theC. an)18. Call Alan994-5864.A. inB.o nC. at)19. This is my frie nd.n ame is Tony.A. HisB. YourC. Her)20.- Is this your pen? -Yes,A. this isB. it isC. he is)21.do you spell PEN?-P-E-N.A. HowB. WhatC. Where)22 . Isyour aunt? Whatn ame?A. she herB. he hisC. her she.Theyare his frie nds.C. they aren t)23. -Are those your friends? -No,B. they areA. He isn ts red.()24.- is your schoolbag? -ItA. WhatB. What s color C. What color( )25.Your no tebook is ni ce. -.A. Tha nk youB. OKC. No. It s not nice.( )26. Thank youyour help.A. inB. to C. for( )27. Coco is the n amemy dog.A. inB. ofC. for( )28. Tony Brow n is my brother. My last n ame is.A. TonyB. Brow n C. Gi na()29., Are you Mr. Brow n?A. Excuse me B. Hi C. How are you?()30. Are these his?A. dictio naryB. a dictio nary C. dicti on aries完型填空(10分)I am _31English boy. _32name is Joe. I m eleven. My sister s33is Jane. She is fourteen (14 岁).Jane and I34students(学生).My father is a doctor( 医生).35is a good doctor. How old(多少岁)is my father? He36forty (四十岁).My mother is a housewife (家庭主妇).She looks after( 照顾)my 37at hom(在家).38 sisteris on ly(仅仅)3. I have a39friend.40n ame is Jim()31. A.isB. anC. the()32. A.IB. MyC. His()33. A.n amesB. n ameC. n ames()34. A.areB. isC. am()35. A.HisB. HeC. She()36. A.areB. isC. am()37. A.sisterB. brotherC. mother()38. A.HerB. HisC.My()39. A. goodB. fineC. well()40. A.HerB. HisC.My阅读技能:选择最佳答案,每篇10分,共2 0分(A)Hello! I m Jim Green. I m English. This is my mother. Her first name is Mary. This is my father. His name is Bob. My telephone number is seven six zero nine one seve n six. My frie nd is Li Lei. His En glish n ame is Tony. He is a Chin ese boy. His telepho ne nu mber is2815248. My En glish teacher is Jenny Brow n. She is a good teacher.()41. What is my first name?A. JimB. Gree nC. Jim Gree n()42 .My fathers last n ame isA.Mary B. Bob C. Green()43. My teleph one nu mber is.A.7609176 B. 7069671C.2815248()44. W hat s Li Lei s English name?.A. Mary B. JimC. Tony() 45. Jim s English teacher is.A. Mr. Brow n B. Mr. JennyC. Ms. Brow n.(B)LOST AND FOUNDFound:Is this your jacket?Call Mike at 493-2273Lost:My school ID card. My n ame is Tony.Please call 620-2191Found : a ring Is that your ring?Please e-mail me atJe nn ytom.comJennyLost:A blue En glish dict ionary Call Mary at 704-6758()46. Who found a jacket?A. Mike B. Tony C. Mary()47. If you lost your ring, you can e-mail.A. Jenny B. Mary C. Mike()48. If(如果)you find a dictionary, it maybe (可能是)A. Jenny s B. Mary s C. Tony s()49. To ny lost his.A. a ring B. a jacket C. school ID card()50. If you lost your jacket, you can call.A. 620-2191 B. 704-6758 C. 493-2273(C)My name is Anna. Look! This is my family. I have a sister, Gina anda brother, Dave. Gina and I have a nice room( 房间).Two beds (床) and two desks (桌子) are in the room. My quilt is white and Gina s quiltis blue. Davehas (有) a room, too. There is (有) a bookcase in his room.My father is Mike Smith and my mother is Linda Miller. They are teachers.()51. Dave is Anna s.A. cous in B. gran dfather C. brother()52. What color is Anna s quilt?A. RedB. White C. Blue()53. What s in Dave s room?A. Two beds. B. Two desks C. A bookcase.()54. What s Mike s family name?A. BlackB. Smith C. Miller()55.下面哪项陈述是错误的?A. Dave has a brother.B. Linda has two daughters.C. Mike is a teacher.英汉互译阅读下面的短文,将划线部分的句子译成汉语或英语。(10分)Look at this .(56)What s this in English ? Ah ,It s a photo .(57) Wh6 s that in the photo ? It s li Yan, (58)Li Yan is my good friend . (59)这是她的蓝色手表.Who s that ? It s Jim . He is an English boy .Heis very cool (非常帅气).(60)他是我的朋友,too. That is his notebook .We are all in the same( 相同的)school . I like(喜欢)
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