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七年级下Unit4单元测试卷班级 姓名 得分 (满分:100)一、单项选择(每题1分,共15分)( B)1. _ woman over there is _ popular teacher in our school. A. A; an B. The; a C. The; the D. A; the( C)2. Lianyungang is _ the east of China and China is _ the west of Japan. A. in; on B. to; in C. in; to D. to; on( d)3. We would like you _ and we look forward _ you. A. to come, to see B. come, to seeing C. come, to see D. to come, to seeing( C )4. Jack often tells us jokes to make us _. A. laughs B. to laugh C. laugh D. Laughing( D )5. We _ wear sports shoes when we climb a mountain. A. cant B. shouldnt C. neednt D. have to( C )6. Its better for health to _ a bike than to _ a car. A. ride; ride B. drive; drive C. ride; drive D. drive; ride( A )7. The parrot is very cleaver. It can make beautiful _. A. sound B. shout C. noise D. Voice( A)8. There is _ time. We neednt hurry. A. plenty of B. few C. a lot D. a few( A )9. Is _ here? No. Jim is absent (缺席). A. everybody B. somebody C. anybody D. Nobody( D)10.Please remember _B_ the book to Mike A. give B. giving C. gives D. to give(D )11. My mother is preparing dinner _ us now. A. of B. about C. to D. For( B)12. Jim. _ in the classroom, Sorry, Mr. Wu. A. Eat not B. Dont eat C. Never eats D. Doesnt eat( D )13. Tom often helps old people go _ the road. A. cross B. along C. above D. Across( D )14. Where is the bus stop?_ the Childrens Park and turn right. You can see a lot of people on the left side of the street. The bus stop is right there. A. Go into B. Jump out of C. Turn into D. Come out of( C )15. Excuse me, _? Walk along this road and turn left.A. how do I get to the Peoples park B. which is the way to the post officeC. is there a hospital near there D. where is the bank三、完形填空(每题1分,共10分)It says that bats (蝙蝠) are almost blind (瞎的). Do you know _1_ the bat finds the way? In fact (事实上), bats find their ways _2_ the help of their ears. Bats make a _3_ that we cant hear at all. They cry when they fly and the echoes (回声) of these cries come back to their _4_. In this way they can know where they should go. Bats fly out in the _5_. In the daytime, they just stay together in their homes.When the evening comes, they begin to _6_ and look for _7_. The next morning, they come back from work to sleep _8_ the evening. Some people _9_ that bats are bad animals. In fact, they are very _10_. They catch and eat pests (害虫). This is very good for people.( )1. A. what B. howC. whenD. where( )2. A. with B. atC. onD. in( )3. A. sound B. shoutC. moveD. noise( )4. A. eyes B. facesC. earsD. mouths( )5. A. morning B. afternoonC. dayD. evening( )6. A. come in B. go outC. sleepD. have a rest( )7. A. friends B. homesC. clothesD. food( )8. A. after B. asC. untilD. when( )9. A. see B. thinkC. guessD. have( )10. A. useful B. badC. wellD. careful四、阅读理解(每题1分,共10分)ALong March (长征)ExhibitThe Shenzhen History Museum is putting on an exhibition to mark the 70th anniversary(周年纪念) of the Long March. There are more than 220 photos and some other things that show how the Red Army made the Long March from Jiangxi Province and to northern Shanxi Province in the mid-1930s.Time: 10:00a.m.-4:00p.m.Address: 1368 Shennan RoadAdmission: 8 yuan for Chinese/ 15 yuan for foreignersThai elephantsEight elephants from Thailand are entertaining visitors at the Window of the World by riding bicycles, playing basketball, balancing on a beam (梁), dancing and blowing a harmonica(口琴). People are encouraged to lie on the ground and have the elephants step over them. The elephants give three shows a day at 9:30a.m.,3:30p.m. and 8:00p.m. and there is an additional (另外的) show at 1:30p.m. at weekends.Address: West HuaqiaochengAdmission: 60 yuanDancing dolphinsDolphins leaping from the water to touch a ball, swaying (摇摆) their bodies to music, kissing people and doing math by tapping their tails have made the dolphinarium (海豚水族馆) in Shenzhen Ocean Park an attraction for children. Seals (海豹) and sea lions also perform.Hours:10:30p.m., 4:00a.m. and 7:30p.m.Admission:40 yuan for adults and 20 yuan for children.( )1. Mr. Smith, who comes from Australia, wants to visit the Long March Exhibit. You, a Chinese student, will go with him as interpreter (翻译). How much will you pay altogether for the admission?A. 16 yuan B. 23 yuan 30 yuan D. 20 yua
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