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For personal use only in study and research; not for mercial use第一单元Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in 1941 without a/an _ of war. A) announcement B) information C) declaration D) notice 正确答案: C There are more and more discussions amongst workers about the need for a general strike to try to _ the series of attacks they have suffered. A) turn the tide against B) turn the flank of C) turn the tide for D) turn a deaf ear to 正确答案: A New difficulties kept _ as they built the railway tunnel. A) arising B) arousing C) raising D) rising 正确答案: A 45. Long sentences and difficult sentence patterns in this novel have been _, but it still keeps much of the charm and flavour of the original. A) adopted B) applied C) simplified D) polished 正确答案: C 46.His _ is for beef rather than lamb. A) preference B) affection C) passion D) prejudice 正确答案: A 47. The roof of the mine _ as a result of the explosion. A) dropped in B) broke down C) pressed down D) caved in 正确答案: D 48. Today, people object to our family privacy being _. A) mented B) invited C) invested D) invaded 正确答案: D 49Many of the shopkeepers are poor. There isnt much _ in this town. A) prosperity B) advantage C) failure D) indigence 正确答案: A 50.Plants _ their own food by photosynthesis. A) promote B) manufacture C) grow D) raise 正确答案: B 51. After breakfast, mother _ her regular household duties. A) set off B) set up C) set back D) set about 正确答案: D 52. After the show, the crowd _ out of the theatre. A) drew B) poured C) dismissed D) left 正确答案: B 53. Finding a job in such a big pany has always been _ his wildest dreams. A) under B) over C) above D) beyond 正确答案: D 54.Life is interesting to people who _ themselves to new ideas. A) present B) expose C) exhibit D) explain 正确答案: B 55. _ with the picture, Mary tore it to pieces. A) Dissatisfying thoroughly B) Being thoroughly dissatisfied C) To dissatisfy thoroughly D) To be thoroughly dissatisfied 正确答案: B 56. The children were _ so that the sick mother could have a rest in a quiet room. A) sent off B) sent out C) set off D) set in 正确答案: B 57. This was a good and just war fought not for _ but for liberty. A) control B) conquest C) prevention D) avoidance 正确答案: B 58. Her parents opposition is an _ to her marriage. A) fault B) offense C) obstacle D) distress 正确答案: C 59.Hong Kong Special Administrative _ was established on July 1, 1997. A) Area B) Neighborhood C) District D) Region 正确答案: D 60. You mustnt lose heart, sooner or later your effort will pay _. A) for B) out C) off D) up 正确答案: CPart IV Translation ( 10 minutes ) Directions: Translate the following sentences into English (with the given words or phrases). 61. 成败与否对他未来的前程具有决定性的影响。 _ 正确答案: Success or failure would be crucial to his future prospects. 62. 我不得不面对把这个坏消息告诉女孩家人这件麻烦事。 _正确答案: I was faced with the awful job of breaking the bad news to the girls family. 63. 会议安排在下星期进展。_ 正确答案: The meeting is scheduled to take place next week. 64. 因为汤姆与时赶到,足球队员们又振作起来。事实上,他的到来扭转了形势,他们队最终赢得了比赛。 _正确答案: Thanks to Toms timely arrival, the football players pulled themselves together. Toms ing actually turned the tide for them, and at length the team won the match.第二单元Many new safety features have been _ in the new version of this popular car. A) incorporated B) associated C) cooperated D) excluded 正确答案: A This book gives a brief _ of the history of the castle and details of the art collection in the main hall. A) reference B) research C) outlook D) outline 正确答案: D My job at the assembly line of the car factory is rather _. A) bore B) bored C) monotonous D) monotony 正确答案: C We should always _ our own rights. A) stand for B) stand up C) stand up for D) stand by 正确答案: C The
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