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2022年高中英语第二册上Unit5TheBritishIslesPeriod3一词语填空1. The official name of our country is the Peoples R_ of China.2. We should learn the sentence : “Union is s_” by heart3. The plane _ _ (起飞) at 8 a.m. every day.4. The museum _ _ _ (很值得) a visit .5. They are _ _ (集资) to help the poor.二选择题1. I wonder whether you will _Chairman of the meeting or not.A. act B. act as C. act out D. act off2. He gave me the suggestion all the boys _at once.A. be punished B. will be punished C. publishing D. to be punished3. Your son often falls asleep in class and youd better _ him _ playing puter games. Which is wrong? A. preventfrom B. keep./ C. stop from D. keepfrom4. The schoolmasters will pay _ the university.A. a four-day visit B. a four days visiting C. a four-day visit to D. a four days visit on 5. We are short of new books. Can you _ us _ some books. A. supply; with B. offer; with C. provided ; for D. give ; for 6. After _ his shoes, he feels more fortable. A. takes off B. taking out C. taking over D. taking off 7. It depends on _they can accept you or not . A. If B. whether C. that D. if or not 8. The reason why the cars were out of control is _the driver is sleepy. A. why B. whether C. how D. that 9. _ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights. A. Anyone B. Whomever C. Whoever D. The person10. Have you received the orders _ the work be done at once. A. which B. when C. / D. that11. He often thinks of _he can do more for his country. A. what B. how C. that D. which12. What the doctors really doubt is _my mother will recover from the serious disease soon. A. when B. how C. whether D. why13. _such a little boy has succeeded in working out the problem shocked us. A. That B. what C. which D. who14. I have no idea _it is going to rain tomorrow. A. that B. whether C. / D. when 15. Word came _Zhang Hua was admitted to Beijng University , which made him excited. A. that B. which C. how D. /三完形填空Most of the foods we eat today were at one time or another not known to man. One by one they are 1 and became a part of our everyday 2 . Very often the person, who was the first to 3 these foods, however, had to be a person of 4 . Who, for 5 , ate the first crab(蟹)and who, the first mushroom? When 6 and coffee were first introduced to 7 in the eighteenth century, there were many 8 for and against their use. Some people claimed(宣称)that they were 9 , and that, if drunk over long periods of time, they would kill 10 . In Sweden, King Gustav III decided to find out whether these 11 were true or false. It 12 happened that there were two brothers who were in 13 at the time;they were twins and were almost exactly alike in every 14 . They had also been sentenced to 15 . The King decided to let them live if one of them 16 to drink several cups of tea each day and the other, several cups of 17 each day. Both brothers lived many years without any 18 of any kind. At last one brother who 19 to drink tea every day died at the age of 74 and 20 died a few years later. Because of the way the experiment had turned out, Sweden is today one of the countries in the world where much tea and coffee are drunk. 1. A. introduced B. produced C. added D. changed 2. A. drink B. cost C. diet D. interest 3. A. cook B. discover C. try D. check 4. A. success B. courage C. practice D. will 5. A. free B. ever C. long D. example 6. A. tea B. tobacco C. milk D. chocolate 7. A. America B. Europe C. Africa D. England 8. A. attempts B. decisions C. opinions D. advice9. A. different B. mon C. plants D. poisonous 10. A. a person B. themselves C. others D. ourselves 11. A. wishes B. decisions C. doubts D. conversations 12. A. so B. very C. too D. much 13. A. school B. hospital C. danger D. prison 14. A. day B. way C. part D. photograph 15. A. death B. dead C. die D. dying 16. A. agreed B. pleased C. allowed D. prepared 17. A. milk
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