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精品资料Unit 3 English around the Word Topic 2 English is spoken differently in different countries Section B讲学稿【长课导学】课题Unit 3 Topic2 English is spoken differently in different countries. Section B P63-64 第2课时 学习目标与要求:1.继续学习现在进行时表示将来的用法。 2.了解一些讲英语国家的常见手势语。模块一:温故知新学习内容中译英,并背诵。1. 众所周知,英语在世界上被广泛的使用。 _2. 英语被许多国家作为第一语言。_3. 英语在我们的日常生活中变得越来越重要。_模块二:自主学习 (独立进行) (Self-study & Self-exploration)学习内容摘 记Step 1 词汇学习-预习P63-64的新单词,并将新单词在课文中标记。Step 2 短语学习-请同学们在课本上找出下列短语,英汉互译。(要求:短语在课本上划出)为某人送行 on ones / the way to SW _ _伸出;扑灭,熄灭 ask for a ride_ 请你好吗? _ give sb. a ride_ get in _ 为感到担心 在做某事方面有困难_开车去接;搭载;捡起_ 11)动身去某地_Step 3 课文学习1、 理解课文P63-1a对话,并完成1b。 Step 4 句型及词的用法学习-知识点归纳。4.1. 1) I cant believe that Im flying to Disneyland. 我简直不敢相信我就要飞往迪斯尼乐园了。2) My uncle is meeting us tomorrow. 我叔叔明天会接我们。3) Im leaving. 我要走了。【解析】:画线部分的结构是:_, 这是_( 进行时 / 将来时)结构?请思考:以上句子是表进行时还是将来时?_,这种结构中所用动词多是表示位移的动词,如:come, go, leave, start, arrive, fly等,表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作,常与表示将来的时间状语连用。【链接】一般将来时主要有两种结构,请把它们写出来:1) _2) _【及时练习】: ( ) 4.1.1.Jane, hurry up! Its time to leave. OK. _ A. I come B. Ive come C. Im coming( ) 4.1.2.How long _ in Chengdu? For just the weekend to come. Ill be back next Monday morning. A. are you staying B. did you stay C. have you stayed小组内成员互查完成情况并给予等级评定: 模块三:交流研讨 (小组交流、合作、展示) (Cooperation ,Exploration &Show)研讨内容摘 记Step 5 Oral English and Reading(10) 1. If you are in America and you know little English, how do you communicate with others or express what you want to say? We can use gestures. Can you guess what I mean and express them in English? 2. 播放P63-1a 的对话,学生注意不会读的单词。第二遍播放时,注意跟读。3. 群读1a。Step 6合作 大组长组织,组员共同探讨下面研讨内容,并形成统一的组内意见;【研讨内容】 讨论一:群读1a,并核对1b;讨论二:核对模块二Step 2 归纳本课时的重点短语或句型。讨论三:核对模块二 Step 4知识点归纳。讨论四:课本P64-1c,仿照例句编写对话。注意要用进行时表示将来。A: When are you leaving for Disneyland?B: Im leaving this afternoon . Step 7 展示 【大组展示方案】展示任务一:讨论四:课本P64-1c,仿照例句编写对话。注意要用进行时表示将来。(图片1、2)展示任务二:讨论四:课本P64-1c,仿照例句编写对话。注意要用进行时表示将来。(图片3、4 )建议:将对话在白板上板书,然后以对话表达出来。课堂评价要素:1、 合理评价组员,全员参与,有序展示;2、 书写规范,工整美观,双色笔运用得当;3、 发音清晰,声音洪亮;4、 面向全体,自然大方,肢体语言运用得当;展示生动活泼,独具特色。模块四:教师精讲(认真听讲并记录要点)训练内容摘 记进行时表将来的用法。教学反思:模块五:当堂训练(预时20分钟) 姓名:_班级:九(_)一、 单项选择。( ) 1.If you want to _, you should put out your hands with your thumb raised. A. ask for help B. ask for a ride C. call someone D. turn left( ) 2. We _ to the U.S.A. tomorrow. A. will traveling B. are traveling C. traveling D. travel( ) 3. Wang Junfeng is leaving for Disneyland, so we are to _.A. see him off B. see off him C. pick him up D. meet him( ) 4.My father has gone to Japan. He will be back _ two weeks. A. in B. after C. before D. later( ) 5. We have no trouble _ people from different countries because we know English well. A. understand B. understood C. understanding D. understands( ) 6. I m not in good health, so my parents are always _ me. A. strict with B. worry about C. pleased with D. worried about( ) 7. _ you need help, please call me at once.A. Whatever B. Whichever C. Whenever D. However( ) 8.- _ will he be back? In a week.A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How soon( ) 9.He _ London and will stay there for a month. A. has left B. has left for C. has come from D. comes from( ) 10. My friend Li Jie _ for Shandong and Im going to _ her _ then. A. leaves; see, of B. is leaving; see, off C. will leaving; look, off D. is leaving; see, of( ) 11. He took a few deep breaths to _ himself _.A. calm; up B. calming; down C. come; down D. calm; down( ) 12. -I hear Zhang Jie is coming to Shanghai, is that so? Yeah, hell _ Hongqiao Airport in two hours.A. get B. reach C. arrive D. see( ) 13. Please _ your hands, and lets do exercises.A. put out B. put on C. put up D. put away二、用所给的单词的适当形式填
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