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2022年考博英语-对外经济贸易大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 问答题The costs of watching the film is that it takes up 120 minutes of your time - time which could A B Cbe spent in bed asleep. The benefit is the enjoyment gained from each extra minute viewed. D【答案】试题答案:A; cost【解析】考查主谓一致。谓语动词is用的是单数形式,故主语也需要用单数形式。2. 问答题These young adults established a trend of early marriage and relatively large families that went Afor more than two decades and caused a major but temporary reversal of long-term demographic Bpatterns. From the 1940s through the early 1960s, Americans married at a higher rate and at a Cyounger age than their European counterparts. D【答案】试题答案:A; went on【解析】考查固定搭配。go on意为“持续”,此处为过去式。3. 问答题GNP becomes an obsolete measure of progress in a society striving to meet peoples needs as efficiently as possible and with the least damage to the environment. What counts is not growth in output, but the quality of services rendered. (1) Bicycles and light rail, for instance, are less resources-intensive forms of transportation as automobiles are,and contribute less to GNR. (2) But shift to mass transit and cycling for most passenger trips would enhance urban life by eliminating traffic jams,reducing smog,and make cities safer for pedestrians. (3) GNP would go up,but overall well-being would increase underscoring the need for new indicators of progress.Likewise, investing in water-efficient appliances and irrigation systems instead of building more dams and diversion canals would meet water needs with less harm to the environment. (4) Since massive water projects consume resources than efficiency investments do, GNP would tend to decline. But quality of life would improve. (5) It becomes clearly that striving to boost GNP is often inappropriate and counterproductive. As ecologist and philosopher Garrett Hardin puts it. (6) “For a statesman to try to maximize the GNP is about as sensible as fora composer of music to try to maximize the number of note in a symphony. Abandoning growth as an overriding goal does not mean forsaking the poor. (7) Rising incomes and material consumption are essential to improving well-being in many of the Third World. (8) But contrary to that political leaders imply, global economic growth as currently pursued is not the solution to poverty. Despite the fivefold rise in world economic output since 1950, 1.2 billion people more than ever live in absolute poverty today. More growth of the sort engineered in recent decades will not save the poor, only a new set of priorities can.Formidable barriers stand in the way of shifting from growth to real progress as the central goal of economic policy. (9) Vision that growth conjures up of an expanding pie of riches is a powerful and convenient political too! Because it allows the tough issues of income inequality and skewed wealth distribution to be avoid. (10) People assume that as far as there is growth, there is hope that the lives of the poor can be bettered without sacrifices from the rich. The reality, however, is that achieving an environmentally sustainable global economy is not possible without the rich limiting their consumption in order to leave room for the poor to increase theirs.【答案】1.考查比较级。此句表示自行车和轻轨,与汽车相比,对国民总收入的贡献也较小,因此用比较级than,less.than意为“比少”。试题答案:as改成than2.考查语法一致原则。此处是由and连接的并列结构,其动词形式应与前面的“eliminating traffic jams,reducing smog”保持一致。试题答案:make 改成 making3.考查上下文语义。由句中的连词but可知此处表示转折关系,因此国民生产总值会上升,但整体福利会下降。试题答案:increase改成decrease4.考查比较级。由句中的than以及句意(由于大面积水域工程消耗的资源比有效投资消耗的资源多)可知consume后面需要加“more”,修饰resources。试题答案:在consume后面加“more”5.考查系动词。句中的become属于状态变化类系动词,后面接形容词接表语。试题答案:clearly改成clear6.考查名词复数。the number of后面接名词的复数形式。试题答案:note改成notes7.考查不定式。由句中的不定式to可知后面接动词原形。试题答案:improving改成improve8.考查关系代词。what在句中充当介词to的宾语,也充当imply的宾语。试题答案:that改成what9.考查固定搭配。conjure up sth. out of意为“使某物突然或意外出现”。试题答案:在up后而加“out”10.考查固定搭配。as long as意为“只要”。试题答案:far 改成 long4. 翻译题Translate tile following passage from Chinese into English历代的智慧,几个世纪以来人类一直籍以为乐的故事,所有这些都可以从书中方便而又便宜的获得。但是我必须懂得如何利用这份宝藏,懂得如何才能使它对我们最为有益。 世界上最为不幸的人,也就是那些从未体验过读好书之乐趣的人吧。我对人最为感兴趣,喜欢结识他们,喜欢了解他们。我认识的一
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