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明山区小学英语学科“生本核心”课堂教学设计授课时间2019.3.29授课年级四年级学科英语课题Module 8 Unit 2 Its in the north of China学科课程标准激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,并使学生养成良好的学习习惯和学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神,使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力。教学目标知识目标1. Talk about the cities of China and their location.2. Most of students can understand and apply the text.能力目标1. All of students can listen, say, read and the text.2. Most of students can copy the text to write out a short passage情感态度目标The cultivation of students sense of patriotism学习目标学生结合图片,在启发式、情境学习中主动解决问题。构建语言思维框架,运用What did they play yesterday? They played句型来描述过去演奏的乐器。教学重难点Talk about the cities of China and their location.教具学具PPT cards师生活动教师活动 (启发、讨论、参与 ) 学生活动 ( 自主、合作、探究、) 教学流程Pre-task巩固复习 引入主题一:Warmer(热身)Sing a songFind a friend二: Lead-in (导入)Watch a videoT: What did they play?引出 instruments.的教学。三Presentation(新知呈现)T: Yesterday I went to a concert.出示图片,教读单词concertT: There are lots of instruments in the concert .T:What other instruments do you know?开发学生的开放思维Review flute piano pipa 引出新单词guitar ViolinT:Chinese instruments: erhu pipa zitherWestern instruments:flute piano guitar violin T:There are many instruments.What did they play yesterday?T:Play games:Magic ears.Listen to music and guess “what did Dad/Mum play?T:Play a game:What did you play?强调乐器必须加the球类不加the T:(1)Listen to the text circle the new words answer the questions.Q:Who played in the concert?Q:What did Dad play?Q:What did Mum play?T:(2)Listen to the text and find outQ:What does an erhu look like?Q:What does a pipa look like?Q:What does an egg look like?Q:What does a stone look like?T:(3)Read the text by yourself answer the questions?Q:Where did Lingling go yesterday?Q:When did Lingling go ?Q:What has Lingling got?Q: Does Amy love Chinese music?(四)PractiseT:The animals played in the concert.Let play a guessing game.T:What did the elephant/lion/cat. play?T:Discuss in groups with the cards write a story.T:Retell the text情感渗透(五)Summary(小结)T:What do you know?(六) Homework:You must do:1. Recite the new words.2. Read the story and act it out.You can choose:1.Draw a picture and write some sentences to show the things you do last Sunday.2.Ask your parents or friends what they did yesterday.3.Try to search other instruments on the net.listen and sing together.S:They played the erhu. They played the . They played the .S:Play a game :get a chairS:concertS:I went to the concert yesterday.S:Say the name of instrumentsS: play a spelling game 学习guitarS; learn a chant vio-vio-violinS:They played S:They played the the violin/guitar/piano.S: I played+ the +instruments. I played+ball games.S:My mum and dad played in the concert.S:Dad played the erhu.S: Mum played the pipa.It looks like a violin.It looks like a guitar.It looks like a house.It looks like a fox.S:Lingling went to a concert.S:Yesterday.S:Lingling has got a CD.S:Yes ,she does.S:The elephant /lion/cat.played.Group work.S:Look at the blackboard and retell the text.S:看视频:厉害了我的国。S:I know.Post-task整体感知 语用输出1.(总结板书)T:When we describe play the instruments.T:What did sb play yesterday? Look at the blackboard and retell the text.T:Write a short passage to introduce What did they play?S: Sb played.S:I went to a concert . Assignment复线话题 拓展延伸There are Chinese instruments and western instruments.Tell the students the history about erhu and pipa.Make students understand the difference between play the instruments and play ball games.Ss know the difference between Chinese instruments and western instruments.板书设计 Module4UnitDadplayedtheerhu. concert Chinese music violin guitar教学微反思目标的达成、教学重难点的突破、有效方法的选择、课堂生成的处理、学科评价的落实 (教师可根据课堂教学实际情况做选择性反思)新课标为我的整堂课指明了方向,我努力做到以学生为中心,突出学生的主体地位。较好地落实了教学目标,解决了教学重难点;学生学习积极性高,课堂气氛民主、和谐。使我的教学更加直观,流畅。
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