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人教版精品英语资料(精校版)Unit 4 Section .用所给动词的适当形式填空1(2016高考北京卷改编)Ordered(order)over a week ago,the books are expected to arrive any time now.2After his journey from abroad,Richard Jones returned home,exhausted(exhaust)3Her head held (hold)high,she went by.4The children went home from school,their lessons finished (finish)for the day.5John received an invitation to dinner,and with his work finished (finish),he gladly accepted it.6The flowers his friend gave him will die unless watered (water)every day.7When completed (complete),the swimming pool will be open to the public next year.8Seen (see)from the hill,the village looks beautiful.9Written (write)by Guo Jingming,the book appeals to middle school students.10He never plays computer games unless permitted (permit).句型转换1Asked to stop,the excited speaker kept talking at the meeting.Though_he_was asked to stop, the excited speaker kept talking at the meeting.2Born and brought up in the village,he knows a lot of people there.Because_he_was born and brought up in the village,he knows a lot of people there.3After we spent all the money,we started looking for jobs.All the money spent,we started looking for jobs.4Caught in a heavy rain,he was wet to the skin.As_he_was caught in a heavy rain,he was wet to the skin.5When you are given a medical examination,you should keep calm.When_given a medical examination,you should keep calm.完成句子1There are some health problems that,when/if_not_to_be_treated(如果没有及时的治疗),can become bigger ones later on.2Founded_in_the_early_20th_century(建于20世纪早期),the school keeps on inspiring childrens love of art.3Taken_according_to_the_instructions(按说明服药),the medicine will work for your headache.4Although tasting_a_little_bitter(尝起来有点苦),this medicine will be good for curing the disease.5When blamed_for_her_carelessness(因粗心受责备),the girl cried.
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