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外研版精品英语资料(精校版)Period ThreeCultural Corner (时间:60分钟).句型转换1No matter who you are, I wont open the door._ you are, I wont open the door.2Until you agree to do what we say, we will not have direct contacts with you.Not until you agree to do what we say _ we _ direct contacts with you.3The storm had no sooner started than all the lights went out.No sooner_ _ _started than all the lights went out.4He felt a thrill the very moment he got into the theatre. He felt a thrill_ _ he got into the theatre.5Though he works hard, he makes little progress._ _ he works, he makes little progress.答案1.Whoever2.will;have3.had the storm4.as soon as5.Hard as/though.完成句子1Many of them didnt follow his advice,_(即使他们知道)it to be valuable.2I wont call you,_(除非有意外的事情发生)3_(如果他没有伤到腿的话),John would have won the race.4Are you ready for Spain?Yes. I want the girls to experience that _(在她们还小的时候)5The field research will take Joan and Paul about five months; it will_(很长时间后我们才能再见到他们)答案1.even though they knew2.unless something unexpected happens3.If he had not hurt his leg4.while they are young5.be a long time before we meet them again.单项填空1_he has made up his mind to do something, nothing will stop him.AOnce BBefore CAlthough DAs soon as答案A根据句意“一旦他已经决定做某事。没有什么能阻止他”可知答案为A项。2No sooner _ they rushed out into the street.Adid they hear the news thanBdid they hear the news whenChad they heard the news thanDhad they heard the news when答案Cno sooner.than引导时间状语从句,主句要用过去完成时,从句要用一般过去时,如果no sooner位于句首主句要部分倒装。3_ the technical worker has limited knowledge, he has a lot of experience.AUnless BWhile CAs DSince答案B句意:尽管这位技术工人知识有限,但是他经验丰富。while引导的是让步状语从句。4It will be three days _ he comes back from his hometown.Awhen Bafter Csince Dbefore答案DIt will be一段时间before意为“要过多久才 ”。5My grandparents live in a small village. They always keep candles in the house_ there is a power failure.Ain case Bso that Cas if Deven though答案Ain case引导条件状语从句,意为“万一,预防”。句意:我的祖父母住在小村庄里,他们在房子中保存着蜡烛,预防停电。6_ I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person. AWhile BSince CAs DIf答案A句意:虽然我承认他是不完美的,但是我确实喜欢这个人。while虽然,尽管,引导让步状语从句;since自从,由于,引导时间状语从句或原因状语从句;as因为,在的时候,引导时间状语从句或原因状语从句;if如果,引导条件状语从句。7You cant borrow books from the school library _ you get your student card. Abefore Bif Cwhile Das答案A考查状语从句。句意:你得到学生卡后才能从学校图书馆借书。not.before.后才能。if“如果”,引导条件状语从句;while“在期间”,引导时间状语从句;as“一边 一边”引导时间状语从句。8I was so familiar with him that I recognized his voice_I picked up the phone.Awhile Bafter Cin case Dthe moment答案D句意:我对他是如此地熟悉以至于我一拿起电话就听出了他的声音。the moment引导时间状语从句,意为“一就”,符合题意。9He was about to tell me the secret_someone patted him on the shoulder.Aas Buntil Cwhile Dwhen答案D句意:他刚想告诉我这个秘密,这时就有人拍他的肩膀。be about to do.when.刚想做某事,这时就。10Henry went ahead with the experiment_ he knew it was dangerous.Aas if Beven though Cas far as Das long as答案B考查状语从句。句意:尽管知道这个实验很危险,亨利还是照样做实验。even though“即使”,引导让步状语从句,符合题意。as if“好像”;“as far as“到程度”;as long as“只要”。11Shall we have our picnic tomorrow?_ it doesnt rain.AUntil BWhile COnce DIf答案D句意:明天我们去野餐好吗?如果不下雨的话(我们就去)。until “直到时”,用于否定句时,意为:“直到(才)”;while“当的时候”;once“一旦(就)”;if “如果”。12It wont be long_we come back to our hometown again.Abefore Bif Cwhile Das答案A句意:不会很久我们就会再回到家乡的。before在之前;if如果;while当时候,然而;as随着,因为。13Its a long time_ I saw you last.Yes,and what a pity it is now that it will be a long time_we see each other again.Abefore;since Bsince;whenCsince;before Dwhen;before答案C考查状语从句。上句意为:自从上次见到你以来很久了(I havent seen you for a long time since last time.)。下句意为:是的,可惜的是我们要过一段很长的时间才能再见面(It is a pity that well see each other again in a long time.)。14The government has taken somee measures to solve the shortage of electricity,but it may be some time _ the situation improves.Asince Bwhen Cunless Dbefore答案D考查连词用法。It be一段时间before.是固定结构,该结构的意思是“要过(长)时间才”。when“的时候”;since“从开始”;unless“除非”,所以D项正确。15_ you are so weak,youd better stay at home.ASince BFor CBecause DThough答案Asince此处意为“既然,因为”,引导原因状语从句,强调
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