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Th General Siuation of T89C1hatr 1 he aplicion ofA9C51crocotrollrs areusedin a litdeof cmmcial plcaton such asoems, moto-ontroystems, a cnditinr cnrolstems, autootiveengie n amng oters. h highproessingpeea nhanced peipheral stof thee mcrocontrller make temitae fr uch higee even-based applicato Hwever, tes criticapication domns alsorure tht hee microcontoler arehhly elal. Th high relabilitad owmarke risksan be nsuredbya out tsiproces and a proer ools envirment forthe vaidation ofhesemcrocorolesota tcmpnnad at the ytm lel Itel Plafrm Enineerng dparmen evelpdnoject-rientdmuti-threaed tes evironetorthe ali of s ATC1utomoivemccontoler. The als ofthieioment not olytorovie a rust testing envronment othe AT89C51 uooi micrcontollers,butto veop an enironmentwich can be esily exned ad rued or te validation ofseer oterfutue microntrolles The environen asdeveloped in onjunct it Microof Foundaio lse (AT51) Thepapr descies th sig an mechanismof thstsnvironmen,tsintratos wt variu adwar/softwar environmenal coponens, and o touse 9.1 Intductionhe 8-itAT9C5 CHMOS mcrcntollers re esiged hndle hig-spedcaculations ad astint/outpu oatons. MCS 1 mrocnoles re tyicly uedorhigh-spd ee contro syms. Commeca ppitons cludemodems,otor-coro stes, rintes,phoocopir, ir ditne cool sytem, dik drives,nd mdica nstruments. utooie indusrueCS 5miocorlers in egin-ntrol systes, airbags, susnsion ssms,andatiockbakng syse (ABS).T AT951 iespcily well suteo ppliaonthat beifrom ts processig spee nd nhaned on-chi perphral fuction s,uchsatomive pwer-trn cnrol,vhil dynamic suspeson, antickbakng,ad abilitycontroppctinBeause of the riticapplations, te ae requirs relible ost-ffeivcntroler wih a low interruplancy spns, abity servce the highnumer of time and event driven integre ppherals nedednrel time alcations,an CPUit abv aragerocsing powe n igl paka. The financl an legl sk f haing devics thaoperate urdictaly i vryigh. Once n mrk, paricuary i mision ciclaication c san aopilotorant-o brig sytm, istaesre finaniallyproitiv Rdsin oss caun as hh sa $5K, much more if hei mans 2 bantatigit acros a prduct family that shr esame ce an/or peripheldsn flw. In adtin, fel repacemens fmpoe is exrmy expesve,a th eics ar ypicly eale n odue wtha totalvalueseveal ties that ofte cpont. To miigat he pblms, t isstial thatcomprehnsie estigote cotrolersbe caried out a bth the compen evl and system lvel nderwrstcase enionmntal and vltageconitin.is opletean tooug validatio necesitaes nt lya el-defnedrocess but als aproer nvironmen and tols o facilitatand excutethemiss succsullt hdr Platorm Egineerin gouppridespost sicn system validaion (S) f vaiousmicr-conollersa rocssrs.Thsyse validaioprocesscn e rken into tree mjorpats.e typf the devc and is pplcain ruirementsdtrmnewhch tpes oftetin e performedon th vce.1.2 TheAT8951 pvdes he following stdard eatues:Kbes o Fla,128 ytesof RAM, 2 I/ines,two16-bitmercounes, fiveecr two-lee inter arcitetur,afull due ser-i ort, o-chi osctor an cockcrcty.In ddition, he AT951 esned wit statc ogif operato dwn tozr fruec and supports to softwre slectable poesavin modes. Th Ie od stops theCPUwhile lowing the AM,timer/counts,sa port an interrupt sys -tm toconinue fctinig. TerdwnMod aves te RMntentbutfreez thel lator isabg lother hipfunciunltheext hardwares.-3in DescriptioVCC ppyvltag.GDGround.Po0:or 0 i an8-it pn-dain bi-direional I/O port s a outpt port, eah pin cansin ighTLinpus. When 1sare witt to port 0 pins, h pns cn b ed a ghmpdance inputsort maylso b onfigrd to he mulpleed loorde dress/dta usduring cesssto externl prgram and dat ory n this moeP0 asitalpullu.Port 0 alsoreeh oebytes during Flasprogramin,nd ouut the coyte duringprogram vericin.External pul
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