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Uit 1小测一、词汇A) 请按分类把方框中的名词填入表格中的相应位置。Smth, Ton,Jane, Am, au, BrownLatame Boysfirs ae ils fist nam12.456.B) 请将计算结果用英文形式填写在等号后的横线中。6.Nie tree =_ 7. tw +ive= _ 8. six for = _. ight one _ 10. zeo for = _.C) 找出每组词汇中不属于同一类的选项。 ( )1 A.Mr B. mrs C.Suan . mss( )2. A. nic B firt ae C. l nae D.iend ( )13. A.what B. yr h D. my( )1. A oy Bgil .pncl D. mn ( )1. A. pencil B. pen . teaher D ue D) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。16My n _ i Mr.7 . W_your name.18.H _name isJenny.19. H _ ameis ony.20. Whs her p_ numer.21.Wat_ hsfaily name.22. ic om_ ou ,to.23. I_ Bruce sih.4. Sx anhre s_.25. Myname s Fan Cuanyin.n is m f_nm.二、.单项选择。( )1.- Hello,im! -_ A. HloG ! B. hats yor namC. Tnyu D.Im ( )2 -_-Hs name ismike.A. Hwae you B. What his am C. How ld e D. Wheres he( )3.His am san Robrt Sith .Hs fiy namei_.A. Alan Rort. Aln Robert D. Smih( )4. Ttsgrl .r nameis _.A. Wg ihng B. WangXi Hong C. ag xiao D.Wang ao ong ( )5.- _you honeubets 67-894.A. Whes B.hats C. Hows D.Wa( )6-Ecsem,are ou Tina -_ A. o, m B Im no . Yes , Iam . Ys, Im not ( )7. Thiss a oy . _ ame sa .A. His B He C. Sh D. H( )8re y ade chool stuent now-_ A No,Im B. Yes, d C Ys, I o, ont( )9._name isTony . _ am twelve . A.I; M . I;I C. My; I D.M; My ( ). _s niegil .A. ny B. Mark . Li D Ptr ( )11.Mm ad ad, hs s Tom -_ A. Nce o et ou , Tom B. w areyu ,o C.Please si dow, Tom . hreyou.( )2.Iam Davi Green, My irse is_.A. David . re C. Dvi en D. GreenDvid ( )3. -hats _phoe numeHiphoe number is73.M B. Your C. Her D. ( )4 -Whats u ae- nae _ Tom HayesA .am s C. are D b ( )1. - Whats th Its _”M”. B. an . th D. this 三、根据提示写出答案:1 hats h nam(Alice) _2 Whatsur pone nmer (6562) _3 ats ur last name (Smith)_4 Wats your fist name (Mary)_5 What hisae (Tony)_四、按要求改写下列各句,每空一词。1 isme is om.(对划线部分提问)_ _hisname2. enny (改为同义句)3 James ine(对划线部分提问)_ _Jes.He phn mber is24-146. (对划线部分提问)_ _ h pneuber. Ta hon(对划线部分提问)_ _ that.五、请根据对话内容补全所缺单词。A:Excuse me ,Are _1_ isa B: 2 , not .My nameis Lly .: Oh, t isn ID crd I tink ither D car.B: Whatsh phoe 4 in te I rd A: It 346-364 : etcal erA: s, ts a 5 iea (主意)六、完形填空。MryBlank a grl . 2 is astdent . 3is famiy nae nd ar s hr 5 nae . number s56-46 andheD car 7 6755383.Her mer 8awork (工人).S a 9 moth 10 e e.( ). A. amB.re C. i arent( )2. .she B. h C. e D.( )3.A Mary BBack . Mrylac D.Wg ( )4. Ahe B. sh C. hes D. s( )5. A amily B.last nam D. first( )6. hoe B. D C. bu D card ( )7. A. s . a C.re . am ot( )8.ae B. s C. am at( )9. he B.Her C. hs D. s ( )10. A. loo BL C. re D s 七、阅读下面短文,选择正确答案。Mark Green syfrend .Hei lish. He ha(有) a yellow bike. Hsike nuber is 9075. Hs mothe has agreen jeep. ThenmberiJ66.His fthe as agree je, too. The nbr is JA3567.( ) Green is Mark(马克的) _ A. color Birst name . bother D filynme ( ) 2. ar hs a _. A. elow bie B wjep C green jD. gree je ( )3Mr Greens jeep numbri _A 9075 B076 C. J 3566 D. 367( )His morsj s _ . low B. gre C. re . wie ( ).Mark and _regood fre.AI me C you D. she 八、书面表达A) 请根据句情,完成对话。Gir:Goo ornng!B: ! How do youo!Grl: 2 , thnks.
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