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七年级(下)期末英语试卷 题号IIIIIIIVVVI总分得分一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)1. -Hello!Janespeaking-Hi,Jane_()A. ImDaveB. Whoreyou?C. ItsDavehereD. AreyouJane?2. -Ihadareallyniceweekendinthecountry-_()A. Oh,thatsveryniceofyouB. GoodideaC. ThatsOKD. Imgladtohearthat3. -Whatdoyouwanttodrink,coffeeorwater?-_isOKIreallydontmind()A. AllB. EitherC. BothD. Each4. -WhatdoyouthinkofAlice?-Shesalivelychildand_witheveryoneofus()A. freeB. popularC. differentD. busy5. -Jimalways_toomuchtimeoncomputergames-Thatstoobad()A. keepsB. takesC. costsD. spends6. -Theriverisverydirty_peoplewanttoswiminit-Weshoulddosomethingtosaveit()A. AfewB. LittleC. FewD. Alittle7. -Isthejuice_?-Yes,youdontneedtopayforit()A. freeB. healthyC. deliciousD. cold8. -Hurryup,Jack!-Justgivemefiveminutestoputmydeskin_()A. timeB. heightC. orderD. size9. -IdontwanttobefriendswithherbutIdontknowhowtogetthe_toher-MaybeIcanhelpyou()A. messageB. newsC. problemD. way10. -Haveagoodrest,youneedto_yourenergy(能量)forthefootballgamethisafternoon-Iwill()A. leaveB. saveC. growD. get11. -LetsgototheWestHillParkbytaxi-Oh,itisnotfarfromhereWe_takeataxi()A. couldntB. mustntC. needntD. cant12. -Ifyoudontknowthemeaningofaword,_inagooddictionary-OKIwill()A. lookthroughitB. lookitupC. lookforitD. lookitover13. -Becareful!-Youdonthaveto_meIcanrideahorse()A. worryaboutB. takecareC. learnfromD. askfor14. -Whatisyourmomdoingnow?-Sheis_mylittlebrotherwithaspoon()A. kickingB. givingC. wakingD. feeding15. -Canyoutellme_?-Sure,hestallandthin,hehascurlyblondhair()A. whatdoesTomlooklikeB. whatyourbrotherlookslikeC. whosyourbrotherD. whatMrGreenlikes二、完形填空(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)On a cold November evening, my mother and I walked back home from a pizza store We bought many things from a (16) We were (17) in our warm clothes I felt a little (18) because I carried our shopping bags, so I decided to throw(扔) something away I walked towards a dustbin(垃圾桶) when I found a poor man walking out of the restaurant in front of us He was going to the nearby dustbin and started looking through it There were many (19) eating dinner here so I thought he was looking for some food I suddenly felt very (20) because I wanted to throw away a new drink just because it was too (21) I walked up to him and gave the(22) and some bread to him The man looked up in (23) and took what I gave him He had a big smile I felt I couldnt be happier with myself But then he said, Wow, this is my sons(24) day! With that, he thanked me happily and started off on his bike I even heard him singing as he(25) away I got a warm(26) inside I now understand the saying Giving is getting Though it was only a little action, I got and (27) more in those two (28) than I did in the rest of the month Everyone in the world (29) help Everyone can give help and everyone will be helped by (30) kindness(善意) The scene of that mans happiness causes by my small gift often comes out in my mind whenever I have the chance to do something nice16. A. restaurantB. hotelC. bankD. supermarket17. A. wearingB. dressedC. puttingD. having18. A. worriedB. interestedC. happyD. tired19. A. peopleB. studentsC. girlsD. children20. A. differentB. specialC. sorryD. hot21. A. heavyB. coldC. cheapD. funny22. A. moneyB. toysC. drinkD. clothes23. A. silenceB. surpriseC. angerD. fear24. A. badB. usualC. luckyD. dark25. A. rodeB. ranC. walkedD. drove26. A. ideaB. flagC. flowerD. feeling27. A. learnedB. enjoyedC. lookedD. followed28. A. hoursB. secondsC. daysD. minutes29. A. needsB. givesC. takesD. brings30. A. showingB. gettingC. knowingD. making三、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分)APRESENTING THE BIGGEST PARTY 2012SUMMER SEASON COMING TO YOU APRIL 24TH FOR THE MUSIC LOVE NIGHT PARTY EVENT FREE PARKING15TH STREET, 1245, NEW YORK CITY FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 234.340.2349 WWWFLYERHEROESCOM31. This is _ A. a ticket for a concertB. an ad for a CDC. an invitation for a birthday partyD. a poster for a music party32. When is the activity? _ A. In 2017B. On June 15thC. On April 24thD. In autumn33. What can people do? _ A. Have a walk in the parkB. Dance with friendsC. Enjoy musicD. Watch movies34. If you want to go, you can _ A. call 234.340.2394B. come to 15th Street, 1243C. find more information at WWWFLYER
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