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大一新生自我介绍英语大一新生自我介绍英语 大一新生怎么用英语介绍自己呢下面是由应届毕业生小编为大家带来的关于大一新生英语自我介绍范文,希望能够帮到您! 大一新生英语自我介绍范文一helo.everyone.it is readose you here.i am.,come fromnthi is my frs time t thsbeauifl cuntry ,i amso delighed to e theptunity t bherewith you y . jst finshed msudy inhighschool ,adi uld like o furter my sdy hre.but engl isnt that od , ne you elp anywy,i hope we a enoursles eitoether .hak yu GenrIntroton I m a tird yer mter mao inautomat tShagiJiao Ton Univerity, R.hn. Wih redos neret in Industrial Egineerng, am riting apply forcetance itoyurPD. adute programaion bagrouIn 195,I etered th Ningnvei cience & Tecoloy (NT)- widelconsderedone of thChinas be ngneern scools. During he foowngundegdute stu, admi reord ept distiuishedmogthe whole deartm.I gntd First ass Prize versemstr,In 1999, Igthe rivilegto enter theaae proam waveof the admission est. At the perid ofmy graae study, my oerll GA(.77.)raned top5% i th department. In he scon semester, Ibecame tea asitant tat i gve tolentedand mtrd stdent only. This yer,I won th cer Scolasip as te oeand onlcanddte in y deartment,whcis teultae ccoladfor dtguied stdents edowed by my univerity. resently, I am preparin mygraduatontesid tyig fr thonor o Excellent Graaion Thesis.eserch epeienaacami acivity Whe sphoe, Ijinedt Aoiato of AIEnthusist and begant narr downm interes fo my ftur rseahth te too of OpenGad atlab, Idesia siulatio rogam for trnportaton schdlin yste Itis nowwiely usd bydiferet earcgrousi NUST. asumed and ulildasewge aalsis ispose projc fr Nanjng sewagetreatent a This as m first pctie converaaatoryide toa commercil rodutIn rtrosect,Ifid myelf standing on a libs in th thoryn exprn, whichhas peared me o teP. program. My fuurereshinterest includ:Netwrk chedulig Pobe, esic Algorimreearh(espciall inGA and Neuranetwork), Supply ain netwrk rerc,Hybrid syem perormanc anlysis witPeti nt and DtaMin大一新生英语自我介绍范文二 good mrng/afternonevning, my i x. t is ray geat honor t hav hisoportuiy/ance to intrducemyef. generally saing ,iama hard working studnt speially d he thing am intrsted n. iwil tr my best to nish no mtter ho ifficult iisfurthrme,im a persn wit gratpersrverenc.durin th das peprng for the clledge-entrance xamiain,i isison runig every dy, no matt hathe eather a ike.ndjust ownin oti,i cld concentrate onmy studyansuded i thend. well ,in my pre te ,i likeaskeall, tenis an cinese chess nd engih smy aorae subct.i engo to nglish coner to rctsemy or nglish on every hursay,and wriecopsitons t ipe m wtten bily but kw m eglis istoo enouh ,wl continustudying hard ok, tht is all,thakyu fyour attento.
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