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37主发电机组系泊试验程序DIESEL GENERATOR MOORING TEST PROCEDURESpecification 技术参数Maker 供应商YANMAR 6EY18ALTYPE 型号Vertical, Single Action, 4-Cycle, Direct Injection, WaterCooled Diesel Engine with Turbo-charger and Air Cooler 直列、单作用、四冲程、直喷、带涡轮增压器和空冷器的水冷柴油机600 KW at 900 r/minGenerator 发电机Capacity 容量:750 KVARated voltage额定电压:450VCurrent电流:962AFrequency额定频率:60 HZPower factor功率因数:0.8(滞后 lagging)No. of phase 相数:3Number of sets 数量 3试验说明: 采用0#柴油进行主发电机组系泊试验; 试航时,验证主发电机组使用重油的能力和运行状况; 试验过程中要验证柴油机的暖缸功能、预润滑油泵和启动马达是否正常工作;1. 动车前的试验、测量 check items before A/E starting1.1 为发电机组服务的各系统及设备在发电机组试验前应预先运转,检查其可靠性。All systems and auxiliary equipment serving for A/E to be operated in advance in order to check their reliabilityNO.1&2主空压机安全保护报警点确认:包括滑油压力低(设定点0.08MPa)和压缩空气温度高(设定点85)报警。NO.1&2 main air compressor failure include L.O. PRESS LOW (set point 0.08MPa)& TEMP. HIGH(set point 85).主空压机的自动起、停压力分别为2.4 / 3.0MPa 和2.2 / 3.0MPa 。Automatic start/stop press of main air compressor are 2.4 / 3.0Mpa and 2.2 / 3.0Mpa.应急空压机的自动起、停压力为2.4 / 3.0MPa。Automatic start/stop press of emergency air compressor are 2.4 / 3.0Mpa.1.2 试验盘车装置安全联锁的可靠性。Check the turning gear interlock device, A/E cannot be started when the turning gear is engaged.1.3 测量柴油机的冷态曲轴拐档。 The cold condition crankshaft deflections to be recorded completely. 2. 测量发电机冷态绝缘电阻The cold Insulation Resistance of generator to be recorded completely.在负荷试验的前、后分别用500V的兆欧表测量下面两者之间的绝缘电阻,绝缘电阻值应1MW。Before and after load test, the insulation resistance in the following items shall be measured respectively by means of 500 V megger,resistance shall be not less than 1 MW.a) 定子绕组对地 Stator coil to earth.b) 空间加热器对地 Space heater to earth.c) 调速马达对地 governor motor coil to earth. d)励磁绕组对地 (注:万用表测量) field coil to earth(note: to be measured by multimeter).注:在测量绝缘时切断AVR、 及有可能损坏的元、部件的断路器或线路。Note: AVR and the breakers or circuit of the elements and components, which might be damaged during measuring, shall be disconnected when the insulation is measured.3. 机组报警系统和安全装置模拟试验(模拟试验)Safety and alarm points testing (simulation) 试验方法 testing method 用手动液压泵校对并整定报警及停车压力开关或传感器的设定值。Adjust and test the pressure transmitter by portable hand pump. 用电阻箱(对于Pt100传感器)或加热方法校对并整定报警或停车温度开关或传感器的设定值。Adjust and test the thermometer by heating method or resistance box(for Pt100 sensor). 人为造成柴油发电机超速,检查超速停车保护功能。Check the over speed function by manually adjusts the governor.3.1报警系统Alarm items详见附页表一及机舱自动化项目明细表(SC4439(ZS)-440-01MX)See the List of Auto. Control Monitoring and Alarm Points for E/R (SC4439(ZS)-440-01MX)3.2 安全装置模拟试验 D/E safety device testD/E should shut down if it falls across the conditions as follows (SIMULATION):a. 滑油低压报警并停车(设定值为0.30 MPa)。Lube Oil inlet pressure 0.30 MPa (simulation)b. 超速停车(设定值为10081035r/min)。D/E rotating speed 10081035 rpmc. 缸套水温度高停车(设定值为1002)。Jacket water high temp. (set point is 1002)4. 起动试验starting test 将应急空气瓶充气至3.0 MPa,每台柴油发电机从冷态开始连续进行起动,直到不能起动为止,记录起动次数(应不少于6次)和最低起动压力。Every D/E to be started continuously in cold condition by emergency air reservoir filled with compressed air of 3.0 MPa until it cannot be started. Record the times of starting (not less than 6 times) and the lowest starting pressure.5. 柴油发电机组的负荷实验 Load test 采用盐水缸槽作为负荷对每一台发电机组进行负荷试验。During the load test for each diesel generator set using the water resister as load. 5.1负荷试验时,测量相关性能参数是否在规定范围内。During the each generator load test, check and record the concerned parameters5.2柴油机在100%负荷试验时应平稳,无异常发热,发电机频率调整到额定值。During the 100% load test the diesel engine should be keep in normal condition and adjust the frequency of the generator in rated value.5.3柴油发电机组负荷试验的工况及试验时间按下表规定:The load test should be carried out in accordance with following table:No.序号转速revolution (r/m)发电机负荷load()功率output (KW)试验时间test time(min.)190025150302900503003039007545030490010060060590011066030注:检查并记录各种参数(详细记录内容见检验表格)。Notice: Check and record the concerned parameters. (Detail sees inspection report)6. 发电机特性试验 generator characteristic test 6.1 稳态调压特性试验 Voltage-load characteristic & governor characteristic Testing 在负荷试验后,将柴油发电机的负荷和功率因数(COS=1)调整到额定值,柴油机转速调整到额定转速900 rpm,就可以进行稳态特性试验。试验负荷按下列程序变化:负荷75% 50% 25% 50% 75% 100% 记录各种负荷状态下,电压、电流、频率。.After load test, use water resistance as load (cos=1.0), under rating current, adjust the voltage and frequency of each main generator to the rating, when the power factor is 100%, adjust the load from rating varies as 75%50%25%50%75%100%then to the rating, measure the voltage and frequency at each state after stableDuring the above measurement, it shall be verified that the voltage variation rate shall not exceed 2.5% (11.25V).计算稳态调整率voltage variation rate V%= ( V - Vn ) / VnV是不同功率下电压 Voltage under variation powerVn是额定电压450V rated voltage 450VV%
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