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补偿贸易合同书本合同由_公司,主营业所在中国_(以下称甲方),与_公司,主营业所在美国_(以下称乙方)于_年_月_日在中国_签署。兹证明鉴于乙方拥有现现用于制造钢钢丝绳的机器器设备,并愿愿意将机器设设备卖给甲方方鉴于乙方同意购购买甲方用已已方提供的机机器设备生的的产钢丝绳,以以补偿其机器器设备的价鉴于甲方向意向向乙方出售钢钢丝绳,以偿偿还乙方的机机器设备价款款;因此,考虑到本本协议所述的的前提和约定定,甲、乙双双方特此立约约:1购买协议11甲方同同意从乙方按按一下列条款款购买下述商商品:商品:_规格:_生产能力:_12数量:_台台。13价格:FOB_港,单单价:_,总价:_14支付:机器设备价款以以甲方的产品品_偿偿还,全部价价款在连续_年内内平均_次付清,自自_日日开始支付。15装运:装运期:_装运港:_目的港:_装运唛头:_16保险:由甲方保险。17检验:_18保证:乙方保证其机器器设备从未用用过,性能先先进,质量好好,并保证该该机器能生产产_,产产量每小时_。2销售协议21甲方以以_偿偿还购买乙方方机器设备的的价款。商品:_规格:_22数量:每年_。23价格:按交货时国际市市场CIF_价确确定24装运:每年两次装运,一一次在六月,另另一次在十二二月,每次货货量为_。装运港:_目的港:_法语运唛头:_25包装:木卷轴装。26支付:凭以甲方为受益益人的保兑的的,不可撤销销的即期信用用证,允许转转船。信用证证必须于装运运日期前_天到达达甲方,有效效期不少于_天。信用证要与本合合同完全一致致,否则,乙乙对迟装负责责;而且,甲甲方有机就其其中的损失向向乙方提出索索赔。修改信信用证的费用用由乙方承担担。27保验:甲方保险,投保保水渍险和战战争险,投保保金额为发票票金额加10028检验:甲方出具的品技技检验证书为为最后依据。若若货到后乙方方发现质量与与上述规定不不符,乙方在在货到目的港港后_天内通知甲甲方,双方协协商解决有争争议的问题。3不可抗力若因不可抗力事事故,甲方或或乙方对未交交或迟交本合合同项下的部部分或全部货货物不负责任任。4仲裁有关或执行本合合同的一切争争议应该友好好协商解决。若若达不成协议议,有关争议议案则提交_仲裁裁。仲裁决定定为终局的,并并对双方均具具有约束力。5适用法律本合同的签订,解解释和履行以以中华人民共共和国法律为为准。6正本条款本合同以英文书书写,正本两两份,每方各各持一份。7有效期_甲方(盖章):_乙方(盖盖章):_代表人(签字):_代表人(签签字):_年_月_日_年_月_日附件No._This Coontracct madde on _ , at_, Chinaa, bettween _ Co.wiith itts priincipaal offfice aat_,Chinna(herre in afterr callled Paarty AA),andd _ Co.wwith iits prrincippal offfice at_,USAA (herreinaffter ccalledd Partty B),WITNESSSETH:Whereass Partty B hhas maachinees andd equiipmentt,whicch aree now used in Paarty BBs maanufaccturinng of steell wiree ropee,and is wiillingg to ssell tto Parrty Atthe maachinees andd equiipmentt;andWhereass Partty B aagreess to bbuy thhe prooductss,steeel wirre roppe, maade byy Partty Aussing tthe maachinees andd equiipmentt Partty B ssuppliies,inn comppensattion oof thee pricce of the mmachinnes annd equuipmennt,anddWhereass Partty A aagreess to ppurchaase frrom Paarty BBthe mmachinnes annd equuipmennt,anddWhereass Partty Aaggrees to seell too Partty Bthhe prooductss ,thee steeel wirre roppe,in compeensatiion off the pricee of PParty Bs mmachinnes annd equuipmennt;Noww therreforee,in cconsidderatiion off the premiises aand coonvenaants ddescriibed hhereinnafterr,Partty A aand Paarty BB agreee as folloows:1.Purcchase ArranngemenntParty AA agreees too purcchase from Partyy B thhe folllowinng commmoditty undder thhe terrms annd connditioons seet outt beloow:1.1Commmoditty, Sppecifiicatioons annd Itss Capaabilitty:Commodiity:_Spcificcationns:_Capabillity:_1.2Quaantityy:_.1.3Priice: OOn FOBB _basiss.Unit Prrice:UUS _;Tottal Prrice:UUS _1.4 Paaymentt:The pricee of tthe maachinees andd equiipmentt shalll be compeen satted wiith thhe prooductss, thee steeel wirre roppe, maanufaccturedd by PParty A usiing thhe macchiness and equippment. The paymeent off the totall pricce shaall bee effeected threee timees equually in 3 succeessivee yearrs,begginninng in_1.5Shiipmentt:Time off shippment:_Port off loadding:_Port off desttinatiion:_Shippinng marrks:_1.6Inssurancce:To be efffecteed by Partyy A.1.7Insspectiion:_1.8 Guuaranttee:Paarty BB guarranteees thaat thee machhines and eequipmment aare unnused,ssophissticatted annd of best qualiity, aand thhat thhe macchiness and equippment are ccapablle of manuffacturring tthe stteel wwire rrope(_ speciifiicaationss withh a prroducttion oof_meterrs perr hourr.2.Salees ArrrangemmentParty AA sellls to Partyy Bthee stelll wirre roppe in compeensatiion off the pricee of tthe maachinees andd equiipmentt Partty B ssells to Paarty AA.2.1Commmoditty andd speccificaationss:Commodiity: _.Specifiicatioons:_2.2Quaantityy:_meterrs of steell wiree ropee per year,oof whiich thhe priice shhall bbe US _$per aannum.2.3 Prrice:TThe prrice oof thee steeel wirre roppe shaall bee set on thhe bassis off the prevaailingg pricce in the wworld markeet at the ttime wwhen sshipmeent iss madee.The pricee shalll be basedd on CCIF baasis.2.4Shiipmentt:Shipmennt shaall bee madee twicce a yyear,iin _ andd in _,eeach ffor thhe vallue off_
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