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Unit 5 Section .单项语法填空1_team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships.答案:Whichever考查主语从句。句意:星期六那场比赛无论哪队获胜都将参加国家锦标赛。 2The excellent student is said to have studied in Germany last year._ he speaks German so fluently.答案:No wonder考查情景交际。句意:据说这位优秀的学生去年在德国学习。难怪他德语说得那么流利。(It is) no wonder (that).难怪。3Many _(variety) goods in the store have been attracting many customers.答案:various句意:这家商店很多各种各样的商品一直以来吸引着很多顾客。various“不同的;各种各样的”,符合句意。 4As is well known,Dragon Boat Festival and the custom of eating rice dumplings are unique_ us Chinese.答案:to句意:众所周知,端午节和吃粽子的风俗是我们中国人特有的。unique“独一无二的;仅有的”;be unique to“是特有的”,为固定搭配。5The toys are modelled _ the fairies of some cartoons, which are attractive to the children.答案:after句意:这些玩具是模仿一些卡通里的精灵制造的,非常吸引孩子们。be modelled after“根据模仿;仿造”,符合句意。6Unlike traditional _(amuse) parks, theme parks often want to teach visitors something.答案:amusement句意:不同于传统的娱乐公园,主题公园往往给人们以启迪。amusement娱乐,消遣。7_ the operation should be performed now or later, it depends very much on the patients conditions.答案:Whether句意:不管是现在做这个手术还是以后做,这主要取决于病人的身体状况。whether. or.,不管是还是。8Are you familiar _ the music?Yes. The music is very familiar _ me, but I cant remember when and where I heard it.答案:with; tobe familiar with“对熟悉;通晓”,多以人作主语;be familiar to“为所熟悉”,多以事物作主语,人作宾语。9With this data, he and a colleague were able to test and improve a computer program designed _ (model) ocean currents, and publish the findings of their study.答案:to model句意:利用这种数据,他和一个同事能够测试和改善一个用来模拟洋流的计算机程序,并公布他们的研究结果。design后接不定式作补语。be designed to do sth.设计用来做某事,旨在做某事。10More than one worker _(send) to the training center to improve their working skills in the past three years.答案:has been sent句意:近三年来许多工人已经被送到培训中心以提高他们的工作技能。in the past three years为时间状语时,谓语用现在完成时,“工人”为动作“送”的承受者,故用被动语态。more than one主语,谓语动词用单数。.完形填空Long ago, therelivedamanwhoworkedasa stonecutter in a town. He was not happy with his _1_ or his position in life. One day as he was cutting _2_,he saw a rich _3_ pass by and thought,“How I wish I were as _4_ as that businessman!” _5_, the stonecutter was changed into a(n) _6_ and powerful businessman.One _7_day, as the newly rich man walked around the _8_watching all that he owned, he was _9_about the heat of the sun.“How I wish I were as powerful as the sun !” he thought, and suddenly he became the sun, _10_ others with his heat.Then one day a dark cloud _11_under him. Rain poured down and the wind blew, stopping the sun from _12_ his power.“How I wish I were as powerful as the _13_!” he thought, and he became a storm _14_ rain and wind. People _15_ his great power,_16_ when he blew against a huge rock, the rock did not move.“How I wish I were as powerful as that rock!” he _17_, and in a moment he _18_ the rock.“What could be more powerful than me, the _19_?” he wondered. Soon, he heard a sound and felt part of himself _20_.He looked down and saw, much to his surprise, that a stonecutter was cutting him.stonecutter n凿石工,石匠文章大意:一名石匠盲目跟风,最后却落了个悲惨的下场。文章给了我们很深刻的教育意义:做什么事情都要有自己的主见。1A.ageBheightCjob Dhouse答案:C由第1题后面的his position in life以及石匠想当商人、太阳等可知,他不满意自己的工作。2A.stone Bwood Cmeat Dcloth答案:A由文章第一句的Long ago, there lived a man who worked as a stonecutter可知既然是石匠,他肯定是在切割石头,所以此处要用stone。3A.stonecutter BbusinessmanCneighbor Dofficer答案:B从第4题后面的as that businessman可知他看到了一个富有的商人,所以此处要用businessman。4A.famous Bpowerful ChappyDclever答案:B根据第6题后面的powerful businessman可知那位商人很是“powerful”。5A.Finally BQuietlyCClearly DSuddenly答案:D由下文的suddenly he became the sun可知,石匠这样一想,突然就变成了商人。6A.richBniceCactiveDlucky答案:A由上文的rich可知。7A.coolBwarmCwet Dhot答案:D由下文的the heat of the sun可知,那天很热。8A.villageBtown Cfarm Driver答案:B由上文的in a town可知。9A.worried Bcareful Cangry Dsorry答案:C由下文石匠想变成太阳可知,他对太阳的灼热感到愤怒。10A.burningBvisiting Csearching Dwatching答案:A由后面的his heat可知,石匠变成太阳,用他的热量炙烤着人们。11A.died Bshouted Claughed Dcrossed答案:D有一天,一朵乌云在他身下飘过。12A.carrying Bcontrolling Cusing Ddiscovering答案:C由上文的Rain poured down and the wind blew可知,刮风下雨阻止了太阳发威。13A.storm Bcloud Crain Dwind答案:A由下文的became a storm可知。14A.inBwith Cof Dfrom答案:Bwith在此表示伴随,storm with rain and wind意为“暴风雨”。15A.fearedBwanted Cenjoyed Ddiscussed答案:A人们对于暴风雨当然是感到害怕。16A.until Bunless CandDbut答案:D由“他的巨大威力”和“当他刮过一块巨石时,巨石纹丝不动”可知两个分句之间为转折关系。17A.guessedBthought Cexplained Ddescribed答案:B由上文多处出现的thought可知。18A.leftBforgotCbecame Dchose答案:C他如愿以偿地变成了磐石。19A.sun Bearth Crock Dknife答案:C此时他已经变成磐石,因此是问自己,还有什么比磐石更有威力。20A.changeBtalk CdanceDsleep答案:A由下文的a stonecutter was cutting him可知,他感觉到自己的身体在变化。误解分析:该题容易误选C,他只是感觉到自己的变化,而没有感觉自己在“跳舞”,所以此处排除dance。.阅读理解(20
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