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高级英语选择题A lg time wilb neded for_答案: Alng ime wileneeefor te mesus theaprt take effct in cleaig up these. mercoman f te wilcan no _答案: A erecommad f te wll n t hepswitly imovis sc a sies wich oe canot uderake ina dy.Accordngto t many alogis, evison_答案: Acorngto it manyaplogis, telvision play oly h siiary olein influcing cildren, c is an iproper opino.ccurac is _ tothe pogramming o cmutr.C.fndamenal A an unppyloe air, eily dcknso a said to ve live like a HRIT,shutawa ine familyhome i aest, maahuetts.B recuseafe is amouspeeh aasraia ciminati ad segregtion,hwa proseced f _ rivn.B. rcless;Any individa inileme as to adathimelf, ov all e, _答案: Any indiviual in is liftimhato aapt himsl, aoval ls, to hparns and nrds tradonall hnde own in is commity.rtfrom the nne-mie-wide Strat of ibraltar,the editerraeansland-loced,so is virtualy_答案: Apatrm th nne-miewide Stait o ibrlar, heedtrrean i ad-loked, so iti virtualy impossibl for the Mediterraen tocleanse isel.As long as _答案:As lons w gve u cer bliefs abou the nate of time, they coudeit peaculy si y sideashemediinok _, theervous ptint bcameuier. efe;at lastwe fundthetrms lyite,_.A. sk a exhauste; B eutiful a t s, sntetic silk il notSULANcotonaprl.A. repa;efor you sat busines, you eo aise he nesary _C.capia; iologists haveSCTAINE th siaized clls cnvert chcal enery into mechnica energy. vrifiedButmgre exieceof crpingad crimping _答案:uta meagreisence fscapinandsriming wnot the liI desie orButthosewho belog o_答案:But thos wbelog t he second las are the ost fortunat.By writing _答案:By wrting verses, ol learnd the ehniqe which ae me potry more perfectly.atriewa gel taken_ y oans capriceA. abc;Cildrensoul b alowdtrk and study together, n mter in _.答案:hilren shoud be alo to wok a study tether, no matte i wt asecs ty have ceaingift i ommn.cmrcialbanks ake mos o hei _ minterest-earnin oasd invstn instoksdod C.arningRETdeogaph trnd, sh the fll inthe brh re, shud fvourably celrat econmic gowth in theog runC. ntepor;D ouknow e sayig:none but thBRAVE deve the fir?. coarly; Eve he es rtent plats cannot asily cope witte problem becse _答案: Eve te bes reatment plants canno eailycpewth the prbl bause the numers of holida-makrs are epetedtodoube i the ext yeas. evey ahieCOUMES moenergy than it ceaes. uses p;from he frsta indnpat _ down o thevilge.A manded;Having een sare inte fames of wthin iustice, _答案: aving bee seaed in the flame of wihing inusice,millionof Negro slavessaw beacon lih oefrom tis momentous dcree.Havinnrtured so manycivilizations, the Medterranea,as a sut, i gravel lad _答案:Havng nuud o may viliaton, teMediterrnen,s a eult,isravly ill and ecomes the irst o the sast fal vitimto h abilitie and attiudes that evlve aron . his ne planisIEALISTIC but notactcalC. relisticolidmake are s uch ierse inthe eductive seafd dishes_答案: Holdaymrs aeso chineres i the seucive seafod shss to ignre thereat dger urkn n tem.II climbdp the buinelader_.答案: I climbedu tbnes lder o the eight this e ng deest hosewhlike tPOKE int othr pees private ffa. A. pyhad geat ifficult _.答案: I hadgreat dificulty n iding the larwherb o lim.fahndmadebasket r boat is made in nsklle oucaring ha it cannot _答案: f aanmaebket o bt de in unskilled o uncig hands it cnnot lt longr tan achinmde ones.If the natio retrns to its buies asusul,a ple il ae a d awaking _答案: If t ntion return o its buines as sual,mnypepl ill haverude awakenngfrm ther opetat the Negr needed o blw of am and will now contet.Ifyouwatto usa poduct
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