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新世纪英语六年级下册Unit 1 Rcrton nd SpotGamesand prts2. lm and Televon3n Egis vnngUnit 2 Traf and Traffic Rue.Askngthe way 2Means ofranspt .Oeyig the Trafc RulsUnit3. ferschoo Actiies Phoin butte Scienc Actiity eek2.Talkig but bienit4. Sbjecs inEnglish 1E i Enlish2Mtsn Englih 3Geoay i EnglihUnit 1 Receatinan Sprs1Gamesd Sports (1)句型:-d you.? -Yes, id No, I did.W had a woerf meI ws W e.(2)语法:一般过去时1注意动词的结尾和发音:/t/i一般原形动词末尾加dplayed listeedtked wathedant ne以e结尾的动词,词尾加liduseied daned以辅音字母加结尾的动词,先变y为i再加dstudie tried词尾是重读闭音节(即以辅音字母结尾的音节)并由一种元音字母和一种辅音字母结尾的动词,先双写该辅音字母再加ejggedtedamitted2. Fl n eision(1)句型:Whee di o o yeserday?ht did you dodring e weked? Howdou e i?Wat ddyuthinko t?(2)语法:一般过去时2. An Eglish Evening(1)句型:Wich.ddyu.? hn di you.? How longdid yu.? Wo id yo.?Wat a shame!()语法:一般过去时3Ui 2rfic aTrafic Rul1.Asng he ay (1)句型:Euse e. Dos t bus o .?C yo ellme hewayo.? Taket secnd urn onourlef. -owfr.? -Its within wlking distnc.G sraigt ahead.(2) 语法:问路用语hee.C.Does tisbus.w.Mns Transport (1) Comaativeso dee and adverbs形容词和副词的比较级原级比较级che tod hadchepe asoldr hardrft thin otfatrthiner hotterlate ne saflatrier saerapysyhappieusiereensive coenient eautifulmo xpensive.sloly quikly careulyore slowy.itle fa adless ater worseofenmore fn ofteerclevermoe cleer / cleererelhorehealty/ healthiemuhmanymorod wlletr3.eyn the Trai Rle(1) Comaravs nperlatve of adjectivendadebs形容词和副词的比较级和最高档原级比较级最高档ean alllnsmallercent smllestcos widecler widerloses istfriendl ovelfrendlierveliefiendiet lvestfat igfatterbgrfatst biggstonenietmore connienmost oveienood wellbetterbestlitteesslestbad ilwseworstmuh anymoremotcleermore clever/clverot ceer/levestoftnmoe often/fteermost ofte/ftenetealthmr health/ealhierhealthiestUt3 After-scool Atvties 1.hongAt the Scnce Actiity We(1)句型:-Can I spako Lin, Pleas?-oln Ill ge her /Speaking.-ay kwhs caling? -his. -May I tae a mssage?-Yes, ase Couldyousk her .? -Ma avemessag? -SrPlease go hea.-Shall eet t.?(2)灵活运用打电话句型2.alking aoHobbies(1)Advebs of Frequcy频度副词1. alwa uay ofen omemessedo ner 2. everyy,three teaee, twce awek,e a wee, evry tw ees(2) Ordina numrs(1)序数词1:1-20:firs scn thirdourthfth sxth entheihhnthtthelvttelthhirteenth freenthifteent sixtenth seenteeth egteet nineteeth twet()句型:Wtsyour hobby?hndd you takeu your bby? Howoten do ou des sh.?Ui. Subects in Engish1.PE in Eglish(1) rilnumbes(2)序数词2:21-001: wenty-firt 2: twentscod.30: thitiet40: orieth5:fiftiet.10: (o) hundr101: (ne) hudred and it(2) Dats 日期表达法writigredgyearn 198In ineteen nintyeighmnthearIn anuay/FbruaryIn JanuryFebruarydato 2Septeber he Setemberte wnt-third(3)句型:Atten! Eyes rigt! Eyo! At eas!2aths n lish (1)句型:welv plus fifteen equas. wenty-ive inu seeequls. hityhre iestre equl. Eght-oneied b nie equas.Geogrphyin Engish(1)Number: 1011,00,00,000()句型:Itste hrd biget countyn th world 新世纪英语六年级下册:一、 重要词组及用法、g+doinggopng/bowlinswmming/ogginrunningkatin/traing去购物/打保龄球/游泳/慢跑/跑步/滑冰旅行My sistr fe goeswimi at wekendsIen bowing last MndayWe wil o ogging this ftoon、ike+ding likeplayin ts allMy mthe liks riving caesshe like in shoping?3、b terested in+ 名词/动名词对感爱好Are you intresed ading bos? -Yes, IamI amiterested in layng chess.4、ntoly.t as. 不仅并且(就近一致原则)Non mytr buo Iamteresed in payig ftball.t nl I but alo msister lieso
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