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PEP Book2 U3 At the Zoo Eva 2014-1-14Lesson PlanUnit 3 At the Zoo Part B Lets talkPEP Book 2 Teacher: Eva Students: Grade 3 in primary school Lesson type: Talk/Dialogue Time duration: 1 period, 40minutesAt the ZooPart B Lets talk n 话题:Animals n 适合级别:一级n 课时说明:一课时n 课题说明:本课是PEP新教材三年级下册Unit3 Part B的Lets talk部分。n 教学内容:MiSs White: Come here, children! Look at the elephant.Chen: Wow! It has a long nose.John: It has a short tail.Wu: It has small eyes and big ears. 学生情况说明:本教学设计适合三年级学生,三年级的学生在经过一个学期的英语学习后,已经对英语有了较浓的学习兴趣。在本课时之前,学生已经掌握了一些关于身体部位的英语单词(nose,eye, ear, mouth, face等)和动物特征的单词(long, short, tall, fat, thin, cute等)。此外,学生也掌握了描述动物整体特征的句型:Look at the Its so针对三年级学生思维活跃、兴趣浓厚、求知欲和表演欲强的特点,教师应设计各种高效有趣的任务型活动,尽可能多地为学生创设开口表达的机会。同时,通过描述和了解动物的可爱之处,培养学生更加热爱和保护动物的情感。新课标倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式。本节课中教师充分考虑到学生的年龄特征、兴趣和认识水平,准备了直观、生动的教具,创设了宽松、活泼的学习环境和真实、有意义的活动场景,设计了多样学生喜爱的教学活动,让学生在情境中浸入式地感受语言、运用语言,同时注重发展学生的综合素质,比如最后的“怪怪动物园讲解员大PK”,充分调动了学生趣味竞争的积极性。在各种活动中,全班学生的身体和思想都在“动”,形成了一个生机勃勃的师生互动、生生互动的学习场面,既达成了巩固、运用所学内容的目的,又实现了伙伴合作学习的目的。另外为促进学生的自主发展,最大可能地创设了让学生参与到自主学习中来的情境与氛围,创设了许多贴近学生的生活和学习经历和社会实际的能引起学生共鸣和兴趣的任务和活动,把课堂内的语言学习与活动结合起来,使学生在体验学习语言的过程中形成积极的学习态度,从而完成发展学生语言技能的终极目标。n 教学目标:【知识目标】1. 能够听懂、会说单词“tail”。2. 能在实际生活中灵活运用句型“Look at the _. Its so _. It has_ and _.”等描述各种动物的特征。【能力目标】能在实际情景中运用上述句型描述动物的特征并进行猜谜和角色扮演等游戏活动,并完成相应的“动物讲解员”任务。【情感目标】让学生就自己喜欢的动物进行交谈和分享,养成用英语交际的良好习惯,培养欣赏并热爱动物的情感,并培养学生积极参与课堂,养成乐于完成任务的好习惯;培养学生的跨文化交际意识。n 教学重难点:教学重点:能熟练掌握并运用描述动物的句型:“Look at the _. Its so _. It has .”教学难点:1. 能在句型 “It has.”中正确区分单复数的运用: It has a short tail./ It has two long ears。2能以句型为依托,灵活拓展、运用语言。将已学句型进行整理并有创造性地描述自己最喜爱的动物,讲解给同伴听。n 课前准备:1PPT document2Word and sentence cards3A red flag for a zoo guide讲解员小红旗4Entry permit for PK(参赛证)5. A certificate(小奖状)n 板书设计:Word Box PK At the ZooLook at the _. big small long shortfat thin tall cuteIts so _.a tail two eyes nose earsmouth legsIt has _and _. n 教学过程:教学结构教师指导学生学习设计说明Step 1Warm upand revision1. Greetings (渗透children)T: Hello, children! How do you do?Im your new English teacher2. Enjoy a video and sing with it: In the Zoo3. Golden eyes黄金眼游戏: T shows body parts of animals quickly and Ss say them as fast and correct as they can: A big mouth./ Two small eyes./A4. Game (I say. You touch)区别单复数并引出单词 “tail”T gives orders :Touch your nose/eyes/eye/ear/ears/mouth/head/arm/arms / knee/knees/tail Ss greet the teacher and sense the meaning of “children”.Ss enjoy the video and sing the song together.Ss look at the screen and say the body parts as fast and correct as they can.Ss touch their body parts according to Ts instructions.Ss say: My ear/eyes以课文中原汁原味的“children”来向学生问好,让学生在轻松愉悦的问候环节掌握了该词的意思和用法。本节课的歌曲也是学生耳熟能详的歌曲,轻快的节奏带学生开启了快乐学习英语的大门。歌曲结束后用学生喜爱的黄金眼游戏滚动复习已学过的关于身体部位的单词,还趣味性地操练和复述了单复数的用法和注意点。同时,这些身体部位也突出了本节课“动物”的主题,简单明了又有趣。Step 2Presentationand practice1) Presentations and drills for tail Learn and practice the word: tailSs try to read the words with “ai” sound /ei/ : mail, nail, fail, rain, waitT: Do you have a tail?Ss: No.T: Which animal has a tail?Ss: Cat / pig / dogT: Yes. Animals have tails. T shows animal pictures half covered and lets Ss say:Its a _ tail. Its _s tail. (cats /pigs/rabbits/monkeys tail.) T shows the animals Ss have guessed on the screen and asks Ss to chant together and do actions. (板书:Look at the_. Its so _.)Look at the cat. Its so fat.Look at the pig. Its so big. Look at the rabbit. Its so cute.Look at the monkey. Its so funny2) Presentations and drills for It has.(Go to the zoo) Listen and guess.听一听,猜一猜T: Its so small and cute. It has a beautiful tail. Its orange. It has two big eyes. Present and practice “It has ”: Ss practice the sentence “It has_” one by one.教师纠音 “has”(/z/) Read and guess读一读,猜一猜 Its so big and tall.It has a big head. It has a big body. It has a long tail.It has four long legs.Its yellow and brown.Its a_. You say, they guess大家说,两人竞猜(在游戏中操练句型并巩固):Its so_. It has_. What is it?Key: elephant/monkey/rabbit We say, you guess两人说,大家竞猜 (师生合作出谜语,其他学生猜) Give riddles同桌合作出动物谜语给全班猜(生生合作出谜语,其他学生猜)3) Listen,number, and read Listen and fill in the sheet. T shows the main scene of Lets talk: Look, who are in the zoo, too? What are they talking about?Listen and number听一听,标序号在横线上。Look at the_.1. tiger1.a long nose.2.a short nose.3.a long tail.4.a short tail.5.big eyes. 6.small eyes .7.big ears8.small ears
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