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形容词变副词规律小结规则变化范围变化规则例词大部分形容词加lycareless-carelesslyquiet-quietlydifferent-differently以le结尾的形容词变le为lypossible-possiblyterrible-terriblycomfortable-comfortablygentle-gentlysimple-simply以y结尾的形容词变y为ilyeasy-easilyangry-angrilynoisy-noisilyhappy-happilyheavy-heavilyhealthy-healthily不规则变化本身既是形容词也是副词,无需改变fast-fastearly-earlyhigh-highhard-hardlate-latefar-farwide-widealone-alone形容词和副词为完全不同的单词good-well初中阶段唯一一个需要去掉字母e的单词true-truly虽然以ly结尾,但却是形容词,不能直接用来修饰动词friendlylivelylovelylonelylikely有些形容词本身即为副词,同时也有加ly的副词形式。但加不加ly意思不一样,使用时需注意wide(形容词,宽阔的,睁大的)-wide(副词,睁大地)/widely(副词,广泛地),late(形容词,晚的)-late(副词,晚地),lately(最近)high(形容词,高的)-high(副词,高地)/highly(副词,高度地)特别容易犯错的副词形容词副词备注hardhardhard副词容易写成hardly, hardly意思为“几乎不”,与hard无任何关系friendly无不能用friendly直接修饰动词,只能改成in a friendly way“用一种友好的方式”。如:He smiled at me in a friendly way.excitedexcitedly容易拼错healthyhealthily容易拼错politepolitely不用去掉字母e。类似的词还有:widely, nicely, closely,1. Look at the children on the playground. They are flying kites _(happy). Lets jointhem.3.Why do you think you did so _(bad)in your test?5.We can _(easy) forgive a child who is afraid of the dark, but we cant forgive an adult who is afraid of the light.6.Congratulations! Youve answered all the questions _(correct). (09常州)7.The computer is _(wide)used in our daily life. We can do many things with it. (08常州)8.I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more _(comfortable). (09苏州)9.Mary passed her examination because she studied very _(hard). (08徐州)10.“Why didnt you tell me earlier?” The boss shouted _(hungry). (08镇江)12.Its _(true) possible that robot teachers will be popular in schools some day. (2010扬州)13.How _(comfortable) the giant pandas are living in Taiwan! (2010淮安)14.Miss Xu smiled and said to me _(soft), “Never mind, my boy!” (2010淮安)15.Last night it rained _(heavy) in the southern part of the city. (2010无锡)17.Simon hates to be like others, he often tires to do everything _(different). (2010徐州)19.The children clapped their hands _(excited) as soon as the astronauts appearedon the stage. (09南通)20.Tom had an accident yesterday. His teacher sent him to the hospital _(quick). (09镇江)21. We should speak to the old man _(polite) (2010宿迁)23.Im _(true) sorry I cant go with you. I have a lot to do this afternoon. (09徐州)25.His father was looking _ (angry) at him because he had made a serious mistake.26.Mike walked _(quiet) into the room not to wake up his grandpa. (08南通)27.How _(quick) Betty answered the teachers question! (08宿迁)28. The firemen have saved the boy from the fire _(successful). (08泰州)1
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