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第三讲:必修二一:语法部分:区分现在完成时(一般完成时have done)和现在完成进行时(have been doing)1. 区分have been done和have been doing: have been done 只是一般完成时的被动态,和现在完成时有本质上的区分。2. Have done表示:1.已经完成你追忆起来。2.提到的时候不确定完成,但是在这段时间内并没有坚持的做一件事3.必需要用完成时的状况:A:it/this is /will be the first,second,time that+完成时的从句(已经是第几次) B:it is +adj.est+n+完成时从句(这是我经验过的最的一件事) 4.现在完成时的时间状语:A现在完成时属于现在时范围,故不能和过去的时间状语连用。如:yesterday,last Sunday,in1990,three years ago等。除非在这些词前面加上since表示自从的含义。B用副词already和yet。already一般用于确定句中,yet一般用于否定句和疑问句中。如:We have already finished our homework.我们已完成作业了。They havent finished their homework yet.他们还没有完成作业。 C.用ever和never.表示“曾 经”或“从未“。 如:-Have you ever been to the Great Wall?你曾经去过长城吗?-I have never been to the Great Wall.我从未去过长城。D另外一些时间状语,如just, before, up to now, the past few years等。例如:I have seen her before,but I can not remember where.我以前见过她,但记不起在哪里见过。3. have been doing:1.从过去某一时间起先,始终在做,还没做完 2. 带感情色调(尤其与频度副词相协作时) She has always been working like that.她一贯是这样工作的。4.两者的区分:1.表示状态,感情,感觉的动词如:have,exist,like,hate,hear,know, sound等动词不能用于现在完成进行时,但可用于现在完成时。 2.have done已完成而且不强调一段时间内不停地做某事,have been doing未完成,而且始终在做留意事项:I. have been(to)与have gone( to)的区分:have been(to)表示“去过某地(现在已经回来了)”,可用于各人称;have gone(to)表示“去某地了(说话时某人还在那个地方)”,常用于第三人称,前者可与once ,never,several times等连用,后者则不能。如:They have _to Beijing twice.He has gone to Beijing .(翻译) II.不行持续性动词现在完成时的否定式,已变成一种可以持续的状态,因此可以和表示一段时间的状语连用。如:I havent left here since 1997.自从1997年以来,我始终没有离开过这儿。推断对错:I have received his letter for a month.I havent received his letter for almost a month.II短暂性动词不能和表一段时间的时间状语连用。如:come, go, arrive, reach, hear, close, leave, begin, start, lose, buy, fall, join, die, get up等。但假如要保留表一段时间的时间状语,必需将动词改为持续性动词。现归纳总结一下由非持续性动词到持续性动词的转换如: fall asleep (ill) be asleep (ill)get to know know begin,(start) be on open be open buy have get up be up die be deadgo out be out come be inclosebe closed arrivebe here joinbe in, be a +名词 finish( end )be over leave, move be away, borrow keep go to schoolbe a student catch(a cold) have(a cold)begin to studystudy come backbe back put onwear 或be on练习:1.Both his parents look sad . Maybe they _whats happened to him . A. knew B. have known C. must know D.will know2、He has _ been to Shanghai , has he ?A. already B.never C.ever D.still3、Have you met Mr Li _? A. just B. ago C.before D. a moment ago4、The famous writer _ one new book in the past two year . A. is writing B.was writing C.wrote D.has been writing5、Our country _ a lot so far . Yes . I hope it will be even _ . A.has changed ; well B.changed ; good C.has changed ; better D.changed ; better 6、Zhao Lan _already _in this school for two years . A. was ; studying B. will ; study C. has ; studied D. are ; studying 7、We _ Xiao Li since she was a little girl . A. know B. had known C. have known D. knew8、Harry Potter is a very nice film .I_ it twice . A.will see B.have seen C.am seeing D.see9、These farmers have been to the United States . Really ? When _ there ? A. will they go B. did they go C. do they go D. have they gone 10、_ you _ your homework yet ? Yes . I _ it a moment ago . A.Did ; do ; finished B.Have ; done ; finished C.Have ; done ; have finished D.will ; do ; finish11、His father _ the Party since 1978 . A. joined B. has joined C. was in D. has been in12、Do you know him well ? Sure .We _ friends since ten years ago . A. were B. have been C. have become D. have made 13、How long have you _ here ? About two months . A. been B. gone C. come D. arrived14、Hurry up! The play _ for ten minutes . A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on D. began15、It _ ten years since he left the army . A. is B. has been C. will D. was16、 Miss Green isnt in the office . she_ to the library . A.has gone B. went C.will go D. has been17、My parents _ Shandong for ten years . A. have been in B. have been to C. have gone to D. have been18.The students have cleaned the classroom, ? A. so they B. dont they C. have they D. havent they19、 has Mr White been a member of Greener China since he to China?A. How soon, comes B. How often, got
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