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细心整理中学英语选修六重点短语、句型复习Unit 1 Art一、 短语集锦细心整理1) 详细地 in detail2) 信任 have faith in3) 瞄准、企图 aim at; aim to do4) 集中精力 concentrate on5) 对的看法 attitude to/towards6) 同时 at the same time7) 拥有 take possession of8) 使某人信服 convince sb of/that9) 巧合 by coincidence10) 大量 a great deal (of)11) 脱离、摆脱 break away from12) 渴望 be eager for sth/ to do sth13) 承受为 accept as14) 也就是说 that is (to say)15) 尝试、企图 attempt to do16) 一方面 on the one hand17) 另一方面 on the other hand18) 本人 in the flesh19) 一束鲜花 a bunch of flowers20) 宁愿某人做某事 would rather do21) 宁愿而不愿would rather dothan do; prefer to do rather than do22) 偏爱 have a preference for23) 吸引、恳求 appeal to24) 各种各样的 a variety of25) 每两年 every two years; every second year; every other year细心整理二、句型聚集1) 明显,这是我最不想做的一件事情。(evident)It is evident that this is the last thing I want to do.2我坚信我将会拥有绚丽的将来。(convince)Im convinced that I will embrace a bright future.3我宁愿亲自送她去上海浦东国际机场。(would rather)I would rather walk her to Shanghai Pudong International Airport myself.4他始终在努力着让世界变得更奇妙,真实太了不得了。(amazing)It is amazing that he is always trying to make the world a better place to live.Unit 2 Poems一、 短语集锦细心整理1) 列举 make a list of2) 给某人留下印象 leave/make an impression on sb3) 传递某种感情 convey certain emotions4) 表达自己的思想 express oneself5) 有道理、有意义 make sense6) 放松,没关系张 take it easy7) 用完,消耗光 run out (of sth)8) 由组成 be made up of/ consist of9) 受欢送 be popular with10) 把A翻译成B translate A into B11) 尤其、特殊 in particular12) 从中选择 choose from13) 值得 be worth + n / doing sth14) 碰巧 by chance/ accident15) 在底端 at the bottom of16) 测试;试验 try out17) 发出;释放 let out细心整理二、句型聚集1明星受年轻人的欢送有各种各样的缘由。(why)There are various reasons why pop stars are popular with young people.2杭州西湖的美景给我留下了特殊深刻的印象。(impression)The beauty of the West Lake in Hangzhou has left a good impression on me.3假如你要买字典的话,有很多可供选择。(choose)If you want to buy a dictionary, there are many to choose from.Unit 3 A healthy life一、 词聚集锦细心整理1) 在压力下 under stress2) 及共享 share with3) 对挑剔 be particular about4) 在两周之后 in two weeks time5) 由于 due to6) 放弃 give up7) 对上瘾 be addicted to sth/ doing8) 习惯于 be accustomed to sth/ doing9) 脾气急躁的 bad-tempered10) 重复;一再 over and over again11) 对产生影响 have effect on12) 损坏;破坏 do damage to13) 停顿做某事 quit doing14) 确定;选定 decide on15) 从中获益 benefit from16) 扔掉 throw away17) 想要做 feel like sth/ doing18) 提示某人做 remind sb of sth/ to do/that19) 代替 instead of20) 不管;不顾 in spite of21) 冒险 take risks22) 养成做某事的习惯 get into the habit of23) 及病魔作斗争 fight disease24) 患上艾滋病 develop AIDS25) 感染 get infected with26) 可能 It is likely that; be likely to do27) 对惊惶 be nervous about细心整理二、 句型聚集1) 感到惊异吧,像我这样的年龄感到照旧很安康。(amazing)It seems amazing that at my age I am still fit.2) 你发觉要放弃吸烟很困难。(find it )You find it difficult to give up smoking.3) 我不知道你是谁,我也不在乎。(neither do I)I dont know who you are and neither do I care.4) 我想让你和我一样过上华蜜美满的生活。(asas)I want you to live as happy a life as I have.5) 每次你想放弃的时候,提示你自己你四周的人们都在关怀着你。(every time)Every time you feel like giving up, remind yourself that the people around you are concerned about you.6) 覆水难收。(It is no good/use)It is no good crying over spilt milk.7) 假如你感染了HIV,你很有可能会死。(likely)Its likely that you will die if you get infected with HIV.Unit 4 Global warming一、 短语集锦细心整理1) 全球气候变暖 global warming2) 依靠 depend on3) 比作/比拟 compareto4) 发生 come about5) 人类活动 human activity6) 赞同;订购 subscribe to7) 温室效应 greenhouse effect8) 大量的 a quantity of/quantities of9) 上升 go up10) 导致 result in11) 反对 be opposed to12) 积累;建立 build up13) 即使 even if14) 接着做 keep on doing15) 扫视;撇一下 glance through16) 大体上 on the whole17) 代表 on behalf of18) 提倡做 advocate + n/doing/that19) 产生影响;起作用make a difference to20) 容忍 put up with21) 的结果 as a result of22) 起先做某事 get started with23) 电气设备 electrical appliances24) 只要 so/as long as25) 对随意 be casual about26) 等等 and so on27) 使某人精神振作 refresh ones spirit28) 你的奉献很有价值 Your contribution counts.细心整理二、 句型聚集1) 和他的工作相比拟,她的要好得多。(compare)Compared to/with his work, hers is much better.2) 毫不疑问,引起全球变暖的是人类的活动。(it is that)There is no doubt that it is human activity that has caused the global warming.3) 我代表我的学校向从欧洲远道而来的各位表示热忱的欢送。(on behalf of)On behalf of my school, Id like to extend my warm welcome to all of you coming all the way from Europe.4) 每个人都可以对这个世界产生巨大的影响。(make a difference)Every individual can make a big difference to the whole world.5) 每一秒钟都很重要争分夺秒。(count)Every second counts.Unit 5 The power of nature一、 短语集锦细心整理1) 考虑做;被认为consider doing; be considered to be/ to have done2) 爱惜免受 protect from3) 想象做 imagine doing4) 适合 be suitable for5) 也;和 as well as6) 组成make up,consist of7) 普及全世界 all over the world8) 科学设备 scientific equipment9) 被任命为 be appoint
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