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2022年高考英语大一轮复习 单元知识汇总 Book 8 Unit 23 Conflict 北师大版重点识记词汇1.betray vt.出卖,背叛2.hand over把交给3.justice n.公正,正义 4promise n.&v.妥协,让步5.prejudice n.偏见;成见 6.look into调查7.departure n.离开,离去 8.classify vt.把分类;归类9.in a flash瞬间,即刻 10.stand up for保护,维护11.put forward提议,提出 12.give in让步,屈服13.from then on从那时起,以后 14.send for派人去叫15.subscribe (to) vi.订阅(杂志或报纸) 16.call in请(某人)17.appoint vt.任命,委任 18.join up参军19.have a gift for对有天赋 20.keep off减去21.allowance n.零用钱;津贴 22.contradict vt.反驳,纠正23.hold out(在困境中)坚持 24.call on要求介入25.look down on看不起 26.by and by不久以后27.keep ones word遵守诺言 28e about发生29.in surprise吃惊地,惊奇地 30.unconscious adj.失去知觉的31.greet vt.问候,致意 32.remark vt.说起,谈到33.in peace和平地 34.acquaintance n.相识的人35.sponsor vt.赞助 36.the more.the more.越就越37.salute vt.向致敬 38.swear vi.发誓39.intend vt.想要,打算 40.expense n.费用,开支41.rope off用绳子围起(隔开) 42.sort out解决(问题或困难)43.shoot vt.&vi.射击shot n.射击,开枪44.talk sth.over with sb.与详细讨论45.possession n.私有物品possess vt.拥有46.bring sth.on sb.给某人招来(不愉快的)事情47.union n.联合会,工会unite v.联合united adj.联合的48.security n.安全secure adj.安全的49.representative n.代表represent vt.代表50.distribute vt.分发,分配distribution n.分配;分布51.consume vt.喝;消费,消耗consumer n.消费者52.strengthen vt.(使)变强,加强strength n.力量strong adj.强壮的53.liberation n.解放liberate v.解放54.furnished adj.配有家具的furnish v.在(房屋等)布置家具;提供55.expose vt.使置身于危险中;暴露be exposed to接触;遭受;使遭受必背经典句式1.Had they known their neighbour was a drummer,they wouldnt have moved into the building.要是早知道他们的邻居是一位鼓手,他们就不会搬进这座大楼。2.No sooner had they moved in than the noise began and rarely did they get a full nights sleep.他们刚一搬进去噪音就开始了,而且他们几乎没有睡过一个囫囵觉。3.Smith lives above the McKays and it appears that not only is he a keen gardener,he is also a fish collector.史密斯住在麦凯一家人的楼上,看起来他不仅热衷于园艺,还是个鱼类收藏家。4.Unless I receive a positive reply within the next three weeks,I intend to take further action.如果在接下来的三周之内我得不到令人满意的答复,我将采取进一步的行动。构词记忆hardship /hdIp/n.C&U苦难;困苦;苦事membership /membIp/n.C&U会员资格;会员人数ownership /nIp/n.U所有(权);所有制relationship /rIleInIp/n.C&U关系;联系A语境填词1The finance pany now has possession(拥有) of the house.2A mittee has been appointed(任命) to investigate these plaints.3As a nurse in the war she was exposed(暴露) to many dangers.4Women still have to face a great deal of prejudice(偏见) in the workplace.5For reasons of security(安全),all luggage must be searched.6Mr. Robert Brown was announced as the sponsor(赞助商)7We were taken out for a meal at the panys expense(开支)8He is unconscious(未觉察到的) of having made a serious error.9The soldiers saluted(向致敬) the officers when they were inspected.10He swore(发誓) to get rid of the habit of taking drugs.B用所给词的适当形式填空11These pictures represent (representative) Japanese landscapes at all seasons of the year.12We need more feedback from the consumer (consume) in order to improve our goods.13The Red Cross supervised the distribution (distribute) of food and clothing to the flood victims.14He has made remarkable (remark) progress in English.15We want to strenghten (strong) our ties with them.短语运用A用方框内所给动词短语的适当形式填空stand up for,look into,put forward,hold out,have a gift for,call in,send for,hand over,give in,e about16.Lang Lang and Li Yundi both have a gift for music.17If you dont stand up for your rights,no one else will do it for you.18Two policemen have been called in to help solve the problem.19The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse.20Leave the house in no time,or Ill send for the police.21As a friend,I should be frank to you,so I put forward these criticism and opinions.22He has resigned and will handover charge of his office today.23The enemy will have to give in;they cant hold out for long.24Do you think the President will give in to the terrorists demand?25How did this dangerous state of affairs e about?B用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空out of control,in a flash,sort of,more or less, from then on,in peace,in surprise,by and by26.I tell him to go away and leave me in peace.27All of them have bee good friends from then on.28Im busy now,but Ill talk with you by and by.29The boy jumped up in surprise at the sudden noise. 30The fat old man looked sort of ridiculous in his tight pink trousers.31The repairs will cost 50,more or less.32The plane went out of control and crashed.33The boy ran so fast that he arrived at his school in a flash.经典句式34Had you e yesterday,you would have met him.如果你昨天来的话,你就会碰见他了。35No sooner had the lovely baby seen his mother than he smiled.那个可爱的婴儿一看到他的妈妈就笑了。36Not only has he been to Canada,but also he knows some Canadians.他不仅去过加拿大,而且还认识一些加拿大人。37I wont go to his wedding unless Im invited.除非我被邀请,否则我不会去参加他的婚礼。1多词一义betray,let out,give awaybetray a secret to sb.向某人泄露
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