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所有行囊英语怎么说bag and baggage讲解:该习语为军事用语,指“士兵的随身行李和财物”。现在隐申为“带着全部东西,完全地,彻底地”。支持范例:Eg.Her tenant left, bag and baggage, without paying the rent.她的房客未付房租就带着全部财物离去了.Eg.Last week he cleared out bag and baggage;the room is now quite empty.周他把所有东西都搬走了,那房子如今空空如也。Eg.The house was vacated bag and baggage in a matter of hours.这幢房子在几个小时里就全部腾出来了。Eg.All right, if you wont pay the rent, out with you, bag and baggage.好吧,要是你不付房租,就收拾起你的东西滚吧!英语情景对话:A: Susan is going to get a divorce.Susan要离婚了。B: How do you know that?怎么知道的?A:She told me that she has a quarrel last nigh, and she left this morning,bag and baggage.她昨天告诉我和Peter吵了一架,今天早上就把东西全部带走了。B:Oh, I see. But I think you are making a fuss. They will make it up. Bet it.哦,我知道了。不过我觉得你有点大惊小怪了。他们会和好的。我确信。英语学习笔记:1.have a quarrel:吵架Eg.He is good - nature and have never have a quarrel with anyone.他脾气很好,从不和任何人争吵Eg.Every time you two have a quarrel the work gets delayed, and its usually he who has to pick up the pieces.每次你们俩吵架,总要把工作耽搁下来,而往往是他来收拾残局。2.make a fuss:大惊小怪,小题大做Eg.You shouldnt make all that fuss about so simple a matter.这么简单的事,你不该那么大惊小怪。Eg.Why do you always make a fuss over a trivial things?只是点风吹草动, 你怎么就大做文章?3.make up:和解Eg.The separated couple couldnt make it up.那对分居的夫妻不可能和解。Eg.After their long argument the two brothers made it up.长期争吵之后,兄弟俩终于和解了。4.get a divorce:离婚5.bet it:确信Eg.You look great in these shoes. I bet it.我敢肯定您穿着这双鞋真好看。Eg.Its still in this room, I bet it. Let me help you find it.我肯定它还在这间屋里。我帮你找。
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