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广东省肇庆市高中英语Unit3TheMillionPoundBankNoteUsingLanguage:Listeningreadingandwriting教案新人教版必修3Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank NoteUsing Language:Listening reading and writing(授课日期: 年 月 日 星期 班级 )授课题目Unit3 Book3 Using language:Listening, reading and writing拟 课时第 课时明确目标1、知识与技能:1. Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in this part.2. Get students to listen to Act , Scene 3 and read Act , Scene 4 of the play.2、过程与方法: Fast-reading,Listening & Discussion. 3、情感态度与价值观:1. Stimulate students interest of learning English by enjoying this play.2. Develop students sense of group cooperation and teamwork.重点难点重点:1. Develop students integrative ability.2. Let students listen to Act , Scene 3. Have students read Act , Scene 4.难点:Get students to listen to and understand Act , Scene 3.课型讲授 习题 复习 讨论 其它教 学 内 容 设 计因材施教Step 1 RevisionCheck the homework exercises.Step 2 Warming up Ask students to make a list of all the changes that Henry has made to his life.Step 3 Listening task1. Tell students: Turn to Page 58. We are going to listen to Act , Scene 3.2. Let them listen carefully and write down the main idea.3. Have them go through the chart and make sure they know what to do.4. Play the tape again for them to listen to and let them make notes.5. Two or three minutes for them to discuss and share their notes with another pair.6. Play the tape a third time for them to check and have the correct answers.Step 4 Reading and speaking task1. Ask students to discuss the following questions in pairs.1)What will Henry and Portia tell each other about themselves?2)What will they keep a secret from each other?2. Let some of them report their ideas to the class.3. Tell them: Turn to Page 58. We are going to read Act , Scene 4.4. Let them read the play fast to get the main idea.5. Have them read the play carefully and retell the story in their own words.Step 5 Writing task1. Suppose the situation: Imagine that after Henry marries Portia, he has bad luck in business and becomes poor again. Now he must tell his wife the bad news. With a partner write a short dialogue between these two characters.2. Let students discuss the questions with their partner and give them some advice.3. 5. Invite as many pairs as possible to perform their dialogue to the class. The teacher and others should give comments.Step 6 Homework1. Finish off the Workbook exercises.2. Review the contents of the unit and complete Summing Up on Page 24.教学后记:2
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