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高中英语阅读理解一、 明白文章的类型、结构 在阅读文章时,要观察文章属于什么类型,什么结构。这有助于迅速找到答案。一般说来,新闻报道的开头就把发生的事一目了然地写出来,所以,新闻报道的第一段是最重要的,接下来才讲述事情的经过及细节。而议论文章也喜欢这种形式,开门见山提出观点,再进行论述。说明文章喜欢一点一点分开说明。广告词喜欢用简练、缩略的语言方式进行表达,有时比较迷惑人。例如: Share flat, Goodhope Valley nice flat. The other room ready for use immediately, quiet and convenient, fully furnished, park view, P.W. including bills of phone and power. Female non-smoker. No pet. Helen:2525744. Q: Helen wants to _. A. Find another lady to share the cost of a flat. B. Share her room in a flat with a lady who has no pet. C. Rent a flat of her own at P.W. D. Find a flat in Goodhope Valley with park view. 很多同学选B或C,但正确答案为A。 选B的同学是因为受广告词末端“No pet”的影响而忽略了“share her room in a flat”的意思:在一个套间中共用她的房间。而广告的第二句“The other room ready for use immediately, quiet and convenient, fully furnished, park view”明确表明,另一间房马上就可以用。这证明不是共用一间房,而是共用一套间,故选A,选C的同学则主要是受“P.W.”的影响,而忽略了“Rent a flat of her own”。 二、 多积累、运用综合知识 知识是相互联系的,特别是现代考试,内容广泛灵活,多种知识互相覆盖,平时多积累综合知识,有利于阅读理解的提高。例如: A newer theory is that increasing daylight stimulates(刺激) certain glands(腺) in the birds body and prepares it for migration. One scientist is able to make birds migrate in midwinter by exposing them for two months to artificial(人造的) daylight. Recoveries of marked birds indicate that they fly north as soon as they are set free. The conclusion is that the urge to migrate is determined by changes in the birds body which take place under seasonal changes in the length of daylight. Q: The birds fly north in midwinter because _. A. They are specially trained by a scientist. B. They are affected by seasonal changes. C. A change in their body temperature. D. They are exposed to extra daylight. 这是一道生物和地理知识相结合的题目。很多同学选B,但答案是D。主要是受最后一句的影响:“结论表明迁徙的欲望由鸟的身体变化决定,而这种变化是在日照长度变化的季节发生的”。这句话的意思是说鸟的迁徙由日照的长短决定。但同学不理解,认为季节变化决定日照长短的说法不够准确,只能说日照的长短与季节有关。实际上,根据地理知识,我们可以知道,在北极或南极日照时间有明显变化,但季节变化不明显。可见,知识面广有助于正确理解文章。其实本文中第二句就是答案,而最后一句只是进一步说明这一点。 三、 长句的分析与理解 阅读理解设问的依据往往就在从句上,因此如果对长句的理解不彻底或不准确,从句与从句之间的衔接脱钩,就会导致对整个段落理解的错误,自然也选不出正确答案。例如: Gas board men looking for a leak told a shop girl there was not enough gas kill a mouse. Less than five hours later the shopping area, in which 21 people died, lay in ruins from an explosion, the blast inquiry was told yesterday. Her boss, Mr. Robertson, 30, said that on the day of the explosion he rang the gas board for an inspector after he learned that the men who were digging the road outside were subcontractor (次承包人). Q: Mr. Robertson telephoned the Gas Board because_ A. He could smell gas. B. He wanted an inspector to come to his shop and look for a gas leak. C. He fell that there would be an explosion. D. The men digging the road outside were from the gas board. 很多同学选B,但正确答案为D。选错的原因是对after引导的状语从句理解不当,该状语从句里又有宾语从句和定语从句,也受第一句的影响:Gas board men looking for a leak told a shop girl正在找漏气的煤气公司的人告诉女店员没有足够的气体杀死一个老鼠。所以部分同学认为,打电话给煤气公司是找检察员来检查煤气漏气。其实不然,第二句是复合句,才是答案,理解为:Mr. Robertson得知在外面挖路的人不是煤气公司的人(而是次承包人)后,才打电话给煤气公司并要求派人来检查此事。 四、 学会猜词 在阅读时肯定会碰到未学的单词,所以必须学会猜词,以免让生词成为阅读的障碍。猜词时可把选择项的词汇逐个代入原句中,看哪一个词最为合理。例如: It is a fact that young men are more romantic than young women, young men fall in love at the drop of a hat. Q: What dose the underlined phrase most probably mean? A. very much B. very lovely C. easily D. slowly 只要把A、B、C、D分别代入“at the drop of hat”的位置便知:A非常,B非常可爱,C容易,D缓慢,只有C合理。全句意为:年轻男人比年轻女人浪漫是事实,年轻男人容易陷入情网。 提高阅读理解效果的途径还有很多,必须在平时多练多总结。五、一些解题技巧一)识别最佳选项。 1.识别包含项。某项的内容概括了其他三项。如:1). What must you learn to be tolerant of if you live in a dormitory?A. Your roommates telephone calls B. Habits that may differ from your ownC. Visits by your roommates friends D. Roommates who are unsanitary2). The three examples are cited to show that _. A. Quit smoking is necessary B. Healthy habits benefit our healthC. Fruits and vegetables are better than milk. D. We should drink more water every day. 2. 识别正反项。两项内容矛盾或相反,其中一个可能是选项。如:1). According to the passage, listening only with ears may happen to us when _. A. we are emotionally tired B. we are physically disabledC. we are so interested in the topic D. we are asked many questions2). There is unlikely any life on Venus because _. A. it has very thin atmosphere B. the surface temperature is too hotC. the weather is too cold D. it is extremely short of water3. 保留委婉项,排除绝对项。委婉项用词:probably, possibly, may, usually, might, most of, more or less, relatively, be likely to, not necessary, although, yet, in addition, tend to, be liable to(可能)等。绝对项:must, always, never, the most, all, every, any, merely, only, completely, none, hardly, already等。1)(连云港四模66)From the last paragraph we can conclude that Dr. Robbie Adler-Tapia agrees that A.parents should regard making friends as something that just happens B.its wise for parents to support and encourage healthy peer relationships C.parents only need to help their children to co
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