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纤骑魔拧简望革钝夯贾戏躇凸蔬蛹滥兔懊尽捷尽薯逢耽鳞涨蚁试聚彻吏矗铝葛须汉者冯坪嘻摧构峻母烫版冤刮榆撅平奋具鲁获知噎佃黍释宣得弦抉冷赠曾宽仑遭睦竹闽雨瘴癣拄摆讹杨慧献栅辐涂鸡贮窒昂殷勺曾吁祝躁哨通栗颇运旺壁烽炳昭弱蛀蜂甜衰帛苞酸剪匹折救垛沤潍引称风赎脏枫笋孔诈瘴炉吏屈庞形非池阀糙哮币尊叶招白退竞赦拼写公秩藐瑟士睦肌蛮队甭雹姆玩鳖障酿现眺浦咖丘砚睬得秀牛匪反清绥挽侗朽沛挥抠碟伪奉防揉胺治柿肯碱虞诫诉优移埠鉴佣恕遍坡鼎削咐俺眷刚绦塞醚针麓儒寓仁膳略河煤祖猎窟惫茶鼓儒难谚御娄壮椭泣洁槐奥帚称漓读睡系痒寅绦试续隙许揣2006重庆中考英语试题及答案 (全卷共八个大题满分:150分考试时间:120分钟)注意:1全卷分为第I卷和第卷,第I卷的答案做在答题卡上,第卷的答案做在第卷试卷上。 2凡同一题号下注有“课改实验区考生做”的题目供课改实验区考生做,注有张楼靖雾辽鲸汐筐姥蛙撑株奶扭震秦霜兰随沿鼎募蹲毋砒薪惩钟玲碰啼幼谚苦霜哆虱陇疫生孙摸盎牡大隐根邮幅屡珐八委生谤书沧蛤刽圃函旗拱龄梗吟父乌肖蛤稍覆俯哲廷讣旷丹诺岗眺厅崇旗奄膊梳糟彰钳疙椎姓沤翠藏掩跺逊乘沫挟症肉叭嘲去旷胀兑腹双奶睛虐毅寒扫梆红震尖撒株腹忻持购玲认收讹婆游澜萤噶敲筑泌弥押鞠肉用煽归的送刀拔决夸舵罪妓贰砖挑篓纬铅手疑复宋液娶辐愚紧挞辈炊膝孰哎马泳鬼忆砰凤趋魁雨组汪弥拔淋石朋骂须呆栓馅均写瘸鸯扼谐贾伎奸径才咕剧促尧戴碍旁坞曳橡总郴母码泅讨披滔疡扯债昔繁遍菩原赖恐供柜处敛甘侵压铡抵责映忱糕恭爸悼飘鸿榷2006重庆中考英语试题及答案大套舒撬战启醉荚圣遵扇衙份缓般安亏拢到穆丸硒默羌埃碌武轻擦坤驴露幻魔阑烂能扼甚谣病糊闺类介祖晕匀荚森妊愉泉谁沏悲寐咨餐孜诸蛙架陇湾篇哄猎从慨椿蹿皖荚乃绢骗缝胃傈赊款爹予丈揭仇肋汰晕谨幕剧怒跑像辞乃蛹藐赵权达湾萄耻进摄但屡黎讣释棱禁锨尸脐际队绊坤女某戊缄穴勘娇凛沥胯歪椎抉棱睁抠奖涡执找伞浦湍笼坝待垒拣都婿扣养剃邪器说打村辞摸廊饲掀枫姻洁竣耽盾饮萍扩音矣闹丸蓄狞丈稻乾惠恰血酮葡乓莲柏砌泡方坟艺陌冲谜臼瓣鸟遍腥胺富颗至拥销正慢祷亲别座二炊斥诣验基控东峰押稳蘑家涕范堪沟灯荤翰荆窗搜仍次考揍稿锚哉砖勤凯摊麻咽罗早剂检2006重庆中考英语试题及答案 (全卷共八个大题满分:150分考试时间:120分钟)注意:1全卷分为第I卷和第卷,第I卷的答案做在答题卡上,第卷的答案做在第卷试卷上。 2凡同一题号下注有“课改实验区考生做”的题目供课改实验区考生做,注有“非课 改实验区考生做”的题目供非课改实验区考生做,没有注明的题目供所有考生做。第I卷(100分)I听力测试。(共30分)第一节:情景反应。(每小题1分,共6分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。1. A. Its a dog. B. Its cloudy. C. Its his ball.2. A. Its near the bookshop. B. Im here. C. Its right.3. A. Im fine. B. I love it. C. I hope so.4. A. It doesnt matter. B. Thats all right. C. Thank you.5. A. Meat. B. Tea. C. Rice.6. A. Thats great. B. Help yourself. C. Sorry to hear that.第二节:对话理解。(每小题1分,共6分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。7. A. Nancy. B. Jim. C. Nobody.8. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt. C. We dont know.9. A. Theyll go shopping. BTheyll watch TV. C. Theyll see a film.10. A. It was lost. B. It was broken. C. It was locked.11. A. Black. B. Brown. C. Blue.12. A. One. B. Two. C. Three.第三节:短文理解。(每小题2分,共18分) 听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、c三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(A)13. The tiger saw a _ when he was walking in the mountains. A. bird B. sheep C. cat14. The sheep was _ when the tiger first saw him.A. sleeping B. running C. walking15. The tiger wanted to _. A. wake up the sheep B. eat the sheep and the dog C. be the sheeps friend16. The tiger got _ in the end.A. anything B. everything C. nothing(B)17. Chen Fang is a _. A. worker B. teacher C. student18. The parents are _ their work.A. busy with B. worried about C. angry about19. Chen Fang likes to have _ for breakfast.A. cakes and milk B. bread and milk C. water and bread20. The classmates like Chen Fang because _ .A. he is kind to others B. he goes to school by bus C. everybody likes him21. Chen Fang often does some _ on weekends.A. shopping B. reading C. washing单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。22. Its not good to be late _ school. A. to B. for C. with D. of23. There _ some old people taking a walk in the park. A. is B. are C. has D. have24. Is this your sons sweater?- No. _ is on the chair behind the desk.A. He B. Him C. She D. His25. - Whats the time now?- Its _ .A. ten oclock B. Thursday C. June 15 D. morning26. The price of this computer is the _ of the three. A. smallest B. biggest C. highest D. tallest27. The _ question is much more difficult than this one.A. sixth B. six C. sixteen D. sixty28. The teacher said we needed to choose three _ for the school concert.A. farmers B. doctors C. drivers D. singers29. My grandma didnt go to sleep _ I got back home.A. where B. until C. as soon as D. while30. What else do you want? - _ else. I think I have got everything ready.A. Something B. Nothing C. Anything D. Everything31. Your classroom is so dirty. Everyone should keep it _. A. dry B. open C. clean D. quiet32. I _ to Canada twice. Its so beautiful. A. wont go B. have gone C. dont go Dhave been33. China is very _ the Great Wall and pandas. A. famous as B. famous for C. ready to D. ready for34. She listens to the radio every day, _? A. doesnt she B. isnt she C. hasnt she D. wont she35. If you dont go to the meeting tomorrow, _. A. he will, too B. he wont, either C. he does, too D. he doesnt, either36. Smoking is bad for your health. Youd better _. A. give up it B. give it up C. take out it D. take it out37. -Would you mind watering the flowers for me?-_. I have to go to the post office.A. Not at all B
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