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nit 4单元综合检测(考试时间:100分钟, 满分:1分)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分得分第一部分 听力(2分) 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )1.( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( ).A. Becaus therourfrnd.eause thyre dogs.Becuse we ont aveanimal.( )7.A.Nt yeaB.In 191.C.n t ftue.( )8.A.It beauiful ope ot.C.es, h id.( )9.A.Tha mt bfun.D yu thinkC.Isory to her hat.( )1AI age wthyouB.Nothig.C.I lokslike aplat.听对话,选择正确答案。每组对话读两遍。(5分)( )11.Wheer ty oig To heparkB.To hez.Tthe farm.( )1.hat rethytalking about AAnmals.B.Plants.CThe counysde.( )13.Wht s Alic iser oing hente UO ook off .Loi ou of thewindow.B.WtchingTV. Redingooks.( )14.Wh is he y goi to Egyt with A.Hsparents.i st.C. res.( )1What re hey tlkg abou A. p.Bhn.C.he Great Wll.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)( )1at willour ife be like wto TV.Born.BColorul.CHappy.( )1wmany prblems ar there with TV n the pasgA.Tree.B.Fou.CFve.( )Wilyu get fater if u wath TV toomuchAYe, wewilB.No, wenCI nto.( )19.Waothe hgscan we do acording o he passae.uf the ternet.BPait pitures.layfootball.( )2How n yoma olifemore intertigA.Waching T lss.BWtching T mor.C.Stpng watchig TV. 听短文,填空。短文读三遍。(分)TeGreat all ofChia i one of hegreatestwodersi the wol t isout 21 ms ong. Th 2 Chinese began to uildshwll rom 600 . . Thirtempor, Qn ihuang 23 theod wllsoetr.ince tn, eople 24 the Gea Wa a a sym fhe Chineeation. very yr ny eoe ingratlsurvisitng the wal. But sm setino he wall are 2 out. plebgitprotet and rebuilde Great al recntly.2._ 22_ 23._ 24._ 2_第二部分 基础知识运用(6分).单项选择。(15分)( )1An udhe omputer or hopng, _A.us heB.usedn sheC.didshdint she( )2.umust _ te trafficights whenyourss the rod.A.a ttenion o.pyattetion toCpay atteninonD.pay tntons o( )3._ inot easy o dr pitrswith this peYuare rght.A.heeBThs.ThaD.It( )4.Ho manystents are her n you schol_ stnt,Itink.A.ThousadfB.ThretosnsThree thouandD.Tree touads of( ).Whee reyouoin tokexyr_ aybeHeei or Nji.A.I n sosure.B.I think s.C.Thts a ooddea.Ihopeno.( )6Jenny ad Jaewealkingi hekicen _was reai he newspaperhlebeoreC.afrDf( ).Why do you ike living nthe cotrysieecaus thers_ nie d_cars there.A.les; feer.feer; ess; lssD.fwr;fewer( )8I o cant et t sleep, ten get upan try to omthn _ ying bdAadB.or.intead oDbcausof( )9.Jck fathers_ ator andhis moe is _ cietst.A.an;anB.an; a.; nD.; a( )1.Dont mke me _th lotes. Ito tire!.asingB.t washC.wshD.wshd( )11.I think dumpligs e _ mdelicous ha nodlesIdtagr wth ouA.muB.veyCtooDs( )2.I caleyu hs morning,but nobody ansered.I_thflowers in m garde a that AwteedB.was wateringCwatram waterig( )3There ae many ld houses n eijg,rn ther_ Only afw remnnow.AYes, tey are.No, hey arnt.C.No, thre antD.es,her re.( )14My antgoeso limb Mount u eve Sunda.O Butsh _ht ciming muninsA.ued toB.use oC.uses o.isused to( )5Mustpak my cr ehnd the buildigNo, ou_ Yo _ parkit her.A.ustt; maB.may no; uston he; m.shouldnt; st.情景交际。(10分)(A)从栏中找出与栏中各句相对应的答语。( )16H o you le ts movie.ts so wonerful.( )17.Wats te mater ih SueB.I agreityou.( )1.tey lkepats oraimlCHae a goo tim!( )1.Im going o Beijg o vcainD.Plnts.( )20W shouldo oures tofight ARS.E.Shehs sr thoat.(B)选择方框中的句子完成对话,其中有两项多余。:, Mik! Ca you tel e mting but SierianirsB:Of couseA: 21 B:Thy e bi nd strng They hv bight e,yelow ur(皮毛)andblack stpes(条纹).:Ca ey cimb treesB: t hey an
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