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仁爱版英语七年级上册 Unit 3,Topic 3 ,Section B 教学设计与反思 一、 教材分析与处理 (一)、教材的地位和作用本节课为Topic3 的第二课时,(在第1节课里已利用 “集中识词”让学生学习并初步掌握了食物的单词)本课以谈论三餐食物为话题,围绕学习有关询问他人三餐饮食习惯的日常用语而展开,同时学习在外就餐时的用语,既为以下几个Section 内容的学习起承上启下的作用,也便于提高学生知识水平、发展学生创新和合作精神、和提高竞争意识,为以后的英语学习奠定良好的基础。(二)、教学目标1、知识目标 (knowledge objects)1) 复习巩固(The words of Topic3)2) Learn the useful expressionsA) What do you usually have for breakfast? -I usually havefor breakfast. B)What about lunch? -I usually havefor lunch.C)-And supper? -I usually havefor lunch.D)May I take your order, sir?E) Wait a moment, please.2、能力目标1) Using the useful expressions:A) What do you usually have for breakfast? -I usually havefor breakfast. B)What about lunch? -I usually havefor lunch.C)-And supper? -I usually havefor lunch.D)May I take your order, sir?E)Wait a moment, please.3、情感目标1)让学生了解英美国家的饮食习惯 2)有明确的学习目的,能认识到学习的目的在于交流,敢于用英语进行表达(三)、教学重点1、不可数名词以及其用法2、The useful expressions of Section B(四)、教学难点1、Get the students to master how to express the food for the three meals 2.三餐中饮食的表达 (五)、教学策略:采用多媒体 情景教学法、操练法等(六)、学法“授人以鱼,不如授人以渔.” “教是为了不教”(指导学生采用自主学习、合作学习和探究学习的学习策略,让学生通过观察、对比来发现语言的规律,从而达到熟练应用语言的目的。)(七)、总体教学思路本节课以复习有关食品的单词入手,让学生学习和区分可数与不可数名词以及掌握不可数名词量的表达法.采用图片导出新课, 设置情境导出本课日常交际用语,最后通过听、说、读、写、表演等一系列活动,让学生灵活掌握和应用本课所学内容。二、Arrangement(教学过程设计) Step 1 Revision (目的:复习前面几个Unit 所学内容以及上节课所学单词为本节课做准备。)1 One-minute talk.(一分钟俩俩对话:用于活跃课堂气氛,检测学生对所学内容的掌握。)2 Duty reporter.(形式可以是表演、对话、复述或背诵短文,但一般要设计14个问题来检测其它同学的听力。)3 Revise the words and expressions of Topic A (利用图片来复习前节课的单词,速度快而且要提问要全班。目的在于巩固和复习所学单词。)4 Look and say(通过图片快速复习有关食品、饮料、水果的单词,然后用竞赛方式让学生归 5.复习巩固和检测学过的内容 (目的:通过设置情景复习section A的交际用语)( 设置情景: 引出重点句型:What would you like? Would you like some milk? 以及其问答。让学生在情景中学习新的知识,充满乐趣,过度也自然。) Present the dialogue like:T: -What would you like? S1:-I would like .T: -Would you like some milk? S1 Yes, please. / No, thanks.a) Repeat with more of them and then get them ask and answer in pairs quickly by using the pictures on blackboard.(让学生利用图片操练所学的新句型,进行快速的俩俩对话,并纳入竞赛中,检测学生对句型掌握的熟练程度。)Step2 presentation1. Show some pictures to lead out the sentence pattern :What do you usually have for breakfast?lunchsupper?2. Help the students to answer: I usually have for breakfast. lunchsupper?3. Using another way to ask: What about lunch? And supper?4. Ask the students to answer5. The students make similar dialogues with their partners6. Ask the students to write down the answers or their partners in 1b7. check their answers Step 3 Listen and read (目的:检测学生听力能力)Listen to the tape and the answer the questions Q1 What does Michael usually have for breakfastQ2 What about lunch?Q3 And supper? 2.Get the Ss read 1a in pairs(让学生熟读对话,为表演做好准备。)3. Show the Flash of 2a and learn the following expressions: A) May I take your order, sir? B) Wait a moment, please.4. Ask the students to listen to the tape and read5. Finish 2b the check their answers Sept 4 Project(目的:让学生灵活运用所学知识,模拟生活情景表演对话。)1.Group work:Give the Ss four minutes to make a new dialogue and then act out in front of the class。(4人为一组,组一段新的对话,模拟生活情景上台表演, 2. Listen to the tape and learn the English song: Old McDonald Had a Shop.2.完成练习册Section B的作业。Unit3 Topic3 Section B 教学心得 本节课为Topic3 的第二课时,(在第1节课里已利用 “集中识词”让学生学习并初步掌握了食物的单词)本课以谈论三餐食物为话题,围绕学习有关询问他人三餐饮食习惯的日常用语而展开,同时学习在外就餐时的用语,既为以下几个Section 内容的学习起承上启下的作用,也便于提高学生知识水平、发展学生创新和合作精神、和提高竞争意识,为以后的英语学习奠定良好的基础。 鉴于本课的特点,我采用了多媒体组织教学,通过大量的图片进行复习导入,很好地调动了学生的学习积极性,整节课在和谐而又活泼的氛围中开展各项教学活动。 复习导入时,采用大量精彩的图片激发学生的学习兴趣,由易到难,由浅入深地引出本课的新句型:What do you usually have for breakfast? What about lunch?And supper? 在练习句型时,能够让大多数同学参与口头交际,有意识地体现了以学生为主体的教学模式。在讲解2b部分时,能通过Flash动画以激发学生的兴趣,并学习新句型:May I take your order, sir? Wait a moment, please. 本课我认为还应改进的地方有以下几个方面:1. 在组织学生操练句型时,没有注意点和面的关系,个别学生练习较多,而学生小组活动较少。2. 对落后生关注不够到位3. 学生口语表达练习比较多,而忽视了书面表达4. 教学模式还有待进一步创新
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