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20111年专四四专八新新闻贴说明:1、200条左右右新闻,(多多了你也也看不下下去)基基本涵盖盖20110年主主要且具具备考试试意义的的新闻事事件;2、看两两遍至三三遍左右右,关注注黑体及及中文注注释,这这些时事事词汇会会让你回回想起当当时的一一些事件件细节;3、无中中文注释释,若希希望得到到中文版版本,只只需按照照事件及及关键词词进行中中文新闻闻搜索即即可;4、不要要纠结于于时间、地地点和人人物,关关注类别别、属性性和类似似新闻的的行文方方式及词词语特点点;5、大部部分文稿稿摘自CCRI网网站,有有小部分分修改;10-22-277主题:阿富汗汗自杀式式袭击 类类别:人人祸Suiccidee boombeers(自自杀炸弹弹袭击者者) hhavee atttacckedd inn thhe hhearrt oof tthe Afgghann caapittal Kabbul , ttrigggerringg a serriess off exxploosioons andd guun bbatttless thhat killledd att leeastt 222 peeoplle.The Tallibaan hhas claaimeed rrespponssibiilitty, sayyingg fiive suiicidde bbombberss taargeetedd twwo rresiidenntiaal hhoteels useed bby fforeeignn ciitizzenss.Amonng tthosse kkillled inccludde 44 Inndiaan ccitiizenns.The Inddiann gooverrnmeent hass coondeemneed tthe atttackk, wwhicch iis tthe firrst timme tthe cappitaal KKabuul hhas beeen aattaackeed ssincce JJanuuaryy.UN SSecrretaary-genneraal BBan Ki- mooon hass allso conndemmnedd thhe aattaack.10-33-7主主题:奥奥巴马推推进健康康法案类别别:外国国内政U.S. Prresiidennt BBaraack Obaama hass urrgedd(敦促促)Coongrresss(国会会) tto ppasss hiis hheallth refformm biill, whhichh faacess a touugh figght on Cappitool HHilll.Inn hiis wweekkly raddio adddresss, Obaama saiid CConggresss oowedd thhe ccounntryy aan uup-oor-ddownn voote (一一个直接接的投票票)onn heealtth rrefoorm, tooutiing thee reeforrm wwoulld bbrinng ttax creeditts ffor smaall bussineessees tto ppurcchasse ccoveerinng aand preevennt iinsuurannce commpanniess immpossingg liifettimee caaps or annnuall liimitts tto tthe amoountt off caare peooplee reeceiive.Thee heealtth rrefoorm hass diividded Conngreess, wiith Reppubllicaans staandiing agaainsst iit iin aa roock-sollid possitiion, maakinng DDemoocraaticc unnityy evver morre iimpoortaant.10-33-288主题题:中国国干旱类别:国内事事务Soutthweest Chiinas YYunnnan Proovinnce inttendds tto ssendd moore miggrannts(移移民,农农民工) to work outside the province as severe drought worsens.The provincial government says it will try to increase the number of migrant workers from Yunnan by 500,000 to 800,000 this year.A local government official says the authorities will organize more migrants to work in other parts of the country rather than let them wait at home for water.He adds this will help not only to tackle the drinking water shortages, but also to increase their income.The drought, the worst in 100 years in many parts of Yunnan, has affected over 3 million hectares of crops.10-44-122主题题:波兰兰总统卡卡钦斯基基坠机身身亡类类别:空空难Poliish Heaalthh Miinissterr Ewwa KKopaacz andd twwo ootheer sseniior offficiialss haave arrriveed iin MMosccow to hellp iidenntiffy bbodiies of thee viictiims of thee prresiidenntiaal pplanne ccrassh llastt Saaturrdayy.A Pollishh Fooreiign Minnisttry spookessmann saays twoo pllanees aare noww avvaillablle ffor thee viictiims faamilliess.Thhe ccofffin of Pollishh prresiidennt LLechh Kaaczyynskki rretuurneed tto WWarssaw Sunndayy. TTenss off thhoussandds oof mmourrnerrs sstoood aalonng tthe 10 km rouute thaat wwas takken by thee heearsse tto tthe preesiddenttiall paalacce.We heaard it froom tthe raddio andd itt waas aa shhockk foor uus. Beccausse sso mmanyy peeoplle ddiedd annd tthe preesiddentt annd hhis wiffe aand manny PPoliish parrliaamenntarrianns aand impporttantt peeoplle ffor us, soo itts harrd tto ssay.A preelimminaary anaalyssis of thee pllanee haas ffounnd tthatt itt waas wworkkingg fiine wheen iit ccrasshedd inn weesteern Russsiaa, kkilllingg alll 996 ppeopple on boaard.10-44-277主题:冰岛火火山爆发发类别别:自然然灾害The Eurropeean Commmisssioon oon TTuessdayy ouutliinedd meeasuuress too heelp airr inndusstryy ovverccomee ecconoomicc coonseequeencees oof tthe vollcannic ashh crrisiis(火火山灰危危机), whhichh waas eestiimatted to be worrth up to 2.55 biilliion eurros (3.3 bbilllionn U.S. dolllarrs).We havve ttakeen aall asssesssmennts andd vaaluaatioons of cossts froom aall thee diiffeerennt sstakkehooldeers andd wee arre wworkkingg wiith a nnumbber bettweeen 11.5 andd 2.5 bbilllionn euuross (22 annd 33.3 billlioon UU.S. doollaars), Eurropeean Uniion (EUU) ttrannspoort commmisssioonerr Siiim Kalllass toold repportterss.The EU hass beeen hitt laast weeek bby aan uunprreceedenntedd crrisiis wwithh thhe cclossuree off aiirsppacee(机场场关闭) due to the volcanic eruption in Iceland, leading to more than 100,000 cancelled flights and more than 10 million passengers unable to travel. Flights have been gradually returning to normal since Wednesday.10-55-3主题题:墨西西哥湾原原油泄漏漏类类别:环环保新闻闻US PPressideent Barrackk Obbamaa haas aarriivedd inn Loouissianna tto aasseess thee daamagge oof tthe masssivve ooil spiill(大大量原油油泄漏)which is wreaking havoc on the Gulf of Mexico.Obama says the leak could take many days to stop,
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