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2016-2017学年高中英语Module3AdventureinLiteratureandtheCinemaSection3Grammar课时作业外研版必修5Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema Section 3 Grammar.用所给动词的适当形式填空1The woman_(sit) there,_(dress) in a blue shirt,is Lilys teacher.答案:sitting;dressed2They were_(excite) to hear the news that they had won the game.答案:excited3Because of the bad weather,we suggested_(put) off the meeting till tomorrow.答案:putting4The soup _(taste) very delicious.答案:tastes5Our teacher made us _(do) some cleaning after school.答案:do6I finally persuaded them_(help) the girl.答案:to help7_(hear) the bad news,he couldnt help_(cry)答案:Hearing;crying8The second officer_(come) in was Mr Smith.答案:to come9The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain_(seat) as the plane was making a landing.答案:seated10The message is very important,so it is supposed_(send) as soon as possible.答案:to be sent11To learn English well,we should find opportunities to hear English_(speak) as much as we can.答案:spoken12Its cold in here.We must have the fire_(burn) day and night.答案:burning13They use computers to keep the traffic_(run) smoothly.答案:running14I still remember_(take) to the Famen Temple and what I saw there.答案:being taken15I smell something_(burn) in the kitchen.Can I call you back in a minute?答案:burning.单句改错1Have you considered to change your job of being a teacher?No.I like the job because a teacher is often considered to be a gardener._答案:to changechanging2The lecture was so inspired that they were all excited._答案:inspiredinspiring3She should stop to work and have a rest for a while._答案:to workworking4They use computers to keep the traffic run smoothly._答案:runrunning5There were many talented actors out there just waiting discovered._答案:discoveredto be discovered6The water is felt cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise._答案:is feltfeels7Entering the room,I found Mary seating at the desk and writing a letter._答案:seatingseated8Most of the people inviting to the party were famous scientists._答案:invitinginvited.语法与写作(用本单元所学语法完成小片段)It is said that this English gentleman was sitting in his garden one day.Suddenly he 1._(被一个正在落下的苹果击中)The story is probably not true,but this man did mention that he got one of his best known ideas 2._(当观看苹果从树枝上掉下来时)His name Newton 3._(让你想到) that he 4._(对旧事物不感兴趣)He discovered the force of gravity,and he drew up a system of how objects move.His laws 5._(当今在物理学中仍被使用),at least in schools and universities.答案:1.was hit by a falling apple2.while watching apples fall from a tree3.makes you think4.was not interested in old things5.are still used in physics today.阅读理解Ask yourself,“Why do you work so hard?What motivates you to do so?” Most of you may say a single word to answer both the questions:Family.All of us inherit our physical features from our parents.However,when you start interacting with the outside world,you realize that they are not enough to ensure your success,not even your survival.It is the values passed on to you by your family such as patience,care,understanding and commitment that make your survival and growth possible.You may or may not be aware,but your family was the first school you entered.“Survival of the fittest” is the golden rule in this world.In other words,“Let the unfit perish” is the motto.When you stepped into this world,you were unfit to survive on your own.From the first day you came into the world,you started learning about love,care and family relationships at home.For example,by observing your family members,you learned how family relationships work.As time went on,you matured and started taking note of other people outside your family and how your family members interacted with them.You also noticed how your family dealt with the ups and downs of life.What you learned from your family becomes your value system and forms your perceptions and basis of actions.A person is known by his actions.It is your family that gave you an identity.Whenever you move from one place to another,you carry your family history with
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