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如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!必修1 Module 1同步练习I. 单项选择 共20题每题1分共20分 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. Its seven thirty. I_ go to school. A. have got B. have got to C. got to D. had got to 22. He came into the classroom_. A. very upset B. being upset C. to upset D. to be upset 23. This is the first time that I_ at the meeting.A. had spoken B. have spoken C. am D. was 24. His whole school education _ only 2 years because of his illness. A. added up B. added up in C. added up to D. was added up 25. Are you _ your classmates well? A. getting along B. get long with C. getting long with D. getting along with life in the country. 26. We are living a_ A. still B. quiet C. calm D. silent 27. His backache is only _ for not watering the flowers. A. a reason B. a cause C. an excuse D. reasons 28. Our teachers made us _a lot of homework after school. A. to do B. doing C. do D. to have done until seven o clock. 29. The shop _ until 7 oclock. A. stays opened B. stays open C. continues open D. continues opened 30. We _in the neighborhood. A. happened being B. happened be C. happened to be D. are happened to be 31. I _when I was a young girl. A. kept a diary B. wrote a diary C. made diaries D. kept diaries 32. No one _of it. A. dared to speaking B. dared speak C. can dared speak D. dare speaking 33. I dont know_. A. how can I finish my homework on time B. how I could finish my homework on time C. I can how finish my homework on the time D. how I can finish my homework on time 34. I want your_, sir. I don t know what to do. A. advices B. piece of advices C. advice D. Advise35. Will you _ playing basketball? A. join us in B. join to C. join us toD. to join us 36. Wood is often _ paper. A. used to making B. used to make C. used to be made D. used making 37. Mr White _ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didnt show up. A. should have arrived B. should arrive C. should be arriving D. arrived 38. - Have you moved into the new house? - Not yet. The rooms _. A. are painting B. are being painted C. are painted D. have painted 39. The speech is strongly impressed _ my memory. A. to B. over C. by D. on 40. At this moment the bell rang, _ the end of class. A. announced B. having announced C. announcing D. to announce答案: 21-40 BABCD BCCBC ABDCA BABDC必修1 Module 2同步练习1 / 191如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!I. 单项选择 1. -Are you sure you have _ all the documents in your list? -Oh, sorry, I forgot to _ the one you had sent me. A. included; contain B. listed; include C. listed; be included D. contained; listed 2. She didnt come to his birthday party just _what he had said to her the day before. A. because B. because of C. as result of D. thanks for 3. If you want to do international trade successfully, _ of English is _. A. good command; a must B. a good command; a need C. a good command; a must D. good command; must 4. Pandas are native _ China. A. with B. to C. for D. in 5. If you cant _ a better plan, we have to carry out the present one. A. come along with B. come up with C. come across D. come about for 6. She pretended to be calm but _she was more than nervous at the time she was being questioned. A. in actual B. actually C. as matter of fact D. in a fact 7. Everybody has _ to play _ our environment. A. a part; to protect B. a role; in protecting C. part; in protecting D. a role; to protect 8. When the expression first came into being, people refused to use it but _ they began to accept it. A. usually B. gradually C. frequently D. quickly 9. You wont be able to make a wise _ of a word until you know all the _ of it. A. use; uses B. usage; usages C. use; usages D. usage; uses 10.My elder sister is _ studying in Britain and she can speak English quite fluently like a native speaker. A. in the present B. at present C. at the present D. for the present 11. Some minority(少数民族) languages are losing their _ because of the invasion(入侵) of more popular spoken ones. A. ideas B. natures C. identities D. characters 12. Some animals _ the tiger, the lion and the wolf are meat-eaters. A. such like B. such as C. for example D. including 13. Young students are _ not to smoke both in and out school. A. suggested B. requested C. hoped
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