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课课练Unit10:Grammar and Integrating skills课前预习:无师自通.单词拼写1.Altogether there were 500 passengers on_(乘) the plane.2.I trust that the_ (工程师) will do much better than the last one.3.He immediately_ (吞) up the medicine with water.4.The boy crossed the river by_ (跳) from stone to stone.5.It is_ (不可信) that the couple should have gone to live in such a dangerous country.6.Captain Mac Whirr finally_ (发誓) to his wife that he would never drink.7.It is_ (悄悄传开) that a typhoon is coming on.8.Although he is over ninety,he still walks with_ (稳定) steps.9.Believe it or not,what the little boy has in mind is beyond our_ (想像).10.On seeing the mouse,the owl_(猛扑) down on it.答案:1.board 2.engineer 3.swallowed 4.leaping 5.incredible 6.swore 7.whispered8.steady 9.imagination 10.swooped.根据课文回答问题1.Why did the Captain say that it looked as if a typhoon was coming on?答案:Because he observed the barometer fell steadily and he knew that a terrible storm would come soon.2.At that moment,did they have any chance to escape the terrible storm?What could they do then?答案:No.They could only move the ship over the high sea and into the very eye of the wind.3.Why did the Captain strike a match?What did he see?答案:Because there was no light and the captain wanted to see the barometer.He saw the barometer stood very low.It was the lowest reading he had ever seen in his life.He knew that the worst was to come yet.课堂巩固:一点即通.句型转换1.A:He walked slowly and he seemed to have hurt his legs.B:He walked slowly_ he_ his legs.2.A:If you compare the highest mountain with the size of the whole earth,it doesnt seem high at all.B:_ the size of the whole earth,the highest mountain doesnt seem high at all.3.A:We didnt believe how much water came down on the ship.B:_ how much water came down on the ship.4.A:Tons of water came tearing up on the deck.B:_ a_,tons of water fell upon the deck.5.A:Suddenly the storm grew stronger and huge waves swept over the ship.B:_ the storm grew stronger and huge waves swept over the ship.6.A:If you take another step,youll get a better view.B:_ another step_ youll get a better view.7.A:I didnt know where I was able to find the engineer.B:I didnt know _the engineer.8.A:They got up early this morning in order to catch the first bus.B:They got up early this morning _they could catch the first bus.答案:1.as if;had hurt 2.Compared with 3.It was unbelievable 4.With;tearing crash 5.All at once 6.Taking;and 7.where to find 8.so that.用课文中学过的词填空1.The darker cloud_ him _go outside and have a look.2.My mother_ my uncles attention_ the unusual sight.3.You are standing_ that I cant hear you.4.Whether he dared go out alone_ courage.5.His behavior _ us _that he was kind and helpful.答案:1.awoke;to 2.drew;to 3.at such a distance 4.called for 5.gave;the impression课后检测:融会贯通 .单项选择 1.If_ the same treatment again,hes sure to get well.A.giving B.give C.given D.being given答案:C提示:此处可看作是if he is given the same treatment again的省略形式。2.Could I call you by your first name? Yes,you_.A.will B.could C.may D.might答案:C提示:在回答Could I.?时,给予肯定回答,应用can 或may,情态动词后省略了call me my first name。3.He is seldom,_,absent from school.A.if ever B.if some C.if not D.if any 答案:A提示:if ever是if he is ever absent from school的省略,意为“如果曾经旷过课的话”。4.Is your sister coming to the party tonight?_.A.Im afraid she isnt B.Im not afraidC.Im afraid not D.Im afraid she doesnt答案:C提示:not用来代替一个否定的宾语从句,此句的完全形式是Imafraid that she isnt coming to the party tonight.5.It was reported that the ship and all _had sunk.A.in board B.to board C.off board D.on board答案:D提示:on board意为“在船上”,其余各项均为虚拟结构。6.The prisoner seemed to have been _a bit.A.knocked off B.knocked about C.knocked out D.knocked over答案:B 提示:knock about此处意为“粗暴对待”,而其余各项均不符合语境。7.You arent quite yourself today. Yes.I feel a cold_.A.coming down B.coming along C.coming on D.coming over答案:C提示:come on意为“(感冒)开始,发生”。8.The teacher told the students to sit up _ in class and listen to him carefully.A.direct B.directly C.straight D.silence 答案:C提示:强调“笔直”须用straight,而direct(ly),强调中途不停止。9.Then the crowd dismisses(散开) _,and I dont know whats up.A.more or less B.all of suddensC.no more
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