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英语口语大全交际口语篇文本CHAPTER ONE 态度意愿 信任 人与人之间,相互信任是不可缺少的。爱情和婚姻尤其需要信任,只有相互信任,才能维持长久的幸福,本文中的Amy 最终就意识到了这一点。 看来可信。Seem believable. Sounds true. 听上去是真的。 believable bili:vEbl a. 可信的 我相信你。I believe you. I have faith in you. 我信任你/对你有信心。 I have confidence in you. 我对你有信心。 faith feiW n. 信任,信心 confidence kCnfidEns n. 信心 我绝对信任你。I trust you implicitly. = I have the utmost faith in you. implicitly implisitli ad. 绝对地,不怀疑地 utmost QtmEust a. 极度的 我完全信任你。I trust you completely. = I have the complete faith in you. completely kEmpli:tli ad. 完全地,彻底地(complete是形容词) 我相信你的话。I take your word for it. = I believe what you said. = I think what you said is true. 我完全相信他的能力。I have great belief in his ability. belief bili:f n. 信任,信心 ability Ebiliti n. 能力,才干 我对此没什么疑问。I have no doubt about it. = Theres no doubt in my mind. = Theres not a doubt in my mind. doubt daut n. & v. 怀疑,疑惑我再相信你一次。I will trust you one more time. This is the last time I trust you. 这是我最后一次相信你了。 我们可以指望他的。We can count on him. = We can bank on him. count on “依靠,指望” bank on “指望,信赖” FUN 轻松:看图 The alarm clock didnt go off闹钟没有响 Youre late again!你又迟到了! Expressing Belief Amy:Graham, why are you always on the phone with Jane? Graham:Because we are partners in our science lab. Why are you so jealous? Amy:The other night when you came home there was lipstick on your right cheek. How do you explain that? Graham:My aunt Mary just flew in from Cleveland and she laid one right on my right cheek. Amy:Are you sure? Graham:Of course I am. I only love you, Amy. Amy:Okay, Im sorry. I believe you. Graham:Why do you always accuse me like that? Amy:Because you are the most handsome boy at the university and I love you so much! I guess I just go crazy sometimes. Thats all. Graham:Oh, Amy. I am the luckiest guy in the world. Amy:Why? Graham:Because I am loved by the most beautiful girl in the world! Amy:Oh. Graham. I love you so much and I really believe in our love. 表示相信 艾米:格雷厄姆,你为什么总是和简打电话? 格雷厄姆:因为我们是科学实验室里的搭档啊。你干嘛这么猜忌啊? 艾米:前两天的晚上你回家的时候,你右脸颊上有个口红印,你怎么解释? 格雷厄姆:我姑姑玛丽从克利夫兰乘飞机来了,是她在我右脸颊上留的。 艾米:你确定? 格雷厄姆:我当然确定了。我只爱你,艾米。 艾米:好吧,对不起。我相信你。 格雷厄姆:你为什么总是那么指责我啊? 艾米:因为你是这所大学最帅的男孩,而我又那么爱你!我想有时侯我只是爱你爱得发疯了,就这些原因。 格雷厄姆:哦,艾米,我是世界上最幸运的人了。 艾米:为什么? 格雷厄姆:因为我被世界上最漂亮的女孩爱着啊! 艾米:哦,格雷厄姆,我是那么爱你,我真的相信我们的爱情。 “on the phone”意思是“在通电话”。 “lab”是“laboratory”的简写形式,意为“实验室”。 “Cleveland”指“克利夫兰”:美国俄亥俄州东北部的一座城市,位于伊利湖畔。是一个货物进入港和工业中心。 动词“lay”的过去式及过去分词都为“laid”,意思是“贴,靠,放置”,例如:Lay your ear to the door. (把你的耳朵贴在门上。)文中“one”指代“口红印”。 “go crazy”相当于“go nuts”,意为“发疯”。 J partner pB:tnE n. 合伙人, 搭档 J jealous dVelEs a. 妒忌的, 猜疑的 J lipstick lipstik n. 口红,唇膏 J cheek tFi:k n. 脸颊 J lay lei v. 贴,靠, 放置 J accuse Ekju:z v. 谴责 FUN 轻松:贴士 E 这个音和汉语普通话里轻声的“么”(me)、“了”(le)中的韵母“e”发音相似,但英语的 E 在词尾时发音比汉语拼音“e”长。 摘自英语入门王 “believe”还是“believe in” “believe”和“believe in”都有“相信”的意思,但具体含义却不一样。 1、“believe”表示“相信(是真实的)”,其英文解释为“to be sure that something is true or that someone is telling the truth”,例如:Do you believe what he said? 你相信他说的话吗?I dont believe hes only 2. 我不相信他才2岁。 2、“believe in”表示“相信”时有四个含义: u 表示“相信(是诚实的),信任”,其英文解释为“think that someone is honest or will not do anything bad or wrong”,例如:I believe him, but I dont believe in him. 我相信他的话,但不信任他这个人。 u 表示“相信(是能成功的)”,其英文解释为“be confident that someone will be successful”,例如:Youve got to believe in yourself, or youll never succeed. 你得相信自己,否则你永远都成功不了。 u 表示“相信(是存在的)”,其英文解释为“be sure that someone or something exists”,例如:Do you believe in God? 你相信有上帝吗? u 表示“相信(是正确、有作用的)”,其英文解释为“think that something is effective or right”,例如:Helen believes in jogging for her health. 海伦相信慢跑对她的健康有益。 74 怀 疑 这个世界太复杂,一切都不再那么单纯,人们似乎养成了怀疑的习惯,经常将“I doubt it.”挂在嘴边,虽然这不是个好习惯,但也是无可奈何的事情。这不,连 Tom 这个小孩子都难以让人相信了。 我觉得那难以置信。I find that hard to believe. Unbelievable. 不可信 unbelievable 7Qnbili:vEbl a. 不可信的 我对此半信半疑。Ill take that with a grain of salt. grain rein n. 一粒,一点儿 take sth. with a grain of salt“半信半疑地,有保留地” 我对此表示怀疑。I doubt it. I am still skeptical. 我仍表示怀疑。 skeptical skeptikEl a. 怀疑的 你蒙不了我。You cant fool me. fool fu:l v. 愚弄,欺骗 我要亲眼见到才能相信。Ill believe it when I see it. Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。 我又不是三岁小孩。I wasnt born yesterday. 句型“I was born.”表示“我出生于”。 他的决定值得怀疑。His decision is doubtful. decision disiVEn n. 决定,决策(动词decide的名词形式) doubtful dautful a. 可疑的 别指望我会相信你。Dont expect me to believe you. I dont believe you. 我不相信你。 我不相信广告。I dont have belief in ads. ad = advertisement“广告” 别瞎说了!Get out of it! Nev er tell me! 我才不信呢! 你得了奖学金?! 我才不相信你的鬼话呢。 You have won the scholarship?! I dont buy it. scholarship skClEFip n. 奖学金 FUN 轻松:看图 “Stress management is for wimps! ” Expressing Doubt Tom:Sorry. I didnt mean to be late. Can I come in? T
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