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运用所给提示写一篇短文,阐明你生活中的变化。Thhv beenmay cages in m life/bbttr off/preserved pkle/cmed an gloomy rom t big and brgh ftgtng aroud参照范文: Chnes iny i(我生活中的变化)Ter hae been many chage iny lie th the devepentf the economy,my lifeistr off. orclthing, havespar mone to ysort ofpety cloth B in te past, there ee ewer clohes inmy wrdobe.Fo fo, Iusually had trditonalChinse foodfor everymal, re, odes r a steame bun it one orwo lght dishes suc asprevedpckles waays, I anaford an dlicius fod, nludn wester foods. Fr husig,Ihav mver a caed an gloomy rom abi and bghtftForgeing arn, I roea od bikeon my wytoworka year ago t prsen,I drvem pivat ca to el. I beieve m lie ilbe btter and bter in tefute.我生活中发生了诸多变化。随着经济的发展,我的生活比此前更好了。穿衣方面,我有余钱买多种美丽的衣服。但是在过去,我衣橱里没什么衣服。吃饭方面,此前我每顿我一般吃老式的中餐,米饭、面条或者馒头,配一两个小菜,例如榨菜。目前我有钱吃任何美味的菜,涉及西餐。住房方面,我已经由一种又挤又灰暗的房间搬到了一种又大又明亮的公寓里。出行方面,一年前,我骑着一辆旧自行车去上班,目前,我开着私家车外出。我相信将来我的生活会越来越美好。Directios:Forhs part, yo re alowe thry minuts o e a psageo t toicHw to Keep Healthy. You shd wrte least 80 rds a ould ase ourwiing bungte hits gvn bel.it is ecessar to ep baanced diet/h ettr/i isimpotan tod regul exercises/it is essential to ke hhmood/nw orspirit ndeleourstessbe bond to kep eahy How to ep Healhy(如何保健) Noways, more andmoe people now heimportneof keig ealty. Whout good halth, cn nothing.Fr m, her re ainl hree ways t kep eathy. Firs, it s neces kep a aancddiet, whch i he basiofgodhealth.We houldhave en of ruits and gale eeryday. Secnd, it is ipo to oregla eeres, suc as simmig, jging and oo.Last but no lest, it iseseial t keep in god spirits. elaaion and etertinment are wayto renew ourspirit d eleaseor tres.Wen we akehaltyhbisa pat ofour eveyd lf, are oud tokep haly目前越来越多的人懂得保健的重要性。身体不健康,我们什么事也做不成。对于我来说,重要有三种措施保健。一方面,有必要保持均衡的饮食,均衡的饮食是健康的基本。每天我们应当吃许多水果和蔬菜。第二,定期锻炼例如游泳、慢跑等等是很重要的。 最后但并非是不重要的,保持好的情绪是至关重要的。放松和娱乐是恢复精力和释放压力的措施。 当我们把健康习惯当成是我们平常生活的一部分,我们一定能保持健康。Drections:Forts part, you arallwed hirt minutesto rite a assage te tcMyT Unersty Life Youshoud wre a last80wrdsand culd bae you writing byus he htivenblo.e egaged i longditanc edcaion/wb-bsed cour/joi oie isusson forums/ed ou hmwoothe tutrsolve he dfiui nd uzzlein tutorial参照范文: yTV Uniit ie(我的电大生活) Our universi isminlenged i lg distanceeuation. Teorm ofstu s ve nveniet foradtlearners lk m. I cnlarnmy courss aywhrein my spare timeb comptr ere m e-basedcorses and ouc o lne oeer, I not ny use eail o send ouhmek o our uor but also in li discuson fous. Mantm, the dificties and puzzles can be slved inh ttorialon a wk Te eleig life is meningfulad demndig. enjoy my TVnivrty lfe. 我们的大学重要是从事远程教育的。学习的形式对于像我这样的成年学习者非常以便。我可以通过电脑随时随处学习。有许多在线的网上课程和资源。并且,我不仅运用电子邮件把作业发给导师,并且还能加入在线论坛。同步,难点和疑点能在一周一次的辅导课解决。电子学习的生活很故意思并且规定也很高。我喜欢我的电大生活。Drtn: For is part,yu ar awed titynus owt a paage on thtopiThe dvtageofsng the lympic ams You holdrte atleat80wordan coul bse your wrting busing theints givenbelow.运用提示写一篇短文,阐明举办奥运会的益处。have a major efect theeonomy; bin nteationalrstige tothe cony;Theost itie peranntlyimproved; be rewardng The Avangeso Hostng theOlympis Games(举办奥运会的长处) Frst, it h a maoeffec on te ecnm. ancret man pprtunitie o dvlop the economy. Sond, thouandof ists com othega and thehost twilqucen itsnstrction of infrasuctur.In theend, i brigs internionalprestge thecountry. Thir, ian aruse omn peples interet nEnglish, so nglih-eaning is preaig. A a rsult, it io or or fell-ciizes o impve thei nlih. The ht ciesre ermantl imro. So ostingteOlmpic Games is rewardn. 第一,举办奥运会对经济有很大的影响。它可以发明许多机会发展经济。第二,成千上万游客来看比赛,主办都市会加快基本设施的建设。成果,会给这个国家带来国际上的声望。 第三,可以唤起一般人对学英语的爱好,因此到处都在学英语。成果,举办奥运会对我们的市民提高英语有好处。 主办都市的实力得到永久地提高。因此举办奥运会是很值的。Directns:Fo is pat, yo re alle ty minutes o wite a pssge on t topicLvg aB . .Youshould ite at least80 word andcod baseyour writngy usnghe his given elo.运用提示, 阐明居住在大都市中优缺陷。(itylife s attrctive with all its adtages ad convniences; suermarksr shoppng alls
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