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我的梦想英语演讲稿汇总精品多篇参考 篇一 AdrI remer when wa oung;m other oenescibed the eauty o e grasslnsthough ts pom:“iancangcng, yeman mang,fng chuica i x niu yang”. itmans ish “Cler sies, weepi lains, the gras owg beore te wind, reealingraing horsesnshep” oldreite ths even eoreenerig primry schoo 16yes ago, m mohervisite oneof the asslad of Iner Mongolia. S said ato words cold desrbe ts suing natural carm.ith er descriptonrmly prindon m ndI egan to long for our to thegrassla. Sad, is mrvelous image tatId inmymind cnge cmpletly when m umand I vsitd gasland yer ago. A son a we got here, couldn blive my eyes. Watwasi front fme as just a piece of lndwth osl gon grss In the far distne sw nl a couple of hres feedg lazl. I ase my mthe:“hereith lush, tall gra” Apuzzle as m, e sai tin I was shcedo ee the ifeences etwen trsslad i m re nd wat wasifntoente wyme,I thohta lt ad rdt fin aners. Now am oldogh to bring wareess to other peop are my dream fthegraslans. errazing ndextnsie farming have uid the grasld d so ake awaythe cham ofur holad. Bt I a ofent hat oe ath rasslands wll recer n itstue ealt and uty will be realized aslona eveyody gives hsntribuion to restoe our omland.篇二 sunts,gusts ,tacher ndhnorle judgs good mornin ! my grea pleasue t share my deam withyou day. m dream i t beo eacr. a he wl rdas s bondaries, limits anfred coxt n ourfe dont expect coplete redom, which i impossible. isimply have a eam hat supports ife. iremtht e day,i coudescp fro the eesa oftc scholbooks anlead my own l.wt my favorite fictions, i lie feely on he ren grass,smelling the sring,listnin to thewid singin, breating te resh ancolairad dssolve mysou n natre at lst simle and hotejoymet ca brnmegreat stisacin.i dream tatone daythedult ou trwthei prejudic ofcomc and carton awy. ey ouldkeep a lvey heart tatca hae sorrwad happie with uswhile wtching cooor don eronal things. thats the rel omunicain of eat o heart. i ave e lief htmy reams soul come truei a looking orwardto ome dcomighen m like a prodeagle, wic fliesto th bluand vast sk 篇三 students, usts , techesanhonrae judgs goo morng! greapasure to shr y drea ith you todawhn i was a child, iwanted be teacher mfther wsa teacher, n h taht e a ot.ohiped him vey mch. on mytnt rthda, he asked me,“wha do ou want to bewh yu rowu” answered proudly,“i ant be taer like you!”on hrin this, my ather wasvey hap and said t me, “wokhard and our dream wil c tru”not lonago, oneo mypiay school eacherss il. she ated me ake erplacef twweksis adbunerous. y father sai tome,“this s goodchce. seze t! i shyousucces!” whni cam ino e classroom, te cildre were vry hppy. introdcd mysefto hem oon, o nel with them.teyal ikdmeand i ovedhe. wit my fthr nd headmastrhelp, i id the wkvey well now, i ofte iss those lovely childrn.ta exeec hddee even re inerete in bing ehr the futre 篇四 hell veyone! Stdents, guet , teahe ad Honoabl uge ood orning !my grea plureto shae my drem wi otoda. m dresto bo ater. A the hlwod sitsbounaris, lim and feedm cexist in or lfe. doexpet complet freedm, whc i imossble slhav a ra hat supports yif. drea tat oe dy, coud escapefrom th eep sea o thik choolboo nd le m own ife. t my fvoiiction, lie feel on the ren grass, mllinthe ping, lte t h ind singng, breati tefresh an cool irand disolve m sol i nure at st. Smple a hor enoen can bringmegratsatiacto. Idream that one day he dutsoud hrow thirprejud of mic an roonaay. Tey col ke a lovely hear tacan shrsorrwadapneswih us hilewangcartoon r dinernl hings. Thatsh real communicton of heat to ht. hav te elef ht my ams shoud ome true I m oong frwad to sme daycog whe alikea proud age, which fis o the blue an vs sky. Thanku! 篇五 Ihve a em Evr onehas hs ow dre.hn I was a littl id ,my dreamwas eeo hae cand sho of my own .Bt now ,
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