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语用能力与英语教学Pragmatic Competence and English Teaching AbstractMore and more researchers in ESL/EFL acquisition are convinced that successful language acquisition involves not only linguistic accuracy, but also pragmatic fluency. To help second language learners master the pragmatic usages and enable them to carry on smooth communication with native speakers is gaining its importance. However, despite the abundant researches on grammar and linguistic accuracy, researches on pragmatic competence of Chinese EFL learners and classroom pragmatic teaching strategies have long been ignored in China. This paper aims at providing concrete teaching ideas to those who are unsure of how to incorporate these pragmatic forms into their regular instructional programs. First we dealt with teacher analysis of speech acts, then we come to cognitive awareness skills, next the receptive/integrative skills and controlled productive skills, last, we come to a free, integrated practice.Key words: pragmatic competence; teaching strategies; pragmatic forms 摘 要英语教学学者相信只有将语言准确性与语用能力相结合的教学, 才能全面提升外语学习学生的沟通和交际能力。培养学生语言正确性, 并且使其在跨文化交际和语用能力上也能相对提升,进而具备与英语为母语的人士顺利沟通的能力与技巧,显得越来越重要。尽管国内关于语言准确性和语法教学的研究层出不穷,关于中国学生语用能力培养和课堂语用教学的研究很少。本文旨在提供一种具体的教学思想来帮助那些不确定对如何培养语用能力模式并把其运用到日常具体的教学过程中的人。首先我们探讨的是教师讲解分析言语行为;其次是认知能力训练,再次接受型训练;然后是指导型产出训练;最后是自由、综合训练。关键词:语用能力; 教学策略; 语用模式iContents摘 要.iAbstract.iiI. Introduction1II. Teacher Analysis of the Speech Act.2III. Pragmatic Awareness and Competence Teaching.33.1 Cognitive Awareness Skills.33.1.1 Presentation/Discussion Techniques.33.1.2 Student-Discovery Procedure.33.2 Receptive/Integrative Skills.43.2.1 Teacher-Generated Material43.2.2 Natural Data43.3 Controlled Productive Skills.53.3.1 Cloze-Type Exercise.63.3.2 Situation/Role Play. .63.4 Free, Integrated Practice10IV. Conclusion.12Bibliography.13iiiI. IntroductionIt is considered almost axiomatic that those who are acquiring a second language need to gain mastery over the pragmatic rules of the target language (Paulston, 1975; Canale &Swain, 1980). Linguistic accuracy in a second language is one important feature to be learned, but a person needs to achieve functional abilities in the second language as well. It is necessary to learn how to understand and create language that is appropriate to the situations in which one is functioning, employing the proper illocutionary patterns in accordance with the social cultural parameters of the specific situation, because failure to do so may cause users to miss key points that are being communicated in either the written or the oral language or have their message be misunderstood. Worse yet is the possibility of a total communication breakdown and the stereotypical labeling of the second language users as people who are insensitive, rude or inept (Thomas, 1983, 1984; Bardovi-Harling, Hartford, Mahan-Taylor, 1991). Although much research on pragmatics has appeared in the literature in the past few decades, little of it is addressed to classroom instructors who need to devise and implement practical teaching strategies for there classrooms beyond a general caveat to somehow include those information in a teaching curriculum (Scarcella,1990; Bardove-Harling 1991; and Olshain & Cohen,1991). The mastery of correct forms of language does not guarantee appropriate use of the language and the lack of pragmatic competence may result in pragmatic failure.This paper aims at providing a modal for teaching second language learners pragmatic competence, and providing concrete teaching ideas to those who are unsure of how to incorporate these pragmatic forms into their regular instructional programs. This model requires instructors to adapt this framework to the specific conditions (teacher, student, and material) in each classroom. It is divided into five components: (1) teacher analysis of speech acts, (2) cognitive awareness skills, (3) receptive/integrative skills, (4) controlled productive skills, and (5) free, integrated practice. II. Teacher Analysis of the Speech ActIn order to teach a speech act, the classroom instructor must first determine exactly what to be taught and under what circumstances. This means that the teacher must first identify the speech act and its specific manifestations. For example, if the lesson is focus on compliments in English, the instructor must first identify what linguistic forms are used for compliments. This infor
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