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-初中英语八年级下Unit2 Body language单元测试题笔试部分(80分)I选择题。(每题1分,共20分)A词语释义。(每题1分,共5分)从下面每题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以替代划线部分旳最佳选项。( ) 1. The house faces towards the river.A. in B. to C. at D. of( ) 2. His appearance attracts many people. A. height B. behaviour C. look D. action( ) 3. She is well-dressed when she goes out. A. in good clothes B. in simple clothes C. popular D. unpopular( ) 4. I held my arm in front of the doctor and let him check. A. entered B. controlled C. compared D. kept( ) 5. At first I didnt find Jack. Later, I found him in the library. A. Soon B. After sometime C. Suddenly D. QuicklyB选择填空。(每题1分,共15分)从下面每题旳A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处旳最佳选项。( ) 6. - I dont want to _her advice because I think it is useless.【出处:21教育名师】 - Youre right. I _ think so. A. accept; also B receive; also C. accept; too D. receive; too( ) 7. - I dont know the _ of this sentence.21cnjy.com - Lets _ our teacher for help. A. impression; to ask B. impression; to promise C. meaning; ask D. meaning; promise( ) 8. - People require_ in society. - Yes. It is very important _ everyone to talk with each other. A. distance; of B. communication, for C. communication; of D. distance; for( ) 9. - What did your _ mean? - It meant you should keep _.A. greeting; quietly B. gesture quietlyC. greeting; quiet D. gesture; quiet( ) 10. - Do you mind _ your bike to me? - Of Course not. But you have to return _before 5 oclock.21cnjyA. greeting; it B. to lend; oneC. borrowing; it D. to borrow; one( ) 11. - Did you _ him about his homework?www-2-1-cnjy-com - Yes. But he didnt _ me. He asked me to leave him alone.A. improve; listen to B. remind; listen toC. improve; hear D. remind; hear( ) 12. - _eye contact is very important during a conversation. - Yes. It is a kind of body _.A. Make; invention B. Making; inventionC. Make; language D. Making; language( ) 13. - Im very interested in _ basketball.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 - Me too. But I dont have time _ every day.A. playing; to play B. play; to playC. playing; playing D. play; play( ) 14. - Can you tell me how to make a good impression _others?二十一世纪教育网版权所有 - Smile often. That is the _to success.A. on; model B. in, keyC. on; key D. in; model( ) 15. - Whats the _with you? -I _in the exam.A. matter failed B. question; failedC. matter, sighed D. question; sighed( ) 16. - Great changes have _ in my hometown.21*cnjy*com - Yes. Look! There _many beautiful parks and building now.A. taken place; were B. taken off; wereC. taken place; are D. taken off; are( ) 17. - May I leave a(n) _ to Mr Smith?21*cnjy*com - Yes, you _. What do you want to tell him?21教育名师原创作品A. information, must B. message; canC. message; must D. information; can( ) 18. - Her words always make people _welcome.www.21-cn-jy.com - She is good at _. A. sound; communicate B. feel; communicating C. sound; communicating D. feel; communicate( ) 19. - I am very _ with my job now. What should I do? 【来源:21世纪教育网】 - Why dont you _ for a few months?21世纪*教育网A. boring; rest B. bored; to restC. boring; to rest D. bored; rest( ) 20. - What should I do if I _ with you? - You should _your head.A. will agree; nod B. agree; nodC. will agree; lose D. agree; loseII完形填空。(每题2分,共20分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给旳A.B.C.D四个选项中选出能填入对应空白处旳最佳选项。Little children use a lot of silent signals to communicate, but weve got ways to read their body language. Like many parents of children, you might find it is hard to_21_ your childrens signals. Even though children can know around 200 words by their second birthday, they are only able to _22_50 of these words in daily life. This means you have to _23_ your childrens body language much of the time to know how theyre _24_ or what theyre wanting. While no one expects you to be a mind _25_, you can pay attention to your childrens body language to learn how to _26_ in some cases. It is difficult to believe that one little arm cross can have more than 67 kinds of meanings. But for children, its _27_ to be a signal that theyre
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