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实用精品文献资料分享九年级英语目标教学检测题(五)九年级英语目标教学检测题(五) Topic 2, Unit 2 (检测时间:45 分钟 满分 100 分)Class: Name: Marks:I .单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)()1. Could you tell me some news and reports in today s China Daily? Sure. the bad weather will last for a few days. A. It s said thatB. That says C. It is saying D. It says that ( ) 2. Every year, trees disappear i n the world. What a pity! People must realize the importanee of forests. A. millions of B.million of C. manymillionof D. manymillions ( ) 3.Howmanybirds can you see in the tree?A. None. B. No one.C. Nobody. D. No. ( ) 4.We shouldn t trees because treescan keep the air clea n and save a lot of water. A. cut off B.cut out C. cut up D. cut down ( ) 5. Hi, Bob! I can t findmyhistory book. Have you seen it ? Sorry, I haven t.Why don t you ask Jim? Perhaps he s seen it. A. somewhereB. everywhere C. no where D. any where ( ) 6. Trees can preve ntthewi ndthe earth away. A. from blowi ng B. to blow C. blowD. blows ( ) 7. What does the newtrafficlaw? Sorry,I don t know. You can search for some information aboutit.A. refers to B. refer to C. refer on D. refer at ( ) 8. I don t want to have a restI m tired now. A. because B. butC. although D. so ( ) 9. You look so happy! John says I mpretty.has ever told me that before. A. Somebody B.An ybody C. Everybody D. Nobody ( ) 10. Do you know why the sealevelevery year? If you can an swer it, pleaseyour hand. A. rise; raise B. is rising; rise C. raises; raiseD. is rising; raise ( ) 11. Deali ng with waste willalot of time and cost too much money. A. take up B. take awayC. take off D. take out ( ) 12. Huma n beings have destroyedthe bala nee of en vir onment. So many wild ani mals and pla ntsarecompletely every year. A. at dan ger to disappearB. in dan ger of disappear ing C. in dan ger disappeari ng D.dan gerous to disappear ( ) 13. Somewild ani mals are in dan ger of because their habitat are being destroyed. A. dyingfrom B. dying of C. dying away D. dying out ( ) 14. Do you have to tell us? No,. A . something important; nothing B. anything important; nothing C. important something; everythi ng D. importa nt any thi ng; everyth ing ( ) 15. We have no doubt that it s good and helpful deserts greenland. A. to cha nge; in to B. cha nge; in to C. cha nging; to D. to change; to II.完形填空。(每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)Some peoplesay they have an an swer to the problems of car crowdi ng and pollution. In many cities, hundreds of people 1 bikes to work every day .In New York City, some bike riders have eve n set up a group, Bike for a Better City. They say if 2 people rode bikes to work, there would be fewer cars and less dirty air. For several years this group has tried to give help for bike riders. They want to have special roads for bikes only, because 3 bikes and cars use the same roads, there may be accidents. Bike for a Better City believe if there were bike roads, more people would use bikes. But 4 bike roads have bee n ready yet. Not every one thinks it s a good 5 . Drivers don t like it, andsomeshop owners don t lik e it, 6 . And most people live 7 far from the city to travel by bike. Still, 8 has bee n done aboutit. On Saturdays and Sun days, the largest ope n park in NewYork is 9 to cars, and the roads may be used by bikes only, but the group still says this isn t eno ugh and goes on fighti ng10 bikeroads. The group are sure they can be successful one day.()1. A. on B. ride C. by D. take ( ) 2. A. fewer B. less C. many D. more ( ) 3. A. until B. for C. whe n D. why ( ) 4. A. no B. only C. some D. many ( ) 5. A. hope B. way C. help D. idea ()6. A. so B. and C. n either D. either ( ) 7. A. very B. quietC. too D. so ( ) 8. A. everyth ing B. someth ing C. anything D. nothing ( ) 9. A. closed B. ope n C. ope ning D. clos ing ( ) 10.A. get B. to get C. ask D. to ask III.阅读理解。根据短文内容, 选择正确答案。(每小题2分,共20分)A A kind of little cars may take the place of today s big ones many years later. If every one drives such cars in the future, there will be less pollutionin the air. There will also be more space for parkingcars in cities, and the streets will be less crowded. The little cars of the future will cost less. Driving will be safer, too, as these little cars can go only 65 kilometers an hour. The cars of the future will be fine for going around a city, but they ll not be useful for a long way. Little cars will go 450 kilometers before they need to stop for more gasoline ( 汽油). If big cars are still used with the small on es, two kinds of roads will be n eeded in the future. Some roads will be n eeded for the big, faster cars and other roads will be needed for the small, slower ones. ( ) 1. There s much pollution in the air today because . A. people drive big cars B. people drive little cars C. small cars will go 450 kilometers before they n eed to stop for more gasoline D. the usual size of cars today i
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