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俄罗斯英文介绍RussiaThe national symbol is the brown bear. The national drink is vodka. Local tennis starAnna Kournikova is a global ginup. But what else do you know about Russia?这个国家的象征是棕熊,国酒是伏特加,本土网球明星安娜库尔尼科娃的海报遍 及全球。但除此以外,你还对俄罗斯有其它的了解吗?Geography 地理Russia takes up one eighth of the worlds land mass. It lies on two continents, Europe and Asia. It is the worlds largest country with about 17 million square kilometres. 俄罗斯占世界陆地面积的1/8,地跨欧亚两大陆。它的面积约有1700万平方公里,是世界上领土最大的国家Onion Domes洋葱型屋顶Moscow postcards typically feature the colourful striped domes of St. Basils Cathedral and the neighboring Red Square. St. Basils was built between 1555 and 1561. Other Russian churches also have flame-shaped domes. The domes peak is said to be like the flame of prayer reaching up toward heaven. The cross at the top symbolizes Christ. 典型的莫斯科明信片上的风光图就是圣瓦西里大教堂彩色条纹圆屋顶和相邻的 红场。圣瓦西里大教堂建于1555-1561年。俄罗斯其它教堂也有这种火焰状的圆 屋顶。据说,屋顶的最高处象征着人们的祈祷像火焰可以一直上达天庭。屋顶上 的十字架象征着耶稣。Black Bread 黑面包Russians like to eat. Russian cuisine is famous for its soups, such as borscht and meat dishes. Rye bread is the most significant Russian food product. Rye to Russians is what rice is to Chinese. During the famines of 1840 and 1848, it was what almost all peasants had to eat.俄罗斯人喜欢吃。俄罗斯菜以它的各种汤(如罗宋汤)和荤菜闻名于世。黑面包是最重要的食品。黑麦在俄罗斯人眼中的意义不亚于中国人眼中的大米。1840-1848年俄罗斯饥荒期间,几乎所有农民都赖此为生。Matreshkas俄式套娃Matreshka is a set of nesting dolls. Every doll, except the last and smallest one, consists of two parts. The smaller doll inserts into the bigger one. Sometimes up to 30 dolls can be combined inside the biggest doll. They follow a particular theme, ranging from fairy tale characters to footballers to Russian leaders. The first Matreshka dates back to 1890, and is said to have been inspired by dolls from Japan.俄式套娃是一组玩偶。每组玩偶(除了最后一个和最小的一个)都由两部分组成。较小的玩偶可以套进稍大的玩偶内。有时多达30个玩偶都能被逐一套入最大的玩偶里。套娃取材独特,从童话人物到足球运动员甚至俄罗斯领导人,应有尽有 第一个套娃要追溯到1890年,据说是受日本玩偶的启发而制作的
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