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2011级研究生第二学期英语听说课简介(隔周上课)期末听力考试样题:1. “Today in History”或CNN or BBC news(视频)可从公邮下载。公邮:bnuyan2009126.com 密码:200920092. “英语访谈互动英语”(视频)可从电脑C盘中拷走(C盘 Program Files ESL Soft)。需2个G的U盘。3. 朗文英语听说教程(二):Right and Wrong on the Net / Staying Healthy / Prepare, Prepare音频可从公邮下载。一、听力部分(第一节课)特点:Authentic English,音频、视频,无字幕形式:新闻报道、访谈、电影等平时成绩: 观后感一篇(要求见后)听力材料词汇表从公邮下载二、口语部分(第二节课)平时成绩:口语测试一次,满分10分。上学期口语测试已经通过的同学就不再参加了本学期的口语测试了。注:大部分话题出自本课程口语教材:大学英语交际口语教程,中国人民大学出版社,(宏途书店有售)。时间姓名院系所学号成绩1.2.第二学期英语听说课进度安排(隔周上课)Subject to ChangeWeekContents1/2(2.20-2.29)Movie: Babys Day Out 90分钟3/4(3.5-3.14)Billionaire (1): Lynn / 口语5/6(3.19-3.28)Billionaire (2): John / 口语观后感要求:为从实战出发,一律用英语写;角度自定;字数不少于150字;打印、手写均可。评分标准:a)语言上表达是否准确、条理是否清晰,b)内容上是否是有感而发而非抄袭。满分10分。交观后感时间见后。按北美大学惯例,过时不收。7/8(4.2-4.11)清明节:单周班停课Cline Dion / 口语9/10(4.16-4.25)Hotline / Expectations for a Successful Marriage / 口语交观后感11/12(4.30-5.9)五一节:单周周一停课 The Day She Disappeared / 口语13/14(5.14-5.23)Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon / 口语15/16单周同学补第7周内容:Cline Dion / 口语 / (5.28-6.6)双周同学:Final oral exam 口语考试样题:见本课教材P139 Activity 7-4-417(6.11-6.13)单周同学:Final oral examBillionaire (1): Lynn (8 minutes)1. a self-made2. local hero3. specialize in sth/doing4. in jeopardy5. save dozens of failing companies6. generate dollars in revenue (财政收入)7. secluded (隐居的) mansion on the New Jersey shore 8. Gucci girl9. mini-skirt10. jewelry 11. do on purpose = intentionally12. turn dust into diamond 13. a sophomore in Yale University14. pass away15. devastating (很受打击的)16. take on the burden of doing 17. heal sb18. an infant daughter19. start ones career in Wall Street20. shadowy (模糊的) details 21. sue sb for sexual harassment (性骚扰)22. clients 23. underwear24. save people from what I suffered25. crumbling = fall apart 26. keep together27. in later life28. 14 different industries29. fly between New York, Arkansas, Los Angeles, and Georgia 30. pulp (纸浆) and paper factor31. to pioneer the transformation of wood pulp into jet fuel (航空燃料)32. leave little time for 33. lavish (浪费的) house with a gorgeous view 34. extravagances (奢侈品) / extravagant (奢侈的)35. a great wardrobe (衣柜)36. closet 37. all categorized 38. act / really her39. a flamboyant (炫耀的) woman to conform to (符合) our idea of 40. come at a price41. have a reputation for ruthlessness42. scream (at sb)43. castrate (使男性失去锐气)44. tough on sb45. speak the truth46. hug sb / give sb a hug47. harsh speak (=speech)48. do every path you choose / make heart beat fast / success comes from following your passionExpectations for a Successful Marriage A hotline conversation between the talk show host and the caller1. expectations for 2. be through3. maintain4. not on my spouses part5. clich (陈词滥调)6. fulfill ones needs7. the opposite sex8. not self-centered entry into that relationship9. spouse-centered attitude toward going into10. at a position of weakness11. sustain = maintain12. a strength-oriented position (姿态), not a weakness-oriented position13. deal in = deal with14. polarity (极端)15. on one extreme / on the other extreme16. satisfy ones needs17. raison detre 法语 = reason18. essence19. polarize20. polarization21. priority22. love, support, honor, help, understand, and communicate with 23. solidify = emphasize24. God-centered25. a Gallup poll (盖洛普民意测验) was taken 26. pray27. on a daily basis28. end up in29. There is something to be said for=its possibly a good idea (to do)Billionaire (2): John (8 minutes)1. land on top2. be renowned for3. glamorous wife 4. a former Playboy model5. affect the entire world6. ecology / humanity (慈善)7. be worlds away from8. a foster home (寄养的家)9. be loving to sb10. roam the street with LA gangs11. stab (伤人)12. navy13. drift fromto14. encyclopedia (百科全书) from door to door15. life insurance16. rejection / reject17. slam in your face18. be/stay enthusiastic / enthusiasm19. unravel (分开, 出了问题)20. get a hold of sb (找到某人)21. land a series of jobs in hair care industry22. rise to (management)23. never fit in corporate culture 24. be fired from 25. team up with sb (hairdresser)26. raise (money)27. innovative product28. beauty company29. hit the jackpot (赚了一大笔钱)30. motor cycle tank31. fascinating / attractive32. propose (to sb)33. two truckloads34. Austin, Texas35. chef36. give sb a tour of sth37. luxurious villa38. handcrafted train car39. attach to40. rail41. Gosh = God 42. financially / economically43. unapologetic (直言的,不遮掩的) about44. philanthropy (慈善事业) / philanthropist (慈善家) 45. pay for a full renovation 46. charity47. be taxed more48. go to good cause49. bureaucracy (官僚)50. ultra
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