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碳纳米管基杂化粒子增强的尼龙6 复合材料刘天西 a张伟德 ba 复旦大学高分子科学系;聚合物分子工程教育部重点实验室(上海200433)b 华南理工大学化学学院纳米科学研究中心(广州510640)自从 1991 年碳纳米管 (CNT)被发现以来,由于其优异的机械性能、独特的导电导热等性能从而引起了科学界和产业界的广泛重视,并迅速成为化学、物理学、材料科学、电气工程等诸多领域的研究热点, 尤其是作为理想的增强相和导电相,CNT在复合材料领域中有着巨大的应用潜力 1 。制备性能优良的碳管 / 高分子复合材料必须解决两个关键因素:CNT 在高分子基体中的分散问题及其与高分子基体间的界面相互作用或粘结问题2-3 。为了实现纳米粘土 (nanoclay) 的剥离 (exfoliation)以及解决 CNT的分散问题,本研究工作将 CNT 用 CVD(化学气相沉积 ) 法催化生长在 nanoclay的片层表面,从而制备出三维的CNT-clay 纳米杂化粒子 ( 如图 1 所示 ) ,因此成功地实现了CNT 和 nanoclay的“共剥离”(co-exfoliation)4 。采用简单的熔融共混法制得了尼龙6(PA6)/(CNT-clay)复合材料 , 其样品脆断面的SEM照片表明纳米杂化粒子在PA6 基体中分散很均匀,没有观察到粒子的团聚现象(如图 2所示 ) ;另外,对拉伸样品的断面形貌研究表明:基本上没有发生杂化粒子的pullout现象,说明粒子与PA6 基体间存在强的界面粘结作用。力学性能测试结果表明,PA6/(CNT-clay)复合材料的拉伸强度和模量较纯PA6 有非常显著的提高:仅用2wt%CNT-clay 杂化粒子, PA6的强度和模量可分别提高约160%和 290%(如图 3 所示 ) 。 PA6 力学性能的显著增强主要归因于纳米粒子在聚合物基体中的均匀分散及其与基体间的强相互作用。Intercalationwith Fe2 O 3BlendingCVD growthof CNTswrapping by polymer chains图 1. CNT-clay杂化粒子制备过程示意图602400502000)401600aPM(htgn301200ertSdleiY20800Tensile Modulus (MPa)10400000. Concentration ( wt% )图 2. SEM 照片显示 CNT-clay 杂化图 3. PA6/(CNT-clay)复合材料的力学性能粒子在尼龙6 基体中的分散情况参考文献1 Coleman JN, Khan U, Gun ko YK. Mechanical reinforcement of polymers using carbon nanotubes. Adv. Mater., 2006, 18(6): 689.2 Zhang WD, Shen L, Phang IY , Liu TX. Morphology and mechanical properties of multiwalled carbon nanotubes reinforced nylon-6 composites. Macromolecules, 2004, 37(2): 256.3 Liu TX, Phang IY, Shen L, Chow SY, Zhang WD. Carbon nanotubes reinforced nylon-6 composite prepared by simple melt-compounding. Macromolecules, 2004, 37(19): 7214.4 Zhang WD, Phang IY , Liu TX. Growth of carbon nanotubes on clay: Unique nanostructured filler for high-performance polymer nanocomposites. Adv. Mater., 2006, 18(1): 73.Nylon 6 Composites Reinforced by Carbon Nanotube Hybrid FillersLiu Tianxi a, Zhang Weideba Department of Macromolecular Science, Key Laboratory of Molecular Engineering of Polymers ofChinese Ministry of Education, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433b Nano Science Research Center, College of Chemistry, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640Abstract Carbon nanotubes (CNT) has found wide applications in many fields due to its excellent physical and chemical properties (such as high modulus and strength, unique thermal and electrical conductivity). Among these applications, CNT has been considered to be ideal reinforcing nanofillers to fabricate polymer composites. However, two main challenges need to be solved for successfully preparing polymer/CNT composites: dispersion of CNT and interfacial adhesion between the nanotubes and polymer matrix. In this work, CNT has been catalyzed to grow onto the surface of nanoclay sheets thus forming three-dimensional CNT-clay “hybrid ”fillers. When being used into nylon 6, it has been found that the mechanical and thermal properties of the matrix are significantly enhanced. Microscopy observation shows that the formation of 3D hybrid filler greatly inhibits the aggregation of both CNT and nanoclay and achieves homogeneous dispersion throughout the matrix. SEM also illustrates strong interfacial adhesion between the hybrid fillers and the matrix, thus effectively facilitating the load transfer from the CNT to the matrix.Keywords : Carbon NanotubesNanoclayNylon 6Composites
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