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授课教案学员姓名:授课教师:所授科目:学员年级:上课时间:年 月曰时分至时分共小时教学标题定语从句(一)教学目标使学生元全且全面掌握who/whom/which/that/whose等关系代词的用法。教学重点1.that在定语从句既可指人也可指物。2.whose的用法。3.who在定语从句中指人,which指物。教学难点1.which/that/who/whom相互替换的情况。2.which/that/who/whom可以省略的情况。定语从句一、什么是定语?定语是对名词或代词起修饰、限定作用的单词、短语或句子,汉语中常用“的”表示。1) The little boy n eeds a red pen.2) I want to tell you something interesting.3) His bicycle n eeds repairi ng.4) Toms hair n eeds cutt ing.5) Two boys are play ing table tennis.6) Thirty stude nts atte nded the party.7) The hospital has twelve men nu rses.8) They are talk ing about a maths problem.9) The boy in the classroom is a frie nd of Mary.10) The boy in blue is Mike.11) The best boy here is Tom.12) The school there is a key middle school in our city.13) He is sitting in the smoking room.14) He gave an inspiring speech yesterday.15) The boy to write his letter is our monitor.16) There is nothing to do today.17) The pen bought by her is made in China.18) There are five boys left.二、 定语从句内涵:。1) That is the teacher whoteaches us physics.2) The factory which makescomputers is far awayfrom here.3) The house which is by the lake looks nice.4) The film which they we nt to see last ni ght was not in teresti ngat all.三、两个重要概念:先行词:被定语从句所修饰的对象。关系词:重复指代先行词、起连接主句和从句的作用,并且在定语从句中充当一定陈分 的连接词成为关系词。四、关系代词在从句中充当的成分:1. 关系词充当从句的主语,用 who/which/that。1) The woma n is a famous dan cer and she lives n ext door.改写:.2) I like guys and they have a good sense of humor.改写:.3) We are study ing senten ces. They con ta in adjective clauses.改写:.4) He likes climb ing mountains and it is a good exercise.改写:.5) He tore up my photo and this upset me.改写:.6) There is this differe nee betwee n happ in ess and wisdom: the pers on who thi nks himselfthe happiest man really is so; but the pers on who thi nks himself the wisest is gen erally the greatest fool.2. 关系词充当从句动词的宾语,用who/whom/which/that。1) I really like to find a friend and I can trust him completely.改写:.2) He is the best grammar teacher and I have ever see n him.改写:.3) He is the student and the teacher likes to praise him for his hard work.改写:.4) They we nt to see the film lastni ght and the film was notin teresti ngat all.改写:.注:区分各种关系代词在从句中可做的成分。1) who指人,在定语从句中作主语。The boysarefrom Class One. 正在踢足球的男孩是一班的。Yesterday I helped an old man.昨天我帮助了一位迷路的老人。2. whom指人,在定语从句中做宾语,常可省略。MrLiu is the persononthe bus.刘先生就是你们在公共汽车上谈论的那个人。The professorhas come.你正在等的教授已经来了。3. which指物,在定语从句中做主语或宾语,做宾语时常可省略。Helikes to read books.他喜欢外国作家写的书。This is the pen.这是他昨天买的钢笔。4. that指人时,相当于 who或whom指物时,相当于 which。在定语从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时常可省略。Whereis the man?我今天早上看至卩的那个人在哪儿?Thepersonis very kind.你介绍给我的那个人很友好。The seasonis summer. 春天以后的季节是夏季。Yesterday I received a letter.昨天我收到了一圭寸来自澳大禾U亚的信。3.表示人和物的所有关系,在从句中充当定语,用whose二of whom和of which。1) I know a frie nd. His brother is a pop sin ger.改写:.2) These childre n sit in a classroom. It改写1: win dows are all broke n.改写2:.3) It was a meet in g. I did n改写1:改写2:realize its importa nee at the time.4)注意:指物时,常用下列结构来代替:The classroom whosedoor is broken will soon be repaired.The classroom the door of which is broken will soon be repaired.Doyou like the book whosecover is yellow?改写课堂作业1.判断正误并修改。1) I enjoy the music that we are liste ning to it.2) The people which live next to me are frie ndly.3) He is the man who he taught me En glish.4) I gave the book to him that he n eeded it.5) The airli ne has a booklet who will tell you most of the importa nt thi ngs about a tripto Europe.6) The man which told me the n ews refused to give me his n ame.7) The book which I bought it at the bookstore was very useful.8) I met a woma n who her husba nd is a famous lawyer.2.将下列定语从句中的that改为who或which,并判断哪些关系词可以省去9) The girl that an swered the phone was polite.10) I didn know any of the people that Bill invited to his party.11) I like the barber that usually cuts my hair.12) The person that I admire most is my father.13) The people that I meet at the party last night were very nice.14) The people that live next to me have three cars.15) The soup that I had for lunch was too salty.16) The pill that I took made me sleepy.17) My daughter asked me a question that I couldnanswer.18) The man that my sister goes out with is tall, dark and handsome.19) I couldn understand the woman that I talked to on the phone.课后作业一、将下面每一组的两个简单句合并为一个定语从句,用第二个句子作定语。1) The girl is happy. She won the race.2) The stude nt is from America.He sits n ext to me.3) The boy was not badly hurt. The boy fell from a tree.4) The taxi driver was friendly. He took me to the airport name of the person.5) I can remember the name of the person. I gave the money to him.6) The employees had to retire. They had reached the age of sixty-five.7) The teacher spoke to the boys. The
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