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2022年高考英语一轮复习Module6TheTangPoemsTheWorldsCulturalHeritage高效演练稳达标外研版选修单句语法填空1. The government remended that the site (close)and repaired. 2. Chinas agricultural development has made a great (contribute)to the world. 3. The note pinned on the wall is (remind)me of the meeting time. 4. It was very sharp you to have noticed that. 5. well prepared you are, you still need a lot of luck in finding a suitable job. 6. Apart the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs. 7. The manager gave him a task, which was rather difficult (plete). 8. It remains (see)whether weve got enough support. 答案:1. (should)be closed 2. contribution 3. to remind 4. of 5. However 6. from 7. to plete 8. to be seen 单句改错1. The old man is ready to help others without expecting anything on return. _2. Making a good impression on the interviewers is of vital important. _3. Except from his schoolwork, he also takes interest in many things. _4. Ill just call Sylvia to remind her of that we are meeting at 8 oclock. _5. With this cushion, the chair will be more fortable to sit. _6. The seized soldier appealed to his enemy to have mercy to him. _7. He was always ready to help others, in return for, he was also helped by everyone. _8. Having reminded many times, he finally gave up the habit of smoking. _答案:1. onin 2. importantimportance 3. ExceptApart4.去掉of 5. sit后加on 6. 最后一个toon或haveshow7. 去掉for 8.在having后加been【教材变形题组】教材与语法填空根据课文内容, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。In the 1920s, archaeologists discovered some 1. _(remain)of prehistoric civilization at Zhoukoudian, about 50 kilometres south-west of Beijing. These discoveries 2. _(prove)the existence of a human species living in the area between 700, 000 and 200, 000 years ago. 3. _(fortunate), when Japan invaded China in 1937, most of the fossils disappeared, 4. _(include)a Beijing Man skull. Zhoukoudian was listed as a world heritage site in December, 1987 because it provides important information about prehistoric Asian societies and the evidence about 5. _process of evolution. 6. _, today Zhoukoudian is in serious danger due to rain and exposure to the air. Pollution from nearby cement factories has also contributed to the problem. The site is extremely expensive 7. _(maintain). However, if nothing is done to repair it, it could be removed from the list. The archaeologists have remended that the general public 8. _(encourage)to raise public awareness about it and help by contributing 9. _the cost of repairing it. They are a precious part of our cultural heritageit is 10. _vital importance that we do something. 答案:1. remains 2. proved 3. Unfortunately 4. including 5. the6. However 7. to maintain 8. (should)be encouraged 9. to 10. of . 教材与短文改错根据课文内容, 对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。The Living Treasures Program was originated in Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1984 and has now spread to dozen of other munities across the country. It started when the Network for the mon Good was establishing to celebrate the lives of members of the older generation. Twice a year, the program honoured three older New Mexicans for their achievements in their working life, or because their contribution to the cultural and social life, or just because they have such good stories to tell about“the old days”. There is a ceremony which the whole town is invited. Friend and neighbours of the living treasures tell stories. After everyone else has spoke, the living treasures give a speech. It is amazed that the ceremony holds the munity altogether. 答案: 1. 第一句中去掉was2. 第一句dozen改为dozens3. 第二句establishing改为established4. 第三句honoured改为honours5. 第三句because之后加of6. 第四句which前面加to7. 第五句Friend改为Friends8. 第六句spoke改为spoken9. 第七句amazed改为amazing10. 第七句altogether改为together. 教材与话题写作用本模块所学知识完成下列句子, 并按照逻辑连成短文。1. The old picture hanging on the wall_my devoted father. 挂在墙上的老照片让我想起了我的慈父。2. _in the fields, he often helped our neighbours, for which he_. 除了做地里所有的农活, 他还经常帮助邻居, 为此人们非常尊重他。3. He_for the family but desired for nothing_. 他为家庭做出了很多牺牲却从不期望得到什么回报。4. He never_anything or described to us what hardship he had_in his life. 他从不抱怨什么或向我们描述他所经历的生活上的艰辛。5. After my graduation from college, he_that I should bee a teacher. It was_to provide children with good education, as it_changing a p
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